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N.Y. Sweater Girl of 1956
  • We must. We must. We must increase our bust. The boys will like us better if we wear a tighter sweater.

  • My reading progress so far this year
  • How did you read Watchmen without pictures?

  • A cool guide about Latin Phrases you should know
  • Not sure it rises to the level of "cool."

  • Barcelona to ban vacation apartments in bid to make city ‘livable’ again
  • Well since it's not happening until 2028, people will have plenty of forewarning.

  • Angry Republican hangs anti-IVF posters outside congressional office
  • They're upset about all the unused embryos that the IVF process usually creates.

  • What’s the worst piece of technology you’ve ever owned?
  • Brother, have I got a solution for you!

  • Boston
  • I lived in Boston and some of its suburbs for 14 years during and after college. I think Boston has the best townie bars in the country. Some of my best bar memories are hanging out with friends who'd lived in the area their whole lives.

  • Is Lemmy growing or shrinking?
  • I'm subbed to r/horrorlit and keep wondering if I'm taking crazy pills because it feels like 30% of the posts are some variation of "What's the scariest/best horror book you've read?" They reword it or give it a slightly different spin but it's essentially the same question over and over. And then of course the responses are always the same 40 books being mentioned repeatedly. I don't understand why anyone who's been on the sub for more than a month would keep upvoting the same question.

  • Microsoft starts testing ads in the Windows 11 Start menu
  • I made the transition to Linux Mint at the beginning of the year. I just booted into Windows the other day and saw that it had been six weeks since the last time.

  • What if public libraries...
  • Nothing a flask can't fix.

  • Science Always wins
  • I grew up in a fairly conservative Christian home and was taught that God gives humans the intelligence to use science. There was no big disconnect between science and Christianity. This was the 1980s though...

  • legendary times
  • I had coincidentally purchased a big pack of Clorox wipes from Costco not too long before lockdown. I quickly turned into the Silas Marner of disposable cleaning products.

  • I am going to die 20 years early because of this
  • I know I can lose weight by counting calories. I can count calories and lose weight eating three meals a day. I'm looking for a way to lose weight without counting calories. I was hoping OMAD would be the ticket.

  • Idaho halts execution by lethal injection after 8 failed attempts to insert IV line
  • Better than someone with no "real medical training."