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Linus Tech Tips (LTT) release investigation results on former accusations
  • My guy, that's a common business practice. If the third party skewed the results to favor their client, they risk massive reputation and monetary losses.

    That's how any auditing works.

    Look up Arthur Andersen and what happened to them.

  • Which do you prefer? A triple monitor setup? Or one single 32:9 ultrawide monitor?
  • 3 monitors for me

    Simply because I want 2 stacked on top of each other with 1 more vertical on the side for apps like Discord, Notepad, etc.

    It has a lot to do with my job, though. Otherwise, I would've just taken 2 monitors.

    Ultrawides don't have this versatility. They are great for immersion, however.

  • Okay fam, I'm done with lag. What GPUs will give me buttery smooth VR performance?
  • "One that will never let me see a frame drop again?" None, that's just how it is.

    As for one that will give you a satisfactory performance? It depends.

    Personally, I mainly play Beat Saber, so even my 6700xt is capable enough, despite all the shortcomings AMD has in VR.

    What you want to do is check what kind of games you're playing, what resolution you want to play them at, what amount of money you're willing to spend, and choose the GPU that fits all of that.

  • Which game series had the worst anniversary celebration?
  • Genshin Impact's first anniversary was the most horrendous one I've seen.

    They couldn't even bother to send out an in-game message to congratulate the players.

    What they did instead is paying thousands of dollars for Twitter emojis and dishing out a few give-away events where you had to practically advertise for the game to enter. Were you guaranteed to get any reward? No.

    Essentially, instead of even acknowledging the anniversary, they made players advertise their game.

    They were also supposed to introduce a paid bundle with some cosmetic items alongside a free concert stream (the concert was pretty good). But that was after the anniversary. Keep the bundle in mind, however.

    What did it lead to?

    • Thousands of outraged players flooded social media.
    • Their discord was spammed with "qiqi fallen" emote (one of the characters laying on her back with a blank stare).
    • Review bombing got to the point where even Google Classrooms became one of the casualties

    I'm probably missing some other details, but this lasted for weeks.

    After a long while of non-communication, the devs gave in and finally decided to give players something. This "something" turned out to be the bundle that was supposed to be paid content alongside some (read "very little") in-game resources. There was also another another giveaway event with, this time, guaranteed rewards. The rewards were, practically, you either get a scooter or one cent. Needless to say, it left a sour taste afterward.

    Honestly, it felt like a slap in the face, but it was enough for the things to start calming down.

    So far, even though they're still very stingy with any sort of rewards, they at least make sure to congratulate the players somehow and give something.

  • If you break a Nazi's arm he has 50 percent less arms to do Nazi shit with.
  • Disregarding people who use Nazi as just a slur for people they don't like, Nazi are people who support Nazism, also known as National Socialism (it has nothing to do with Socialism, BTW), which is deeply associated with Adolf Hitler. It's a form of fascism with a sprinkle of anti-democracy and pro-dictatorship on top. Think antisemitism + racism + white supremacy + anti-communism + social Darwinism. It's attributed to far-right, but using a more modern political compass far-up would be more appropriate since it's more about control than economics.

    For full background on why it's so universally hated (if the aforementioned wasn't enough), Hitler was a dictator who ruled over Nazi Germany back in the first middle of 20th century. Under his rule, millions were inhumanely slaughtered for not fitting Nazi's standard of a human being. Then, under Hitler, they went on to create a war that involved nearly all of the continents (from the top of my head, at least Europe, Asia, North America, and Africa), hence the name World War 2 (the first one was in 1914-1918, this one went on from 1939 to 1945). They killed combatants, they killed civilians, they killed children, they worked people to their deaths, they humiliated them, and they tortured them.

    All in all, the Second World War took away around 80 million people. The vast majority were people from the Soviet Union (~23-24%) and China (~19-20%). The third place took Germany with less than 8%. About 62% of all deaths were civilians.

    That's what they did. They practically wiped out one huge country because they didn't see them as humans.

    Every 5th-6th person was dead in Poland. Every 7th-8th in Soviet Union, every 9th in Germany.

    That's why they're not just hated, but despised with burning passion.

    On a side-note, what's insane to me is how little attention is given to the atrocities Japan caused in China. Soviet Union is at least getting talked about, but Japanese people have no idea their ancestors did this. As a Russian, I knew that China had it rough, to say the least. But I didn't know it was to that extent! And 80% of those were civilians.

