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Does different parts of the world use different standards for water pressure similar to voltages?
  • The gravity systems in this case are not pressurized. They just have a water tank in the loft/airing cupboard and the hight of the tank determines the pressure. 0.1 bar for every 1 meter height. You open the faucet and gravity pushes out the water.

    Its a nightmare, I used to live in UK and these systems are barely enough for anything really.

  • Does different parts of the world use different standards for water pressure similar to voltages?
  • No idea what is the story behind it, or if there is a practical reason.

  • Does different parts of the world use different standards for water pressure similar to voltages?
  • In europe they mostly use Bars as the unit of measurement.

    Mostly water pressure is around 1-2 bars as a minimum, but there are still places using different standards, for example the old style gravity-fed UK watersystems with sub 1 bar pressure, but those are not very common anymore.

    Most domestic sanitary products in the EU are designed to be used on 1-5 bar pressure.

    I read somewhere the domestic water pressure to be between 4-6 bar, however not sure how realistic it is accross the whole EU and also what you got at the mains and what you got when opening the faucet is two different numbers.

  • What YouTubers did you used to watch back then but not anymore?
  • Guy was a legend, I bought Terraria because of him. His voice and style was amazing. Rest in piece!

  • Howdy, Y'all fellow americans!
  • HOT DOG, used as an exclamation is the funniest burn

  • Name this monstrosity
  • Hey its my 567th half completed big project in Terraria. I wonder if I generate a new world and start from scratch I can build something even bigger...

  • What ridiculous history fact is your favorite?
  • What is all this insolence? You will find yourself in gladiator school vewy quickly with wotten behavior like that.

  • The stats don't lie
  • *Break Stuff by Limp Bizkit intensifies *

  • Europeans of Lemmy, what places in Europe should foreigners avoid at all cost?
  • Not sure what answers you looking for, if you want to have a carefree vacation just read some reviews of specific countries and regions.

    If you are backpacking or planning a multi-country trip I would check the crime rates of the places, there are many websites with the statistics available, like THIS

    As a general rule of thumb popular places and big cities will have the highest crime rates, while smaller cities and countryside the lowest.

    Also I would avoid solo trips and backpacking in general in the rural parts of less-developed countries, like Romania, etc.

    Pretty much thats it. Europe as a whole is probably one of the safest travel destinations in the earth with some planning and common sense.

  • Unrealistic Body Standards
  • Lindsey Lowhands

  • Things are getting tetchy in the burger fandom
  • I remember in the UK once they made illegal to sell a certain type of sweet at schools (I believe some kind of shortbread) because it had a pointy end and they were afraid the kids will stab each other with it. It was hilarious and yes, it was in the news 😅

    Edit: it was flapjack.

  • Do you prefer Gaming PCS or Gaming Laptops?
  • 2 years ago I would say PCs over laptops, owned a couple of gaming laptops and always ended up going back to desktops. Still have a decent, but relatively old desktop PC. Lots of gaming laptops generate a brutal amount of heat, so gaming in bed or holding the machine in your lap is not very comfortable. At the end you just sit at a desk plugged in, same as a regular PC. The only positive of a laptop is if you traveling a lot and want to play high end games it makes it possible.

    However today I would go with the third option: handheld gaming PC. The Steam Deck absolutely changed my life how I game. I am finishing more games, I can play literally anywhere, anytime and its just so damn convenient. Sure, there are compromises, its not for everyone and AAA and multiplayer gaming is not really ideal, but neither of them interests me. For everyday PC stuff you need a docking station and connect up all peripherals to use them as a workstation, again not ideal but they all work as a full fledged PC as well.

    Again, probably not everyones cup of tea, but it just suits me so damn well. Last year I did over 90% of gaming on handheld.

    Also since the success of Steam Deck the competition is catching up fast and almost monthly someone releases a new handheld gaming PC so there are many options to choose from.

  • Do you think people would be okay with 'Recall' if Apple did it?
  • In my opinion the problem is not who would agree/disagree with it, its more like the fanbase and marketing is on another level and most people would just not care as long as they have the latest iPhone with the latest buzzword functions and features.

