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What are your favorite bands from more obscure, lesser known countries?
  • Traditional Argentinian music: Soledad or Los Chalchaleros

    Traditional Brazilian music: Chico Buarque or Caetano Veloso

    Traditional Brazilian music from the northeast: Luiz Gonzaga

    Argentinian Rock from the 60/70: Sui Generis or Pedro y Pablo

    Brazilian Rock from the 60/70: Cazuza or Raul Seixas

    Argentinian contemporary music: Bersuit Vergarabat

    Contemporary Brazilian Rock (there are tons of metal bands from Brazil, like Angra, Sepultura, Shaman, etc, but I want to point out one in specific): Matanza (although I would describe them more as a hardcore us country style than rock, they sing mostly in Portuguese so it has a very unique style)

    Comedy music is a great view into a society, so as a bonus:

    Argentinian homemade instrument band: Les Luthiers (this one is a YouTube link because realistically you want to see these guys, not just hear them)

    Brazilian Metal joke band: Massacration

  • Work from home
  • I have slack in it, because I don't like walking around with two phones, but I have it configured to stop notifying after hours. Also worth noting that I do have a phone from the company, it's just that I find it cumbersome to walk around with two phones.

  • Do billionaires work monday to friday like all 9-5s?
  • I feel people still don't understand how much a billion is. One Million dollars would still be life changing for most people here, but consider that 1 million seconds ago was 11 days ago, 1 Billion seconds ago was 31 years ago.

    To put it in another perspective, a very bad investment would yield you 0.1% monthly. This means that if a billionaire was to invest money the worst way possible, he would have to spend over 1 Million dollars per month to ever decrease his fortune.

    If you had an infinite money machine, that as long as you don't spend more than a million per month it just keeps on growing, would you ever work? Yeah, thought so, billionaires are the same, they might have hobbies, and those hobbies might be something others consider work, but they're not working.

    I personally believe that if a person ever gets 1 Billion dollars he should receive a letter congratulating them for winning capitalism, and informing them that any cent above 1 Billion will be taxed at 99.9999% (including investments).

  • What's up with all the "___punk" stuff?
  • While I agree it's infuriating the use of -punk for non-rebellious things, there were several other -punks before 2000s. The main one that comes to mind is Gothic-punk, which has been used in Vampire the masquerade since 91 to express the game's gothic and rebellious influences.

  • Cloudflare is bad. Youre right.
  • Thanks, I'm checking that out, but can't find any "add services" button. Alsp someone mentioned IONOS, which is local to me and doesn't seem to have bandwidth limits... I was trying to find the poop and they require lots of personal info just to get the account setup, still a bit torn there.

  • Cloudflare is bad. Youre right.
  • That would be awesome, currently it's 500GB for their cheaper option which starts at 23/year. I didn't find an option to increase the bandwidth before completing the order. Also it needs to be deployed in NY (which would be possibly slow for me in Europe). Finally their isos are somewhat old, the latest Ubuntu they have is 20.04 (which has an EoL next year).

    All that being said, 23/year is very cheap for a VPS, and for people in the US that use less than 500GB/month that's the best deal I've ever seen.

  • Cloudflare is bad. Youre right.
  • Do you have an alternative to cloudflare tunnels? I'd love to hear it, because I'm also not really happy about relying on them either, but tailscale only works up to an extent because not all devices can connect to it and it's a pain in the ass to get random family members to connect to it as well.

  • Linus Torvalds and Richard Stallman
  • Should we call it X/GNU/Linux as to not downplay the work the people at Xorg put in? Also possibly Systemd/X/GNU/Linux, how about Plasma/Systemd/X/GNU/Linux, and since nowadays browsers do most of the tasks I think it's only fair Firefox/Plasma/Systemd/X/GNU/Linux, or maybe Chromium/GNOME/Dinit/Wayland/Musl/Linux, you know what these two have in common? Just the Kernel, but you would say they're both the same OS.

    I'm not saying GNU is not great nor am I saying that they didn't contributed or that they're worthless. But GNU is not special, X, Systemd, and other such components are just as essentials to Linux as GNU, and no one claims they should be added to the name of the OS.

  • Why does nobody here ever recommend Fedora to noobs?
  • Long story short, Fedora is RedHat, RedHat is mostly aimed at companies, so most random users haven't encountered it. I used Fedora for a few months, a Friend of mine was very passionate about it, I personally didn't find anything special about it and disliked rpm at the time, so I ended up switching back to Mint (I think it's what I was using at the time).

    So, long story short, people are not recommending it because they're not using it, but I know a few people who use it and swear by it, so it looks like you're on the road to join their club, and don't let anyone tell you you should be using any other distro, as long as you find something that works for you, that's what matters.

    That being said have you tried Kubuntu? I feel lots of what you had issues with could be the old GNOME vs KDE argument.

  • Why does nobody here ever recommend Fedora to noobs?
  • The thing is that this is not something that happens, I remember when I first started using Linux, I got lots of weird problems like that, eventually they stopped happening, and for a while I thought Linux had gotten way better, until one day I was going through some backups and I found a xorg.file with a typo, and then I had the revelation that I had been breaking random stuff without realizing it.

    You mentioned that the monitor doesn't work on a fresh Ubuntu install, but does it work on the live iso? You also mentioned having to run several commands and tweaks after installation on Ubuntu but not on Fedora, did the monitor work before those tweaks or could it be that one of those caused it?