    Edit: Re-reading the question, I may have taken it too literally, thinking "what's a Nazi?" instead of "what exactly do they mean by "Nazi"?". Whoops, but I guess it doesn't hurt anyway.

  • VR still makes 40-70% of players want to throw up, and that's a huge problem for the companies behind it
  • Have you tried it, though? Because I did, and I gotta tell you that it's worth trying out even if at least once.

    Now, it's nowhere near where it needs to be for flawless experience and productivity purposes. But for games? It really is cool.

  • Chechnya bans all music deemed too fast or too slow
  • In Soviet Union, the rock genre was for a very long time existing underground due to the inability of artists to be properly published.

    Only starting with the 1980s could the artists finally publish their songs officially. And even then Soviet government put a lot of measures to prohibit rock music in the country.

    This resulted in the appearance of many beloved bands and artists, like

    • Kino (tl. Cinema),
    • DDT,
    • Aria,
    • Chaif,
    • Grazhdanskaya Oborona (tl. Civil Defense),
    • Mashina Vremeni (tl. Time machine),
    • Sektor Gaza (tl. Gas Sector)
    • Korol i Shut (tl. King and Jester)
    • And many others

    The history of Russian rock is actually quite fascinating. It was inspired by bard songs and often touched darker subjects as well as being satirical and judgmental of Soviet government.

    Due to that, some artists, like Yegor Letov from Grazhdanskaya Oborona and Yuri Shevchuk from DDT, had troubles with KGB (Soviet FBI).

    Nowadays, rock artists are still being persecuted for their views. For example, DDT is de facto prohibited from performing in Russia.

  • Bernie Sanders unveils 32-hour workweek bill with no loss in pay for workers
  • Oh, yeah, absolutely. Price policy is a whole different topic. Only monopolies can afford to increase them just because they're not meeting the expected quota.

    Don't know about "retaliatory measure", it's hard to imagine companies uniting like that over it. Usually, they just play by the rules, and those could be the new rules (strong emphasis on "usually"). In fact, if the management is competent, it's likely that they have already accounted for it, just in case, after the news dropped.

  • Bernie Sanders unveils 32-hour workweek bill with no loss in pay for workers
  • Let's assess the effects this change could cause on real numbers.

    Note: This is a duplicate of a part of a comment I've written here above as a response, but I don't want it to be buried. Hope that's fine

    I'll take Nutrien's 2023 audited financial statement as an example. (Numbers in brackets are what's deducted to get what's not in brackets)

    • Sales - 29056
    • Freight, transportation, distribution - (974)
    • Cost of goods sold - (19608)
    • EBIT - 8474
    • Interest - (w/e)
    • EBT - 1952
    • Taxes - (670)
    • Net earning - 1282

    Out of cost of goods sold (2858) is cost of labour, let's also add (626) from general administrative expenses, and just say it's all wages.

    • Effective tax rate - 670/1952*100% = 34,3% (wow, that's a lot for where I live, also ignoring mining tax for simplicity)

    Let's see what happens to our efficiency if the changes take effect.

    All of costs can be divided into Fixed and Variable ones. Labour, in this case, is Variable because we can manipulate it by employing more staff to compensate for reduction in working hours and keep the sales at the same rate. (Contract workers are usually Fixed Cost, but it's all relative, as no Fixed Cost is ever truly fixed.)

    Going from 40 => 32, we have a 20% reduction in working hours. Mind you, this doesn't mean there will be a 20% hit to productivity. It may be more, it may be less (most likely less), for simplicity let's say it's 20%. So, we need 20% more workers to compensate. (2858+626)*120%=4180.8

    • New EBT = 1952 + 2858 + 626 - 4180.8 = 1255.2
    • New net profit = 1255.2*(1-34.3%) = 824.7. Mind you, the effective tax rate will probably be lower if employment affects deductibles and/or grants tax privileges.

    So, our net profit margin went from 1282/29056 = 4.4% to 2.8%. Looks bad at first glance, but it's also a bad year. A year prior net profit margin was at whopping 20.3%, so a decrease from 4.4% to 2.8% would be nothing in comparison.

    Will it result in increased prices? Yes, but it will also lead to economic growth, because more free time = people spend more money = companies earn more = companies grow faster, but so does inflation. If they can manage the inflation, I don't see why this couldn't be possible.

  • Bernie Sanders unveils 32-hour workweek bill with no loss in pay for workers
  • Edit: you said "but nobody's explaining the economics to me", here you go, here's the basics of corporate financial management with real numbers and a tiny bit of macroeconomics at the end.

