POV : You don't know what POV means.
Aside of the obvious term bickering, yeah, sounds about right.
My first reflex upon seeing that last panel was imagining a girl group all going "GIRL MAKEOVER TIME!" before leading her to get a new haircut and random other places for clothes, earrings, necklaces and such, all in the spirit of getting her a flashy new look.
I agree. It's silly to think that a website where most communities frowns upon reposts, yet said members are very eager and proud to announce they're reposting.
We get it, you're doubling down on your lack of creativity. Wouldn't hurt to at least try to give your meme a header that's actually related to the meme itself. Otherwise it's no better than a bot if all your titles are following a "Saved meme #19" naming convention.
No. I wanna be miserable.
Could also be the fear of turning the joke into the good ol' r/DNDMemes regular (AKA people seriously arguing about Rules As Written/Intended instead of laughing at said joke)
Reminds me of my good ol' Space Station 13 days, messing with unknown devices until we would find the infinite corgy summoner, then fill the entire station with them. Good times. Good boys.
"You see, son, when a bird and a... uh... power drill love each other very VERY much..."
Reminds me of my early teen years when my family put a password on the computer so I couldn't play anymore until I did my homeworks, since I never did them. The hint on the password screen was "What must I do to be allowed to play?", so I typed "homework"... and it was the password.
My family isn't very smart.
EDIT : Even more so because they thought I had hacker skills to just bypass passwords when in fact, I've never been that smart. Just smarter than them.
Well, with the way things were going, it was a guaranteed outcome... which makes it an even better opportunity to go down guns blazing
One of us.
You've opened the flood gates. So many comments already of people joining us. Good job. Head pats
I mean...It is tagged as NSFW and all, I don't see the problem. Not on the horny side, just unfazed. Beside, it's mostly @freeuse_princess posting those, hardly a major problem as of yet.
Casually taunting the poor user with your goblins XD
Fair enough
I don't see the problem with it!
Good way to motivate your party. Bad way to convince your clerics to do any healing during fights XD
"You were good, son, real good. Maybe even the best." -Soldier from Team Fortress 2
I appreciate what you did, thank you for being such a legend.
Since they're two-headed, with one chromatic and one metallic, I can imagine them learning to work together to focus and survive but still constantly bicker with each other outside danger because of differential alignments. Except instead of being some weird mental personalities against each other, the rest of the party has to listen to it and deal with it.
I think encouraging it makes it better than making it the norm, if it makes sense. Smut is better if it's not CONSTANT smut.