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  • As a Christian, I couldn't agree more! Let the kid learn about the different religious beliefs! I've been learning about otherreligionns and they are all pretty cool!

  • good torrent sites for games? specifically niche or indie games?

    When I go to a site like 1337x or tgx, they never have smaller games, and if they do, they have no seeders.

    Recommended multiplayer FPS?
  • ahem might I recommend the popular class based fps TF2?

  • Deleted
  • Pixel 4, and lineage os. Privacy and limited google apps.

  • What "little" experiences changed the way you percieved things ?
  • I recently quit my managers position so I could have more time to work on growing an audience on YouTube! I know that sounds stupid but the job was kinda toxic and this has been a big dream of mine for a while now. Wish me luck!

  • askBeehaw: should copyright even exist at all? and if it should, how long *should* the ideal term of copyright be?
  • I'm begging the holders for asthma medication to release the patent/copyright? So that I won't have to pay a fortune to breathe. Money is also tight right now so im litteraly rationing what medicine I have left.

  • DuckDuckGo browser beta for Windows bakes in a lot of privacy tools
  • When are the Firefox forks gonna get popular? We need browser diversity as a fear of mine is that google will make chromium closed source and poof! More than half of the completing browsers are gone!

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Eat carbs, drink Gatorade or Powerade and poop before hand. Bro whatever you're doing I expect an update post!

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • its been AGES sense I watched those lol. Think I still have the disks so I might rip em and make a torrent sometime in the future if you want.

  • MrDude MrDude
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    Comments 8