    Wait, I don't get it. You're saying if you pay a worker 1000$ a week and get revenue of 1100$, then you have a profit margin of 10%. But that's NOT profit margin (at least not the one one would use for analysis). Not to mention that those numbers are unrealistic because you'd be working at a loss for a very long time, almost guarantee.

    You can't just pull numbers like that and say, "unprofitable!". Of course it isn't. You made it that way.

    Besides, you're ignoring the rest of the expenses that often outweigh the payroll fund.

    Back to what you called "profit margin," I'd call it "Return on Payroll Fund." It's weird, I don't like it, it ignores all of the other costs that go into creating a product, don't use it. In financial management, we use RoS, which is EBIT/Revenue. That's probably what you were thinking of. Another name for it would be "operating profit margin," likewise net profit margin would account for ALL of the expenses and not just operating ones.

    Now, let's look at real numbers. I'll take Nutrien's 2023 audited financial statement as an example. (Numbers in brackets are what's deducted to get what's not in brackets) Sales - 29056 Freight, transportation, distribution - (974) Cost of goods sold - (19608) EBIT - 8474 EBT - 1952 Taxes - (670) Net earning - 1282

    Out of cost of goods sold (2858) is cost of labour, let's also add (626) from general administrative expenses, and just say it's all wages.

    Effective tax rate - 670/1952*100% = 34,3% (wow, that's a lot for where I live, also ignoring mining tax for simplicity)

    Let's see what happens to our efficiency once the changes take effect.

    All of costs can be divided into Fixed and Variable ones. Labour, in this case, is Variable because we can manipulate it by employing more staff to compensate for reduction in working hours and keep the sales at the same rate. (Contract workers are usually Fixed Cost, but it's all relative, as no Fixed Cost is ever truly fixed.)

    Going from 40 => 32, we have a 20% reduction in working hours. Mind you, this doesn't mean there will be a 20% hit in productivity. It may be more, it may be less (most likely less), for simplicity let's say it's 20%. So, we need 20% more workers to compensate. (2858+626)*120%=4180.8

    New EBT = 1952 + 2858 + 626 - 4180.8 = 1255.2 New net profit = 1255.2*(1-34.3%) = 824.7. Mind you, the effective tax rate will probably be lower if employment affects deductibles.

    So, our net profit margin went from 1282/29056 = 4.4% to 2.8%. Looks bad at first glance, but it's also a bad year. A year prior net profit margin was at whopping 20,3%, so a decrease from 4.4% to 2.8% would be nothing in comparison.

    Will it result in increased prices? Yes, but it will also lead to economic growth, because more free time = people spend more money = companies earn more = companies grow faster, but so does inflation.

  • What Do People Think of Apple's Vision Pro Headsets?
  • I was interested in VR for a very long time. Recently, I got to actually try it out.

    I primarily view Apple Vision Pro as a proof of concept type of device. Sales being limited both in quantity and territorially indicate that. It has brought 3 major improvements to the table, compared to other headsets:

    1. Quality of passthrough
    2. User interface
    3. Display quality

    When you think about it, however, it's not that much to make it an obvious choice over other devices.

    Passthough is needed for navigating through space. It does not help with productivity as your vision would be focused on the interface and not the environment. Remember warping on Quest 3? Much less noticeable than on videos for the exact same reason.

    There is no buts with the user interface and display. They are simply great, best that there is.

    Now, for the part that makes Vision Pro from a great productivity device on paper into a "dev kit available to masses" (I like that description, it does feel that way a lot, ty Ghostalmedia)

    Eye strain is a major issue. It is very difficult to use the device for more than a couple of hours without getting tired. This goes for all of the VR headsets out there. I guess you can get used to it over time, though.

    Limited usability. Quest 2/3, Pico 4, Valve Index, they all do things you wish Vision Pro could. Primarily usage of physical controllers. Imagine sculpturing without controllers because I can't. Hand tracking is just not up to par.

    Battery solution is another issue. Not being able to swap what is otherwise a Power Bank without disabling the device and being unable to use any other battery than Apple's own is at the very least annoying. Not exactly an issue if you're too tired by the time it runs out.

