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Steve Bannon Gives Apparent Nazi Salute During CPAC Speech, Mirroring Elon Musk | Video
  • Up until the last decade wars were mostly fought due to resources that were needed to survive. We only recently have been able to perfect agriculture output to feed the entire world several times over.

    Unfortunately, we have not been allowed to transition to a more humanitarian based economic system. Most world powers are still operating on imperialism and capitalist exploitation. At least in the past conflicts were often inevitable results of scarcity (or the fear of it at least).

    I would give humanity more time. We need to weed out the parasites of capitalism and nationalism. We are living in an age that is struggling against them. Keep faith in that struggle. It likely will not end in our lifetimes. The true meaning of life is to plant trees under whose shade you do not expect to be able sit.

    Don't lose faith comrade.

  • Steve Bannon Gives Apparent Nazi Salute During CPAC Speech, Mirroring Elon Musk | Video
  • Pearl Harbor happened because Japan was not happy about American imperialism in east Asia. Japan wanted to have its own imperialism in that region all to itself. It didn't have much to do with America supporting European Nazi resistance.

  • They're gonna be so embarrassed when they find out
  • Sorry. New to lemmy. I am running the sync client on Android. Is there a better way to make gifs more universal? Seems like it was 50/50 on it working for people. Or is just better to just post the link?

  • Steve Bannon Gives Apparent Nazi Salute During CPAC Speech, Mirroring Elon Musk | Video
  • It's not so much values as it is a lack of power in the working class. These things can be done because the greater population has no power or influence. Since their is no organization to resist it the mass of the population falls into two areas of "cope". The crowd that knows it's fucked up and has no one to organize against it. And the crowd that knows it's fucked up but "no one is doing anything" so they find a place to normalize or deny it. It's not "really" a Nazi salute.

    You may call this "values". But I'd say it's more about how well the ruling class has controlled and passified the population.

    Also, when half the country is worried about putting food on the table or paying rent. They really don't have time to give a fuck. Material conditions really shape what we might perceive as a "lack of values".

  • Steve Bannon Gives Apparent Nazi Salute During CPAC Speech, Mirroring Elon Musk | Video
  • Nah. Getting sued for libel is what these outlets should be absolutely proud to have sent their way. That's literally a news story in itself. It would also means he'd actually have to defend it instead of posting Nazi puns on Twitter.

  • Steve Bannon Gives Apparent Nazi Salute During CPAC Speech, Mirroring Elon Musk | Video
  • Germany is literally right on the edge of their own fascist issues right now. The symbolism may not be as directly 1to1 as America. But the outcomes are building up to be the same. Germans learned all the wrong lessons from their past and now the "never again" seems to be "well, again, but only to Muslims this time. We promise it stops there"

    How's that song go? "Tell them that the Nazis never really went away". They weren't kidding.

  • Three buses explode in Tel Aviv in 'suspected terror attack'
  • Comment in before we find out it was some far right person that wants the genocide to start again.

    Edit: Looks like no one was hurt. Less of a chance it was some fascist. They seem to require that each of their attacks kill at least one child.

  • Is this vandalism?
  • You realize arguing against your own strawman is not addressing my argument right? I guess you just convinced yourself that I actually said "any type of insult is acceptable". I never said that. YOU said that. Everything you've said since then has been pointless rambling and arguing against something I never said.

  • Taiwan warns its people of arrests, detentions in China
  • No, a traffic stop or an interaction with a police officer isn't a detention

    Literally just wrong. Detention includes a temporary hold . A traffic stop is a temporary hold. You're just comically wrong. I won't bother replying to the rest because you started your reply with such stupidity.

  • Taiwan warns its people of arrests, detentions in China
  • 10,000 people detained out of how many tourists worldwide going to china? Like, I'm just trying to get some context because (1) a massive amount of people visit China every year and (2) how does this compare to other countries. A person being "detained" could literally just be a traffic stop or any other interaction with a police officer.

    I guess my point is the article is purposely vague. How would this compare per tourist to the US for example?

    Also, what you're mentioning is not at all what I mentioned originally. Which was about the article and Taiwan. You changed the subject to worldwide in order to make the number larger. Which, obviously it would be.

    Edit: Asking about actual per capita comparison between countries is bad apparently. I guess "China bad" is heavier than getting actual data. Something this article completely fails to provide.

  • Is this vandalism?
  • Yes. It absolutely is. If only there wasn't a video of this dude doing a salute back to back

    On top of that "the future of civilization" is a dog whistle to the 14 words of the Nazis

    We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children

  • Is this vandalism?
  • Tell me. What is the difference between the swastika or the salute? I'm gonna guess the main difference is you haven't read 100 reply guys trying to come up with any reason to deny he's a Nazi. Do you know who does that? Nazis. Nazis know that it's still not expectable to be a Nazi. So they will always try to get you to "not believe your lying eyes". While always doing dog whistles to signal to other Nazis. But this salute wasn't a dog whistle. It was a fucking mega phone.

  • Is this vandalism?
  • Thanks for ignoring everything I said and responding with a straw man. Good job.

    "Nuh uh. You are! And here's a totally different thing that removes all nuance so I can ignore what you just said!"

    That's literally how you just replied. I guess you have no interest in actually discussing this because you've gone full circle into stupidity now.

  • Is this vandalism?
  • At the end of the day you're criticizing something that is meant to insult a Nazi. If you can understand the difference between a homophobic person puting a "I suck cock" sticker on a car and (let's say) a gay man putting a "Nazi Cocksucker" sticker on someone's car. You can also understand the nuance of any type of person puting the OPs sticker on someone's car. There is nuance and context that you are trying to remove to (1) criticize a sticker meant to insult a Nazi and (2) the use of cocksucker as an insult.

    You're removing any of that context to hyper focus on something and pretend that nuance and context doesn't exist. Which is very very radlib of you.

    The only person that you're defending in this situation that should actually be offended is a female or gay Nazi. So you're literally just defending the feelings of a Nazi. Unless you want to remove all context and nuance. Which is what you tried to do.

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