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The transphobia stops now
  • Based and lainpilled.

  • The transphobia stops now
  • And intolerant of anyone who doesn't agree with all they say.

  • The transphobia stops now
  • Basically, if you're not in their bubble of bullies they'll bully you out of the instance and you don't even need to be offensive for that.

  • Services like WOT.
  • Yeah, I've never used their addon fortunately.

  • Services like WOT.

    Some people should know but I still have to explain. WOT is a service that basically rates websites if they're safe or not to use and is basically supposed to be another layer of protection, however, I believe WOT is not the best service and I've seen people complaining about it. If you try to search for similar services you'll probably be left disappointed cause it's not something people talk about and it's kinda hard to find terms for that kinda service. Does anyone know similar websites to WOT but more trustable?

    What's the most toxic game community you know of?

    The most toxic communities I know of are the Genshin community, Payday 2, FFXIV and source games communities in general.

    Mastodon and free speech
  • Why the fuck would someone feel bad about it?

  • Nazi lives don't matter (rule)
  • Unfortunately or fortunately that's not what happened. I don't know if that would be any better cause they would at least be reading more things other people say before freaking out for people not liking their political agenda but also would show they're maybe even more futile.

  • Nazi lives don't matter (rule)
  • Well, it's good that I helped you somehow but that was just a basic thing.

  • Facebook turns over mother and daughter’s chat history to police resulting in abortion charges
  • The objective is supposed to be to find the situations where abortion would be fair a fair trade-off of lives and rights, not to try to speedrun the abortion rank; it makes no sense you're saying it is bare minimum when the objective is to reduce it as it is inherently bad.

  • Team Fortress 2 Milk
    I've made a GMOD guide about binds that also apply to TF2. Steam Community :: Guide :: Advanced Binds

    This guide contains instructions on how to better utilize your keyboard keys with a simple binding method than can save much space of your keyboard....

    Steam Community :: Guide :: Advanced Binds

    Nazi lives don't matter (rule)
  • Wokeness unlike other words are only associated with bad stuff and doesn't ever refer to any good part of the left-wing communities, you can identify more as a left guy and still don't like wokeness no matter what groups you support as it is associated with racism, sexism, double standards coming from someone or some group or entity that supposedly defends equality. Still I don't know what that has to do with a ring or a game community from a country that doesn't even know what that term is about.

  • Mastodon and free speech
  • These people are always spoiled garbage and won't accept anything if it's not exactly what they're expecting.

  • Mastodon and free speech
  • And I wear girl clothes.

  • Mastodon and free speech
  • You're a bully and just that. My girlfriend is literally trans and most of girls I liked were black.

  • Mastodon and free speech
  • A ring that you pay real life money for so you can get more EXP is a pay to win item.

  • Mastodon and free speech
  • I can't really align with anyone these days because everyone is kinda dumb or downright evil. I just know that I'm a right guy and I like freedom, my spectrum would be more of classic liberalism than conservative. Also, they'll actively try to look at something to try to "incriminate" you if you disagree in anything and they'll just exclude you anyways if they can't incriminate you, it's not uncommon for a normal person to get banned from something like a game community cause you disagree with anything or some will straight up ban you for criticizing the game but the common aspect is always you getting accused of some ism. It's a tool these days used by bullies who are too spoiled to accept anything other than praises; so you're always expecting these "inclusive communities" to be a shit place full of bullies and 9 times out of 10 it is the case (the one time it isn't is because you found some illegal group pretending to be from the inclusivity circle).

  • Mastodon and free speech
  • That's actually a debate method to basically not bring anything to the table and say everything is wrong but it's really dumb and quite annoying, it's however the only kind of debate most people can have these days.

  • Mastodon and free speech
  • That's the point, you expressed nothing and tried to pull the "you're wrong and here are the blank papers" card while you didn't even show why you disagree. If you summarize anything with content you said in the discussion you end up with nothing. Also, stop editing the comment to always say that I'm not responding, that's really annoying when I'm literally trying to respond to everything you say.

  • Mastodon and free speech
  • If you insist to trying tricking yourself that I was exposing an idea and not pointing out the errors in the text composition, why didn't you just corrected the text and said you disagree to then go do your life things? I mean, it's easier to forcing yourself to not see the obvious.

  • Mastodon and free speech

    This post is not only to try finding the best Mastodon instance/server but I also wanted to express about the Mastodon instances. Most of Mastodon servers are apparently harsh about other instances that include things they don't like and are quite serious about getting those Internet points putting how the place isn't welcome for "bigotry" and is for everyone and so diverse, and I wouldn't have any problems with this if this wasn't frequently used by people who will try to shut you if they disagree enough with you and will try to present themselves as so virtuous. You'd expect that the free side of the Internet would have people that value freedom and should let anything that isn't a crime or something that prejudice the instance itself or whatever space they're in but it seems this vision is getting far from the reality with time.

    Music recognition Android applications.

    Yes, like Shazam. Only free and open-source applications, please.

    Imgur alternative

    What would be a good alternative to Imgur?

    Milk_SDF_Possum Milk
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