Make me a bicycle, clown!
Up there with swimming snakes and flying squirrels
rabies possibility
I suppose you are right.. they are "learning" models after all.
I just think of the progress with slicers, dynamic infill, computational gcode output with CNC and all the possibilities thereof. There are just so many variables (seemingly infinite). But so are there with LLMs, so maybe there is hope.
Thx for your insight, very insightful!
So a question: Where do you see this AI heading? Is it just chatbots for customer service, fully functional computer programming, or even fully functional 3D printing and CNC programs with just a few inputs? (for example: here's a 3D model upload that I need for this particular machine with this material, now make me a program)
Did that include the DJT and RFKj vaccine?
Probably the least of your health concerns when that's what you're inhaling.
Ecce, in pictura est puella Romana
roman catholic, roman latin
they're both hopped up on amphetamines
Just say you gotta shit on the front porch, then leave without saying goodbye to anybody.
Comment has a typo in itt; it should be should not sholud ☝️🤓