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I looked it up and this is real
  • "Sadly" not really. As this is the northern hemisphere the "shorter" path would be an arc opening downwards. As others have commented, there are other reasons for this route.

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  • App für feddit?
  • Hab nur ich Probleme mit Voyager auf zu kommen? Ich sehe du bist bei, aber wenn ich in Voyager versuche mich bei anzumelden, kommt immer nur eine generische Fehlermeldung "Problem conncting to". Das passiert nur bei, alle anderen Instanzen scheinen zu klappen...

  • Upgrade from Mi 9T Pro to todays midrange
  • Ah thanks for the links! I find it very hard to compare mobile CPUs, with all their different splittings between clock frequencies and so on. According to your link and most of the other stuff I saw the performances should not be too dissimilar in either way. Given hoe the actual performance of my phone is not one of the problems I think I will just get the Edge 50 Neo.

  • Upgrade from Mi 9T Pro to todays midrange
  • Yeah, but it seems like this is not for the Pro version. There are some ROMs on XDA, including an unofficial LineageOS one, but at least for me the days of running custom ROMs on my daily driver are over.

  • Upgrade from Mi 9T Pro to todays midrange

    Hi everyone. Back in 2019 I bought a Xiaomi Mi 9T Pro at release. Now the charging port, software and battery are starting to cause some serious issues, which is why I am looking to get a new phone. After some search the Motorola Edge 50 Neo seemed to be a good candidate, with a good mix of decent price/performance and not being Xiaomi (I hate the OS). Now to my actual question: Looking at benchmarks, it seems like my Mi 9T Pro has roughly the same performance as the Edge 50 neo, if not better. Am I reading that correctly? Would I not see an improvement in performance with this "upgrade"? Is a rather top tier phone from ~5.5 years ago comparable to a mid ranger from today?

    Any input or suggestions would be very much appreciated.

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