There are also some pretty chill creative people who don’t care about the money and the fame much. Even though having money is nice and makes your life much easier.
Pro tip to any soldiers, don’t TikTok the weird shit you do. This already happened during the Iraq war, that video of the guy throwing a puppy off a cliff comes to mind.
Yeah sadly the consolidated the more nefarious regime change part into the state department.
It’s fine I wasn’t very clear with my reply so I see how it could be misconstrued. You’re clearly still traumatised from the original argument lol.
Yeah I agree.
Are you talking to me? I said that racism was traditionally used as a tool to divide working class movements so anti racism and class war go hand in hand. Trying to have one without the other is a classic way to divide working people against each other. Pretty weird how you read what I wrote and assumed I’m a racist.
Funny because racism is a classic way to neuter class war
If only the liberals hadn’t knee capped his campaign.
Zelensky made the fatal mistake of trusting the United States Putins Invasion was wrong, but he could have played his cards a lot better. Also why the fuck did he allow his special forces to sabotage the economy of one of his biggest allies in Europe throwing them into political turmoil.
He should of done what Stalin did make a peace deal early and allow his allies to build up more productive forces and training more of his army, the west would of been able to mount a much convincing defence against Russia, instead this happened.
Betting on a stable United States in the trump era was an insane move, the fascists on all sides completely outplayed the liberals. If I saw this coming idk how a bunch of people who are much smarter than I am didn’t.
Fuck the United States and fuck Russia, fuck capitalism in general this economic system is a death cult.
Ya the media sucks. Best thing you can do for your sanity is ignore it. World events happen, sadly you won’t be able to influence most of them.
I’m aware of all of this.
I’m not in the position to impose anything on any one.
Zhou Enlai was an interesting politician I agree. I still think sexual freedom and women’s rights and the right to openly criticise your government aren’t some niche western value though and I’m sure lots of Russian citizens would enjoy having some of the same freedoms I have.
I mean unless yog is putin then no I wasn’t attacking them personally.
The internet is a crappy medium for communication, but I’m a broke shut in.
I would say being socially conservative makes Russia more right wing than the state I currently live in. We still have social democracy here as well (although obviously neo libs want to gut it) and I would rather live here than in Russia right now. Judging by all rich ass Russians i have known here it seems to be the case for them as well (Then again borders only ever really exist for us plebs.)
I literally hated all that lib/nazi Russians are orcs bullshit. I’m sure Russia would be a pretty awesome place if Putin didn’t hate queers and women and try push the church down people’s throats but sadly he kinda does do that. So I’m not in a rush to pack my bags and move yet.
I also see what you’re saying and I can see why the left didn’t really want to cosy up to Putin. After all he’d been funding the people who literally want to beat the shit out of them dox them for a while. These ties go back before 2014.
This bank is notorious for funding right wing politicians in Austria they do big business in Russia so do a lot of other sketchy right wing fucks.
I agree that the Ukraine war didn’t need to escalate to the point that it did and the United States is as much to blame for the fucking shit show we are in now. Capitalism fucking sucks and normal people are currently getting squeezed and lots of them are running right like lemmings the whole thing pisses me off. Anyways I need to actually focus on this shit I should be doing right now and need to take a break from posting, I wish you all the best and I appreciate all News posts you do and I find them interesting.
Oh look it’s Rosenkranz the far right politician also in the SS Party who I support though because he think Russia good. Also obviously it’s NATO being rat fucks but according to the article all those things are officially not heading directly to Ukraine. I don’t want Austria to be supporting Ukraine militarily I kinda don’t mind giving people humanitarian help though. I know that can be used as a backdoor for more nefarious shit.
The first article 404d I should be working so I’m not gonna look for it rn
The third one says were helping people demine their fields. Idk could be doing a lot worse I guess
I’ll reiterate this war sucks call me a chauvinist or whatever it makes no fucking difference as I’m literally just some guy with 0 money and political influence. I just don’t like the party that was founded by former SS members and if I see them cosying up to Putin that’s sus to me. this war was fucking dumb and all it’s help the far right everywhere
I mean if you’re in bed with the FPÖ you support the far right.