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Under capitalism
  • Fuck this stupid communist site. Ight imma head out.

  • quick reminder
  • Still communist tho

  • quick reminder
  • You just described healthcare system in soviet union. Instead of money vodka was used, as money was worthless, and there were no foods in grocery stores. Doctors were drunk and barley came to work. Communism just makes everything even more worse than it already is. There so many horror stories you don't hear.

  • quick reminder
  • Yes, yes plenty of food and healthcare is so professional, it's like paradise on earth.

  • How i feel on Lemmy
  • No sane people would agree. You should talk to actual people from east Europe and not look at these stupid articles, everybody around me hate soviet union

  • quick reminder
  • Y'all should move to Cuba

  • How i feel on Lemmy
  • Yeah this is really messed up, I still don't know if I am going to stay on this site, too much annoying commies here

  • Adopt your introvert today
  • Oh, a Bocchi community, nice

  • My Lemmy experience so far
  • And communists, so many communists

  • What's your "old person" trait?
  • You are all making me feel old and I'm in my twenties

  • What's your "old person" trait?
  • I don't get why people think that way. 30 is not that old, it would be considered old if you lived in middle ages but not now.

  • I logged in to Reddit today
  • Completely agree, it's like when Youtube removed dislikes, it's not helping people, it just makes things more complicated.

  • What's your "old person" trait?
  • These are not old person traits, these are just things that most people agree upon.

  • reddit moment
  • Relay you are gonna be missed

  • Fuck yeah, r/android is still on lockdown
  • As it should be, all the subreddits that was part of this protest should have done that and not given the end date

  • 4 days before reddit's 3rd party app shutdown, Lemmy daily active users has skyrocketed 1600% this month
  • This is great news for Lemmy, let's hope that community grows even larger, as more users leave reddit.

  • Should Lemmy have Karma?
  • No. There would be so many reposts and low effort posts and those annoying ''funny'' comments.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • I was a Relay user, I still browse reddit on desktop via old reddit with RES, but if they remove that I am gone.

  • Nano Nano

    it is what it is

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    Comments 22