    I feel people are more forgiving towards apple. I dont have any study or anything to back it up, just can't see why the die-hard userbase of the most isolated and curated ecosystem would care about anything.

  • Anon gets a nickname
  • Nick names can be brutal, they are like the bad photos on the internet, once something its there, it always will be there. I got one during high school, nothing unflattering, just didnt like it at all and these days rarely hear it, but sometimes I meet an old friend/classmate and it comes up and hits like a truck every fucking time.

  • What's the dumbest blockbuster movie you have seen that somehow received high praise?
  • You got my vote fo unpopular opinion. I love that movie :)

  • Path of Exile 2 Is Being Optimized For the Steam Deck
  • Yaay, I can spend another 500 hours comfortably having no idea what am I doing with my builds!

  • The satisfaction
  • The rest of the snails chilling under other leaves

  • About to buy my first road bike, need some advice

    Hi all, I hope my post doesn't violate any rules, because of the links, if yes, please let me know.

    I am a beginner with road bikes, I was always a MTB person, but I decided to get a road bike for my cardio exercise as I turned 40 and I have less option in my area for MTB rides.

    Since Im a beginner with road bikes I would need some advice to not mess up my purchase. Of course I done some research as well, but never know what I missed.

    Im in the EU and my budget is 700-750 EUR, so yes, it will be a budget bike. I will ride 3-4 times a week for 50-70 km distances. Some hills, but nothing serious.

    I found two possible candidates:

    Triban RC500 The obvious choice, many reviews calling it the best budget bike under 1000 EUR, some compromises, but I think it would be perfect for me. Price: 750 EUR where I live.

    Sava Vegur 1.2 A bit of a wild card, its currently on half off sale with a reputable online retailer for 680 EUR, but cant decide if its the deal of the year or I should be cautious. I know, I dont need a carbon bike for my needs, but still, Im curious if anyone ever had experience with the brand? I found reviews, opinions, etc but nothing which would tell me to buy or not buy it specifically. Its a Chinese brand, but thats about it from what I can see.

    Thanks for the time and I would prefer constructive feedback if possible :)

    Best use of android tablet

    I'm getting an android tablet soon (will be a present and a little birdie told it to me). Nothing fancy, just some mid-range 10 inch one with basic features. I'm planning to mainly use it for comic books, but while I'm at it might as well watch movies on it.

    So my question is: any good setup/apps/guides for movie streaming or downloading I should know about? I don't have a home server, or anything, usually just torrent what I want on my desktop PC and watch it there, but I have zero experience with pirating movies on android.

    I will definitely not use the tablet for social media, google services, etc so I can do with it whatever I want, it's purely for comics/ebooks/movies.

    This always makes me laugh

    Most likely a repost of a repost from 5 orher platforms but I love how quickly Lemmy become my favourite place and would like to contribute!

    Question: Should I raise a warranty claim or upgrade?

    Hi Lemmings!

    I have my Deck since March 2022. I was one of the fortunate ones to receive it quite soon.

    Lately I noticed two things: The right joysticks movement is not as smooth as it was before and sometimes it makes a creaking noise.

    The "A" button lost some of its resistance and become super sensitive in some games registering twice per button push. For example in a text heavy game I often skip dialogues because of this.

    The device is in a perfect working order, no abuse, no damage, screen protector since day 1, protective skin applied, etc.

    My question: Should I contact Valve and ask for a repair..

    ...or maybe try to get some nice replacement parts and upgrade the buttons and joysticks?

    How does the available replacements compare to original parts? Are they an improvement? Or should I go the safe route and let Valve repair it for me?

    [Feature request] : Ability to favourite communities so they will always appear on top of the subscribed list

    First of all love the app, its my daily driver now for Lemmy!

    I was wondering if you could favourite or "star" communities in the list so they would always show on top of the list? I love to check my feed but also I like to daily browse specific communities. It would help a lot, especially with my growing number of communities subbed.

    Many thanks and keep up the great work!

    Macaroni_ninja Macaroni_ninja

    EU citizen. Interests: RPGs, board games, litrpg, alternative rock/metal, cycling, quality memes

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