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I'm tired of not having friends
  • ha same boat, long distance relationship and I don't have any friends. It sucks. I don't really have advice but maybe it'll help you feel a bit less alone knowing someone (probably alot of ppl really) are going through this too

  • How to create a link that jumps to a part of the post?
  • I just assumed it'd be possible here

  • How to create a link that jumps to a part of the post?
  • I think I'm doing it wrong since its still not working, can the ID be anything? The HTML is still visible over the heading when saved for some reason

  • How to create a link that jumps to a part of the post?
  • I still don't know how to do it?

  • How to create a link that jumps to a part of the post?

    I'm trying to figure out how to do this in markdown on here. How do you create a link that jumps(scrolls) to that heading in the post when clicked on?

    Lumini Lumini
    Posts 1
    Comments 4