    Finally, the VR space itself is unfortunately not mature enough. There's a lot of work still to be done. Even when talking games, despite some amazing titles like Half-life Alyx, the vast majority where controls wouldn't make you dizzy are all pretty much like arcade mini-games, where you either teleport from point to point or not move at all. Developers simply have yet to figure out an organic way of user navigating through virtual space. (Doesn't mean they aren't fun, though)

    Overall, I believe Vision Pro isn't really a mass consumer product, but it did do a lot by bringing more attention to VR as a whole, as well as pointing out additional user-cases for the technology. Because of Vision Pro, Meta started paying more attention to details, which ultimately will benefit the consumer (in fact, it already has yeilded results).

  • How would you go for a 500-600€ build able to handle 2023-2024 gaming standards
  • CPU 3600, Mobo b450m, GPU 6700(xt), RAM 16Gb 3200mhz

    Something like this:

    Comes out at 637€. A little over budget, but that's also all new parts. It's definitely enough for 1080p, often 1440p even.

    To get the most out of the budget, I'd definitely be looking at the used market.

    Definitely used 3600 for CPU. They go for very little and will pair nicely even with 3070 class cards.

    Used 6700 or 6700xt for GPU, but since they aren't as robust as CPUs, do pay closer attention to damages, dust, performance compared to benchmark, and etc.

    Used case, because they don't matter unless for looks. Just make sure it allows for air to pass through.

    Heatsink can sometimes come together with CPU. I'd be spending no more than 20$ to cool this one. (However, PA120 is kinda too good to pass on, despite being overkill for the CPU).

    RAM may as well be new, they aren't very expensive. SP Xpower Turbine, Ripjaws, or Kingston Fury 2x8Gb 3200 or 3600 are all good options.

    Motherboard, wouldn't buy used. And I wouldn't be buying the lowest chipset either. b550m DS3H would be reasonable here or b450m ("m" means mATX, which are smaller than non-m, and usually cheaper), depending on if you need the extra features of b550 chipset.

    Power Supply should never be bought used, look up tier lists, and go with middle range one for reliability. 550W and over should be enough for the build. Try not to cheap out on these.

    Storage, also never to be bought used. Look for M.2 NVMes. SN770 is best bang for the buck imo, but even Kingston NV2 will do fine. 256Gb is enough for OS and some additional software. Imo, that's too little. Get at least 500Gb. Ideally, 1Tb. Mind you, you could always add more later.

  • Is this normal for a company to impose these?
  • Very much illegal where I live.

    Not to mention, if the company has to implement such practices, it means it has a problem retaining staff.

    If it has problems retaining staff and solves it not by addressing the underlying issues but by extortion, why would you work for such a company? Their management is clearly incompetent.

  • Microsoft Ending Support For Windows Subsystem For Android
  • That's not always true.

    There are a few reasons as to why one would keep low/no profit or even completely unprofitable projects going.

    It's all tied to their value proposition. For example, if you can sustain a no profit project, it will bring you new customers despite creating no revenue. A glaring example of high-value yet unprofitable product would be Twitch, all because it brings in data.

  • What are some good games with *zero* replayability?
  • Storyteller

    A short but memorable puzzle-type game where you have to put together scenes and characters to create a story. Actions in previous scenes affect how characters behave or appear in later ones.

    Really liked that one, it's fun.

  • What smartphones are people using nowadays?
  • Regular Galaxy S22 256Gb

    Was choosing between S22, Pixels, and Nothing Phone. Ultimately, I went with the former because I happened to accumulate Tab S8 as well as Galaxy Buds 2. If not for those, probably would've saved a buck with first Nothing.

    Pros: Easy cloud sync, good processor, nice materials, could be found for a very affordable price, and rest of the features that come with premium phones

    Cons: No headphone jack, no SD card slot, some bloat you can't remove, battery

    Would've probably still rocked my Poco F1 if it didn't get obliterated by a 0.5m drop onto a quartz floor. It never fully recovered from it.

  • BSOD after CPU swap

    I've swapped a CPU going from 5600g to 5900x, unfortunately the system seems to bluescreen from time to time (usually takes hours in-game, otherwise stable)

    For some reason it gets slightly worse when I enable XMP. Significantly worse if I undervold the CPU even a bit. Temps go no further than 80-85C under full load.

    Would appreciate your thoughts on potential reasons.


    • 5900x
    • B550m DS3H (Swapping tomorrow to B550 Tomahawk)
    • 3600Mhz 2x16Gb Kingston Fury (2400mhz if JEDEC)
    • 6700xt Saphire Pulse
    • 750W Zalman GigaMax

    Will also be reinstalling Windows after motherboard swap.

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