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understanding reality is tough for some people
  • This is probably the best way to deal with someone in these situations. No insults, no arguments, just "I thought you were smarter than that". It might actually make them think about it rather than dismiss you out of hand.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • But she doesn't have more moderate views than the rest of her party. The article mentions several of her policy ideas that are as or more extreme than what the party line is.

  • Why the Internet Isn’t Fun Anymore
  • I feel you on the radio aspect, I cycle through all my presets on my 25 minute commute because so many of them are just ads for 5 minutes. And for some reason my rural area has 4 classic rock stations but I can't find one that plays anything modern but pop and pop-country.

  • Public Transit my beloved 😍
  • There are ways to do this in a walkable city.

    If a grocery store is within walking distance why not make a trip of it with the whole family? Many hands make light work. Or, just because a city is human focused instead of car focused doesn't mean no cars at all (at least in the way I would implement it) you could rent a car for a few hours every couple of weeks.

    Obviously these ideas won't work for everyone but they're just off the top of my head, and unfortunately there is no system that will work for everyone. We just have to try for works better.

  • Public Transit my beloved 😍
  • Great to hear, that is actually a lot better than I would have expected. It would still be ideal if you could use it as easily as someone not using a wheelchair but we do have to live in the real world and accommodating everyone is complicated and expensive.

  • Google's enshittification memos
  • These sorts of things always make me wonder how much of this is hubris and how much is stupidity. Do they really not see how bad it is to just replace your search results without telling you and charge advertisers for you not searching their brand or did they know and just didn't think that anyone could catch them?

    We constantly hear about executives being completely out of touch with the real world, but we also see them just not understanding the basics of business. It really could be either but it's probably a fair bit of both.

  • we shouldn't promote individual responsibility *instead* of corporate accountability. we should promote individual responsibility *because it leads to* corporate accountability
  • I don't think I agree with this, I know I became more aware and more empathetic after I was able to improve my financial situation. I believe that a lot more people do care or would care than you think, it's just that their energy and focus is on survival and trying to live in a world where you're told spending=happiness.

    Maybe it's naive but I have a fair bit of faith in people doing the right thing when given a chance and a way to.

  • there is Indeed a problem
  • This is a great piece of advice thanks for sharing it!

    I've tried the CGI frames before but none of them look like real glass to me. I do have a big head though so that's probably a part of it.

  • "How can we make lemmy a safer place for women? Is it even possible to?" -
  • In addition to this, the Internet is (mostly) anonymous, you don't know if you're talking to an edgy 14 year old saying things to get a reaction or if it is someone who actually thinks those terrible things. The former needs compassion and teaching while the latter needs to face consequences of some kind. Neither of those should be the job of a random person moderating a forum.

  • Canada mulling ‘game plan’ if U.S. takes far-right, authoritarian shift.
  • You should take another look at what the CPC is focusing on. At their convention this month they voted on what to focus on as a party; two anti-trans policies passed the policy for affordable housing did not. Is the CPC as far right as the US Republican party, no they're not, but Poilievre is happy to court people who are. Also he won't answer non-vetted questions which is a different issue but still rubs me the wrong way.

  • The Conservative Party Has No Real Solutions For The Affordability Crisis
  • I mean you can talk to the people you elect, it just doesn't do anything. I talked to my MPP just the other day about if he would support back to work legislation for teachers, they've been working for over a year without a contract and all he would say about is "we're trying to keep students in the classroom". He never did give me a straight answer about it.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (

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