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A game where you are an operating system
  • Thanks for that - much appreciated. Sorry I failed to respond earlier, I'm still getting used to the fediverse, and seem to have managed to get multiple accounts so... yeah

  • A game where you are an operating system
  • What's MARS? I couldn't find any reference that seemed to match due to... well, the ambiguitiy of the name :D

  • Equality for all!
  • Care to explain what's anti-trans about this? Genuine question, I'm obviously out of the loop, and don't want to inadvertently cross a line.

  • My 'sensible use' excuse for owning a Deck: running the music software I know since 10 years old :D
  • Oh... Trackers. That takes me back, I think I've still got some mod files from old BBS copy cd's from the late 80's and early 90's...

  • Why are folks so anti-capitalist?
  • Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire
    No great single resources for Nike / Child Slavery but... just search for it there are too many to link
    I really shouldn't have to link to the environment, right?

  • This bridge goes through the water and not over it, The Netherlands
  • Even the history of this is fascinating. This is the "Moses Bridge", and it's a renovated part of the old dyke system that was used to prevent attacking armies from getting in - because the dykes and levee's had blocked the sea so effectively, they realised they could stop attackers by... flooding them out. Literally.

    When it came to renovate this area, they wanted to provide access without denigrating the fact it was an old defensive structure, hence this unique sea-level bridge.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • That's fair enough. I didn't read it as "initiating a discussion", more "get off my lawn". That may, however, be me - I'm coming off my meds and it's making me grumpy.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • I appreciate your point, however - if you wish for this series of communities to succeed, it needs to be welcoming to newcomers. And one of the ways of doing that is allowing for a continuation of conversations that were on the source communities - including, "Oh, we're getting out", "Why it's so bad", "Where do we go to", "How do we make the new community look/feel like I'm used to", etc. etc.

    I'm happy to see this because it means that a corrupt and non-people-focussed environment is losing members. Like anything, it will pass, but please don't push people away by making them feel unwelcome.

  • How do I report / help fix formatting issues?
  • Awesome, thanks for 1) finding that... 2) showing the site this is coded on so I can noodle and not ask silly questions any more...

  • 30% titanium 30% nickel
  • 60% tinkle...

  • /kbin meta LazerFX
    How do I report / help fix formatting issues?

    There's a post I'm viewing on the larger lemmy-verse that's failing some basic markdown formatting. I know nothing about the history, but searching didn't really give an answer (Not that I'm much good searching the fediverse), but I'd be happy to help update/add to the formatting system if I knew where it was :D The source of the thread is from here on a link to, and in-thread I've posted screenshots of how I see it...

    [Meta] Decronym is now running on /c/selfhosted
  • And the formatting:

  • [Meta] Decronym is now running on /c/selfhosted
  • Accessing through and the table format is not formatted correctly. Assume this is a kbin-problem, not a bot-problem, as looking at it through formats correctly...

  • [Meta] Decronym is now running on /c/selfhosted
  • I wanna see it, so here's another comment to boost - let's get to 5 and test this bot :P

  • [Discussion] My "No Tinker" list of PS3 and Switch emulated games that work *almost perfectly
  • That's the one - thanks, I'd forgotten where it was and didn't read your comment before putting mine in place

  • [Discussion] My "No Tinker" list of PS3 and Switch emulated games that work *almost perfectly
  • If you go into the developer settings area (Can't remember what it's called) you can turn on extra development sources, in which case you can trunk-level daily updates.

  • [Discussion] My "No Tinker" list of PS3 and Switch emulated games that work *almost perfectly
  • I've updated the Deck to 'main' release channel 3.5, though technically that's "tinkering", but - it makes a much wider list of things work really, really well. Currently playing through XenoBlade Chronicles and Breath of the Wild (Switch versions) and both seem to play really, really well. I don't have the framerate display on, I've not tweaked power settings or anything, I just run them...

    The SMT improvements I believe are in the 3.5 main-branch release, so that's probably why... seems to work well.

  • I feel like such an old man, but I'm 46.
  • I took my daughter to the Manchester Science Museum, and saw a BBC there. That was my first home computer in '86. I'm 42...

    Of course, I still move reasonably well, the tablets keep the depression at bay, the inhalers keep the asthma away and the powerballs keep the RSI away :P My brain is still sharp (And I hope it stays that way as I'm a coder, so I kinda need it), and the glasses keep my eyesight up-to-scratch. Let's hear it for pharmaceutical or physical solutions to intractible issues ;) I also keep up with modern music. Like some of it, don't like others - but then, that's the same as when I was a kid or a teenager. I fight to keep an open mindset, and not slip into the 'rose coloured glasses' fallacy... Having a young daughter is a help to this, because she views everything as new, and interesting, and may I never, ever shutter that desire to learn more. I always try to answer her questions if I can...

  • NSFW
    Questions to ask during an interview
  • Yeah, there are. There are places that don't use CICD, don't use TDD, don't consider DDD beneficial, don't like to have development teams talk to product/sales/users directly... all of these are massive, horrible red flags.

  • PiHole and Cookie Warnings

    I'm trying to figure out how to stop having to unblock the pihole, in order to bypass cookie consent alerts. I think this is a devious new attempt by the advertising brigade to ensure that adverts are played, but more and more cookie consent blockers are not working properly if you've got an adblocker, and as I've got one at the network level, this is a real frustration. I've tried a few browser-based bypassers, but that doesn't work for many mobile devices, and sort of defeats the purpose of havign a network-level adblocker...

    Has anyone else hit this issue and how have you worked around it?

    PiHole and Cookie Warnings

    PiHole and Cookie Warnings

    I'm trying to figure out how to stop having to unblock the pihole, in order to bypass cookie consent alerts. I think this is a devious new attempt by the advertising brigade to ensure that adverts are played, but more and more cookie consent blockers are not working properly if you've got an adblocker, and as I've got one at the network level, this is a real frustration. I've tried a few browser-based bypassers, but that doesn't work for many mobile devices, and sort of defeats the purpose of havign a network-level adblocker...

    Has anyone else hit this issue and how have you worked around it?

    LazerFX LazerFX
    Posts 3
    Comments 26