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Are you still around?
  • @l_b_i I am here on the Mastodon side and very active, except that i have very little furry things to post because i dont find other furs and events within hubdreds of kilometers

  • Federation is weird
  • @l_b_i Yeah, permanen frustration about this

  • Thoughts on Fursuits?
  • @l_b_i I consider myself to be much more the fursuiter than a generic "furry", and fursuits to be the tool to transform me into my spirit animals

    Some suits are personal character suits, some are play suits

    But in the recent years i am increasingly developing technically new ideas and try to get suits done that allow me to aquire capabilities other than plain human, and to explore physically different parts of the world and experiences that suiters have never explored before

  • Introspective thoughts on loneliness
  • @OmegaMouse
    They are not friends, they are the people to meet on munches or other events where i was trying to find friends and local buddies

    Edit: and the repulsion is obviously seen as in they will not talk with me again or have me uninvited from future meetups

  • Introspective thoughts on loneliness
  • @OmegaMouse @l_b_i
    But what do you do if you are somewhat autistic and most people consider your clumsy attempts to get in conversation as repulsing, leading to more isolation from their side

  • [@chat]( Good day, and a message to the german furs:

    @chat Good day, and a message to the german furs:

    Ich möchte euch fragen ob ihr ausgehfreudige und Abenteuerlustige #FurSuiter #FurryGruppen kennt mit denen man auch mal etwas erleben kann, so zum Beispiel #BungeeJumping oder #ZipLining im Suit

    Bin aus Süddeutschland und von Tirol bis Berlin geht vieles auf einen Besuch

    Laberpferd Laberpferd

    Moin Moin und willkommen beim Laberpferd

    Ich bin der ehr soziale Teil von einem gewissem verrücktem Pony und will mich hier vor allem auf Techtalk und regionalen Bezug zu Nordbayern konzentrieren, vielelicht schaffe ich es trotz meinem Autismus auch mal was soziales aufzubauen


    This is the second profile of a crazy pony

    I try to untangle and use this one here more for techtalk and local german events, also i hope i do not badly mess up socializing

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    Comments 7