    I know such errors can be frustrating, and if you're happy with Fedora there's no reason to look back. BTW this is not a "you're using your system wrong", but you might be causing the issue without realizing it, I know I was when I was in your shoes, and probably would be angry at people telling me that because I was sure I hadn't done anything.

  • Why does nobody here ever recommend Fedora to noobs?
  • Curiously that's not as accurate as you might think. Different systems use memory differently, even just between different Ubuntu flavors or customizations. 1-2 crashes a week is not normal, unless it was consistently happening when you did something specific. Also, what exactly do you mean by crashing? Did you get a black screen with some error or the computer would just freeze or reboot?

    That being said I don't think this is likely to be a hardware issue. One thing that comes to mind is maybe swap, did you had swap on Ubuntu and do you have swap on Fedora now? If Linux runs out of memory it freezes, having swap prevents it from doing so, so if you have low enough memory it's possible that it would get filled up and freeze your system without swap (Windows has the equivalent by default)

  • My workplace has a budget for office ergonomic upgrades, what should I ask for?
  • In the past my wrists used to hurt, my father had carpal tunnel and I didn't want to risk it, so I switched to a keyboard centric WM and switched to a trackball. I haven't experienced wrist pain in years, although I think it might be mostly related to the keyboard centric WM since I went back to a mouse for gaming a while back and when my trackball broke I didn't bother getting a new one.

    That being said trackballs are amazing for working on limited spaces or soft surfaces (e.g. a couch or bed), once I've gotten used to it I could work on the sofa just as efficiently as I would on a desk without extra monitors, but now my desk has two large monitors and plenty of space for the mouse, so it's less of an issue.

  • NSFW
    Female-to-male rape, (how) does it happen without roofies?
  • There are a few misconceptions in your logic.

    1. Force is required to rape
    2. Erections are controllable

    Both of them are easy to disprove, but not obvious at first sight.

    For 1 consider any case where a woman might have power (not physical) over a man, e.g. blackmail, teacher, parole officer, boss, etc. Another possibility to remember are weapons or physical threats to a third party. Also you should remember that humans have a fight/flight/freeze response, so a third of humans would just freeze regardless of being able to overpower their attacker. Finally there's also the possibility of even without any threat, even being able to think properly, and knowing that he could physically overpower a female attacker, a man might not do it for fear of legal or moral repercussions, e.g. being thought not to hit girls or believing that no one would believe that he was defending himself. In fact lots of women who get raped don't try to fight back or escape, believing (sometimes accurately) that their attacker would worsen the offense if they did that, e.g. by killing them (even if no threat was made), it's not uncommon for rape victims to feel ashamed and guilt about not having fought back, and by saying that men can't get raped because they could theoretically overpower their attacker you're indirectly saying that any woman who doesn't fight back with all her might is not being raped either, because they could have overpowered their attacker of they tried.

    For 2, erections (and even ejaculation) are physical responses, in fact you can make a corpse get a hard on and cum (some wives do it to preserve their husbands sperm). This is no different from women getting wet or having orgasms while being raped (both of which are common), it means nothing, it's just a physical reaction to a physical stimulus. In fact lots of victims (both men and women), especially those in abusive relationships think they deserve that because of those physiological reactions. To put it in simpler terms, saying a men can't be raped because if they got an erection it means they wanted it is like saying that people can't be stabbed because if they bled is because they wanted the knife.

  • Sorry I can't do it.
  • The mouse is Logitech, which afaik doesn't have any issues (at least all of my Logitech mice have always just worked).

    The drivers can impact performance worse on some games and cause glitches in others. I remember a while back getting some texture issues on Nvidia but not on nouveau (even though the performance was worse).

  • Sorry I can't do it.
  • First of all nothing to apologize, no one should be forcing anyone to use any OS.

    Secondly, you shouldn't start with Arch, it's a very manual process that has several small things that can be done wrong. I recommend you try Mint, Pop or any other beginner friendly distro, you can still tinker and customize them as much as you want, but you will be starting from something that works instead of having to build a working system from the ground up without knowing what that looks like.

  • Sorry I can't do it.
  • That's exactly the reason you shouldn't recommend Arch for new users. New users, even those who like to tinker, don't want to read pages upon pages of wikis to get basic shit working. They want something that works that they can tinker with.

    90% sure OP installed the wrong drivers, probably because he missed some note on which to install or a configuration to switch them. Also very likely the mouse issue is related to some random udev rule or package he installed trying to solve something, Logitech mouses just work out of the box.

    Don't get me wrong, I love Arch, have been using it as my main distro for over 15 years, but it's definitely NOT for new users, even those who like to tinker with their system, Ubuntu is just as tinkerable, but Arch you need to build up. Imagine someone saying they are interested in decorating their home and you recommend them to build their house from scratch while having nowhere to live. This is why it's important that new users have a comfortable place they can go back if things don't work, and if you don't give it to them they'll obviously return to Windows.

  • Sorry I can't do it.
  • Linux at work and Linux for gaming are two very different beasts. For example, you didn't mention which drivers and DE (or WM) you're using which are the most crucial part to how games run, and both of which need to be manually configured on Arch but come pre-configured or are a couple clicks away in other distros.

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