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How did posting online change from, "Be careful what you put online!" to many sharing a lot under real names?
  • Definitely Facebook's policy of demanding real world names and crushing down on anonymity and pseudonyms, around 2014:

  • Do you use the swipe to type feature on your phone?
  • Yes, started using it about a year ago and it's amazing how much easier it is.

  • Warum kaufen in Deutschland so wenig junge Leute Immobilien?
  • Ja, das ist ein berechtigter Einwand.

  • Warum kaufen in Deutschland so wenig junge Leute Immobilien?
  • So sehr in dem Artikel eine gewisse Boomerhaltung mitschwingt, so viele interessante Details sind letztlich doch drin.

    Ich kann gerade nicht alles aufzählen, aber im Prinzip macht die Autorin den potentiellen Käufern Mut, das Prinzip der Property Ladder zu verfolgen. Im Weg stehen dabei hohe Maklerkosten und hohe Eigenbeteiligung. Laufende Kredite könnten ja auch abgelöst werden.

    Ob es nötig und gesund für eine Gesellschaft ist, Menschen früher ins Eigentum zu bringen, steht auf einem anderen Blatt.

  • What reason could Zuckerberg and Meta possibly have for wanting to create a federated social media site?
  • Yes, a very good article. I have the feeling I have another peace of the puzzle now.

  • Warum kaufen in Deutschland so wenig junge Leute Immobilien?
  • Gibt's einen Link ohne Paywall?

  • You cant even avoid irrelevant results with "site:" anymore
  • Same here - only Reddit results.

  • What app is everyone using for Lemmy
  • I am using Liftoff and Jerboa with - I prefer Liftoff. is pretty slow recently.
    I also have a kbin account with subscriptions to the same communities, and on mobile I am using the web app: Howto install a web app.

  • mastodon's growth
  • It says

    User Count Bot for all known Mastodon instances

    Is that not true? Does it count Lemmy and kbin users, too?

  • It’s Time to End the Tyranny of Ultra-Processed Food
  • From the article:

    People who live with diet-related diseases, especially obesity, usually have a strong feeling of guilt, thinking they are the problem due to their own lack of willpower. Researchers now know this isn’t true. This food has been engineered to be addictive. We need to shift the blame away from the population.

    Just a detail, but yes! Legislators, please help our society to not suffer under the downsides of capitalism.

  • ich🪿iel
  • Ich glaub, ich steh aufm Schlauch

  • Fediverse won't replace Reddit as long as Lemmy is the main platform being promoted
  • In my experience, and (for example) are in more left wing then milquetoast progressives. It's faszinating and refreshing, and I don't mind people speaking their minds. But I prefer moderate, too.

    I would rather say that the average Redditor is milquetoast progressive. Heck, I start to really enjoy this phrase 😉.

  • The cheapest mortgage rate I can get today is 9.13% which is insane. What's the lowest rate you can get?
  • No, what I meant was a fixed interest rate over 10 years (German: Zinsbindung). The loan is over ~30 years.

    After 10 years, we can decide if we change the lender or stay with them. The lender can decide on a new interest rate.

  • Is there any one else who feels like their life has been disrupted by this whole debacle with Reddit.
  • I still have my Reddit account with ~20 multireddits and countless subs. I enjoy the new experience on kbin and Lemmy, but I also miss my niche subreddits and the weird awe that I get occasionally from the mainstream subs.

    I hope the typical offsite humour and the in-depth discussions will also migrate to kbin and Lemmy.

    In the meantime, I urge everyone to create magazines for their niche interests to prepare this platform for more exiles and give them a homely start 👍

  • Twitter's latest user-unfriendly move requires an account just to read
  • To be fair, many bots don't know how to use it either.

  • The cheapest mortgage rate I can get today is 9.13% which is insane. What's the lowest rate you can get?
  • Germany. We got our loan in 2018 for 1.78%. A friend of mine even negotiated 1.4%. However, we have a loan term length (is that the word?) of 10 years, so let's hope rates will be low again in 2028.

    Edit: It's a fixed interest rate over 10 years. Zinsbindung in German.

  • It was fun while it lasted!
  • Hehe. Context for the clueless:

  • Mateng Mateng
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