@TheDarkBanana87 A pakset defines all objects, their values and their graphics. Simutrans is like an engine to play different paksets. While they all work the same in theory, the gameplay can differ quite a bit.
For example, if a pakset sets vehicle costs per tile, you want to make them wait until full, costs per month you never want them idle.
@TheDarkBanana87 Simutrans is stricter with destinations, so you can't just randomly connect cities, but have to bring pax where they want to go. Same for goods, factories have contracts with each other.
Paksets can differ quite a bit, so some may focus more on locos while others may be balanced for a more varied use.
It works by looking nice :) At least in Standard. Anyone ever modified it to make sense in Extended? 🤔
@Flemmbrav "Hey a signaling box!" ;)