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What occupation requires the most education/training only to be very low paid?
  • I know two teachers personally. This is not the case in my discussions with them and others. Maybe you can enlighten me on what does take 10 hours of time daily?

    From speaking them they are absolutely not working from 8:0am - 6:00pm on every day.

    Lesson plans are inherited from prior teachers and … yes continuously updated during the year but not at a major time cost every day. Grading takes a few hours for one day either on the weekend or in the evening.

    And yes they complain about it constantly… it seems more a cultural thing. They also complain about other teachers complaining 🤣

    I’m not touching the issue of summers off because yes that is a different thing, and yes it’s quite hard for them to get real employment.

    Again salaries should be higher and support teachers not assuming they can work in the summer… but why conflate this with the daily hours ( which are frankly good as stated by those who I know in the profession as a reason they like and took the job)

  • What occupation requires the most education/training only to be very low paid?
  • Teachers are horrendously underpaid, but they need to stop complaining about the “hours”. It rings disingenuous to most who know the job.

    Unless they are taking afterschool roles they work generally 8-3:00 with a potentially a few hours of work after for grading and lesson planning. This is along with numerous holidays / admin days during the school year.

    I say this knowing personally a few teachers who complain about hours, and it seems to be a cultural thing not based in their reported real experiences.

    The salary is shit, at least for non-senior roles in my state, but that is not a lot of hours relative to the average wage earner.

  • Useful idiot
  • I understand your definition and can relate to this being a (privileged) element of left discourse. That being said I question if your attribution of this definition to a broader category of your own making… “the white left” is helpful to anyone. If you feel it is keep throwing it around I guess

  • ‘Will I ever retire?’: millennials wonder what’s on the other side of middle age
  • A bunch of anecdotes and questions. No answers, historical context on change from defined benefit programs to 401ks under Raegan/Clinton, and no policy prescriptions.

    Or hey, how about calling out the growth labor productivity and corresponding lack of growth in real income, if you want the even slightly radical in your take on the concentration of power in capital… but no

    Useless fear-mongering article- not wrong though

  • USC cancels graduation ceremony and dozens are arrested on other campuses as anti-war protests grow
  • Why is everyone afraid of college students protesting? I mean this police state response goes back to before Kent State and Tianemen square no doubt.

    Well if it’s frightening- keep it up! There must be some form of agency there

  • Ukraine war: G7 threatens sanctions if Iran sends Russia ballistic missiles
  • Using academic terms like the Global South doesn’t instantly make you smart or right.

    Especially when you consider both geographically and historically Russia has been part of the Global North. Often guilty of the exact same exploitation (or as in Ukraine much worse) as it’s peer set…

  • Ivanka Trump, Jared Kushner Visit Hamas Attack Site in Israel — The Wall Street Journal

    Trip comes as U.S. voters criticize Biden over his response to war

    Ivanka Trump, Jared Kushner Visit Hamas Attack Site in Israel — The Wall Street Journal

    Why? And in what world is billionaires’ tourism “news”. Damn Ghouls enjoying some disaster tourism!

    ‘The KHP waged war’: Federal judge orders end of Kansas trooper ‘two-step’ maneuver ‘The KHP waged war’: Federal judge orders end of Kansas trooper 'two-step' maneuver - Kansas Reflector

    The Kansas Highway Patrol has been ordered to stop its infamous “two-step” technique by a federal judge, who decreed it unconstitutional.

    ‘The KHP waged war’: Federal judge orders end of Kansas trooper 'two-step' maneuver - Kansas Reflector

    Kansas illegally searched out of state drivers. Pressing the question… why would you ever want to go to Kansas.

    … quick article highlight, it turns out most drivers targeted were just passing through to visit states without a police force trained to violate the constitution

    But the ACLU helped fight the case all the way to the US Federal District Court on behalf of many motorists who doubtlessly never wanted to go back to the state again, even if to protest their rights in court

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