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When is it "enough" money?
  • Part of the problem is that most people will spend most of their time around people of a similar wealth level. They will therefore always be around people richer than themselves and generally see less people that are much poorer (at least in a personal context).

    This means that 'rich' people don't feel rich. (Unless they are self aware enough to realise it). It also means that your references for morals etc are now other rich people rather than 'normal' people (although it's normal to them!)

    Therefore, they always want to acquire more money, and their references for how to go about that are the richer people who have already done similar things.

  • jwz: Mozilla is an advertising company now
  • Do Firefox forks support the same Firefox addon ecosystem, or do they have smaller selections/manual steps?

  • [ESPN F1] Lewis Hamilton has now claimed a podium in F1 in the last 18 consecutive years ๐Ÿ
  • Who wants to bet that Ferrari will break the streak for him ๐Ÿคฃ

  • 2024 Spanish Grand Prix - [RACE] discussion thread ๐ŸŽ๏ธ
  • I'm having to listen in Portuguese today, anything cropped up pre race I should know about?

  • Options for non-smart TV in UK 2024?
  • It's probably worth going to a specialist shop and asking questions

  • Do you recognise any usernames on Lemmy?
  • Blaze is of every instance! they have so many accounts!

  • Switching from beef to chicken isnโ€™t as much of a sustainability flex as you might think | Chicken vs. beef is a false binary
  • Is this an American, no animal welfare regulations environmental problem or a global one?

    The strange thing here substitution wise is that IMO fake chicken is closer to real chicken in quality than fake beef is (that you can get as mince anyway). So it's easier to substitute out the chicken than the beef.

  • Any lemmies that are politically neutral?
  • It's extremely had to be politically neutral for a global community.

    The centre of the political spectrum in one country might be left/right in another.

    Then comes the extreme ideologies, are they trolling or genuine? Is that opinion considered hateful in some countries?

    It's a complete minefield. Why would someone without an agenda to push even try? Most neutrals would just say 'no politics'.

  • Internet Archive forced to remove 500,000 books after publishersโ€™ court win
  • They should have poked the bear with a separate legal entity so the obvious resulting legal loss wouldn't effect their core operations.

    I support the idea as long as it's for dead authors/out of print books, but from what I understand they were just letting people 'borrow' anything? That's just stupid (if idealistic)

  • Anyone knows what happened to
  • Getting cremposting going would be great!

  • what Lemmy communities don't exist but you wish they did?
  • has been great since the admin swap.

  • Anyone knows what happened to
  • I messaged the admins on discord, it will be coming up again. Unknown ETA currently.

    Small instance problemsโ„ข

    Good to know it's missed though ๐Ÿ™‚

    Edit: link to their discord (Lemmy is just a part)

  • F1 could scrap hybrids in next rules change after 2026 - Domenicali
  • A hydrogen engine (not fuel cells) could be better, best of both worlds.

  • Check which party could win in your constituency under YouGov projection
  • Electoral calculus think a 9% lib dem victory ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ

  • Check which party could win in your constituency under YouGov projection
  • They split my constituency, so what I thought was going to be an easy lib dem victory may not be?!

  • F1 could scrap hybrids in next rules change after 2026 - Domenicali
  • Will the manufacturers be interested? Although I guess that a plain engine is much easier?

    I doubt it will happen.

  • Is there a website where I can upload stuff for free and the files stay there forever?
  • Free trials on most cloud storage providers should be free and remain forever* as long as you occasionally keep the account active.

    Obviously, nothing is forever, providers might go bust, close their free tiers etc.

  • Steam Deck Client Gets Small New Update To Fix Browser Issues
  • Anyone else having trouble with WiFi login pages not loading?

  • Nighed Nighed
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