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How does the Office activation work for Macs? Any KMS equivalent?
  • Everything you need is here,

    Just download the latest version with its volume serializer and you are good to go.

  • Redesigning the Steam UI from Scratch
  • It’s useful for their portafolio

  • YouTube Enhancement Megathread: Tools and Extensions for All Devices
  • You can also use IFTTT to update it automatically, the tool itself tells you how to do it

  • I totally forgot how terrible a non-ad-free YouTube experience is
  • I prefer using yattee, but lately most instances throw an error and has been unusable for me, hopefully it can work more consistently over time

  • I totally forgot how terrible a non-ad-free YouTube experience is
  • Or sideload uYou/uYou+, works really well!

  • Discusión Random Semanal - Semana del 28/08/23
  • Seh si siempre terminamos haciendo eso, la lata es cuando no falta el par que no deposita nunca y hay que andar weando después

  • Discusión Random Semanal - Semana del 28/08/23
  • Cuando uno sale a comer en grupo pero todos quieren pagar su comida, el local puede obligar dividir la cuenta en un máximo de partes? Onda máximo dividir en 2? No es lo mismo que cada uno haya comido solo vs en grupo?

  • Just got my first iPhone since the 3G, now what?
  • If you want something similar to Vance’s, you can sideload uYouPlus, you don’t need to jailbreak, but you need to use something like AltStore for that

  • Today in "Things that exist instead of a new Castlevania game"
  • Just look at the front, really badly cut image and the perspective is all wrong, besides I’ve already seen the original

  • What are some small, pocketable/keychainable items that are worth carrying everywhere you go?
  • I always carry a pepper spray with me just in case!

  • Discusión Random Semanal - Semana del 14/08/23
  • Me gustaría postear cosas acá para darle más vida pero nunca sé qué wea publicar

  • Niche communities you're in that haven't had much interaction? EDIT: Thanks for all your suggestions!
  • !, used to explore it daily on that other site, but now it hardly receives new posts :(

  • Así lucen las nuevas estaciones del Metro de Santiago que están a punto de inaugurarse
  • Aunque muchos aleguen, tenemos uno de los mejores sistemas de metro a nivel mundial

  • what's a reasonable sort for lemmy?
  • After a couple of posts it starts showing several years old posts

  • Metal punch
  • Woah, a video post, neat!

  • ¿Cuál es la mejor app de Lemmy?
  • En IOS Mlem y Memmy son las que mas me han gustado

  • Six Days in Fallujah has released on Steam Six Days in Fallujah on Steam

    Six Days in Fallujah is a realistic first-person tactical shooter based on true stories of Marines, Soldiers, and Iraqi civilians during the toughest urban battle since 1968.

    Six Days in Fallujah on Steam
    [@chile]( Que digan presente los que vienen arrancando de reddit
  • Presente! Asumo que posteaste desde mastodon por el formato no? Si es así geniaaal

  • Marmanvii Marmanvii
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    Comments 24