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Custom Linux Distribution just for Gaming
  • I want to add to what the others said. Usually I just add windows programs/games to steam as none steam game. that has been the easiest way to do it for me. I have very few games that isn't on steam so it is nice to be able to add them together with the rest with the correct categories and such.

  • Those without A/C, what are your tips to stay cool during the summer?
  • Funny to see this question here a few weeks ago did I see someone link this

    The video shows how to create a salt based pcm (phase change material). You can also buy packs like these but I thought it seemed more fun to create it myself, so it will be my summer project when the heat is not barrable. I think Putting it under a cap would do wonders.

  • Why does nobody here ever recommend Fedora to noobs?
  • I have always wondered what advance is when ppl say Linux is difficult when you have to do something advance. Isn't that the same for all oses? A os no matter what os (mac, android, Windows, iOS, linux) is difficult to use the first time. It doesn't matter witch os it is everyone will have a hard time the first time until they learn how it works. Mac for example, it was extremely hard for me to find how to get to my root folder without using the terminal and when I told a friend about it who use mac didn't they know either... I found out by accidently by miss clicking. Android depending on brand (what you had before) can also be annoying to use the first week or weeks until you have relearned.

    Linux is the same, it isn't more advance than windows or Mac the first time, it is all about learning how it works (most ppl build their Ikea furniture first and then read the manual) and windows and Linux in that regard is at least kinda similar because they don't hide stuff as mac os does (you still ned a lot of knowledge to use windows too) and they are kinda alike, Mac is completely backwards in my opinion. I think everyone forgets how it was the first year they used a computer for the first time. Ppl laugh when studies shows that the younger generation do not know or do not understand the folder structure. It is all about experience and knowledge, if you know something exist then it is easier to find it.

    The biggest problem i had using Linux for the first time was finding good alternatives for programs. And learning these new programs. You don't have to use a terminal with most distros now days but it is a very nice and fast interface to use. It is also easier for everyone to learn and use because it is less dependent on what kind of environment you are in.

    But I think we both are kinda agreeing with each other I just want to point out that all os are difficult the first time and you don't have to make it harder than it is, linux is beginner friendly just like any other os.

  • Windows just changed my desktop wallpaper and re-added the search bar without my permission after an update
  • Dude, you enlighten me, that happened to me too but it was during the time I jumped between win and Linux and one day did the wifi card just stop working and I couldn't figure out why, I tried many things without luck but some days it magicaly worked again and I haven't been in windows since and have never had that problem again. I don't know if I turned off fast boot (but I have done that many times so it is likely), so it could have been an update that turned it on. I will remember this if it happens to someone or myself again. Thank you!

  • Do people actually get upset if you forget their name?
  • I think most ppl are fine with it if it is only once and you seem genuinely sad about it. I am fine with ppl forgetting we even met I am even playing along pretending it is the first time we meet, so far has it only been ppl I met maybe twice in my life(except one person). I have only met one person who actually got sad when I forgot her name. She asked if I was not as happy as she was to see me.. That hurt, I remembered her tho! But not her name.

    I think it is worse when I have to introduce myself everytime we meet and it has been over 3 times... One dude he never remembered me until the 5th time then he said "heey we have met before right?! " he even looked genuinely happy and I felt "finally we can stop pretending" but then the next time we met he introduced him self again... I remember you Felix!

  • Do you have any smell you like/dislike even though most people don't?
  • Me too but I can't breath when someone use it... So I thought I was the odd one

  • Do you have any smell you like/dislike even though most people don't?
  • You are not alone my friend. I heard that Chinese ppl feel the same way as you do and pay ppl to remove the smell before using the car. I don't know if it is because of the same reason tho haha

  • What's something weird and mostly useless that you can do with your body?
  • Yea, these kinds of topics are great. Makes you think.

    You may even feel weirder because apparently you have a party trick and you didn't even know it haha

  • What's something weird and mostly useless that you can do with your body?
  • I thought that was normal and I just had not learned how to not vibrate, I can vibrate my whole body by tensing up or whatever part I focus on. So I vibrate like crazy when I do the plank... Extremely annoying....

  • Best Linux Distro For Playing On Steam?
  • For me has ubuntu and pop os just worked with all my hardware. I have tried manjaro (it broke often after updates so I gave up on it. This was maybe 5 years ago), arch (worked great but got tired of the tinkering), mint (never wanted to work with my wifi and Bluetooth adapter so I don't have a ton of experience with it), debian (too long ago for me to remember why I switched), ubuntu and now pop OS for 3 years and I won't switch. I have only had problems with yakuza 1 (couldn't save and input delays were crazy) and mafia 1(all icons for the game pad were blank) . I also own a steam deck and play a lot of games on it without any problems. But I do not mod that much, skyrim is the only one I heavily moded and I played it on windows. Cyberpunk did I mod some on my steam deck to fix bugs but it was bellow 30 mods.

    Tldr; i am with kaldo! Pop OS is great! And yes I use Nvidia GPU and I have never had a problem with the drivers.

  • Generative AI could soon decimate the call center industry, says CEO
  • I am with you. We should use the ai as a tool to automate or remove things that is frustrating or in the way of the actual goal to help the customers. Plus I don't think any model is good enough (yet) to act as tech support (they can use open ai if it was enough). I think ai is great as a tool tho. For example you can use it to go through a lot of documents of products, policies, other tickets and so on so the tech support person can find the relevant information faster. We can also use ai to create summerise of the call or take notes and so on. A lot of great potential to make everyone happier but I don't believe in replacing actual ppl.

  • What're some of the dumbest things you've done to yourself in Linux?
  • I felt the same way so I scrolled down hoping for a shorter answer, but found yours instead and it made me laugh my ass off because how you wrote it really hit me, are you me? xD so I just wanted to say thanks for making my day even better!

  • I find the """man up""" school of thought generally works for me when faced w a tough situation but 97% of the time it's presented as an obnoxious show of bravado. What are better ways to phrase this?
  • I think instead "be nice to the future you", in the end do we do most things for our future self. It may be hard today but you will be happy you did it tomorrow.

  • Skiff, the private email provider has been acquired by Notion. It is set to shut down its services after 6 months.
  • Not a db, I just want to share one reason that happened to the startup I was working at.

    The owners were thinking about keep business as usually which means paying more to the employees or scaling up which is very expensive, they only had small to medium sized companies as their customers(but many). Then this big company came from a different country, they were on a shopping spree buying a lot of companies(scaling up and taking over the market). The owners of the company I worked at were soon 65 or above 65 so they thought that it was a opportunity. Because if they sell then they don't have to be worried about money after retirement. So they did. But they did think the company would be taken care of, but I think they also looked away from the bad stuff, wishing this would be great. Almost everyone left the company after a year or two (myself included), it was a sinking ship. Same goes for the other companies they acquired.

    Tldr; selling the company to get retirement money while hoping the company will be taken cared of. Took only a year for ppl to leave because of how bad it was.

  • Junior Dev VS Machine Learning
  • Here I am wondering why no one made the joke that the answer was not found (404) but chat gpt assumed it was the answer πŸ˜‚

  • Spotify doesn't make profit from music streaming, despite having over 400M monthly active users, because it pays two-thirds of all its revenue to the rights holders.
  • Do you know how the merch shops works? Spotify seems to be a reseller of some kind. How many % of the money is going to the artist usually?

  • what are some of the best purchases you've made ?
  • I second this, i haven't hooked it up tho. But vacuum cleaning everyday because of cat hair got cumbersome. I also use it as an alarm, when it starts am i done for the day (work from home).

  • Microsoft will let users uninstall Edge, Bing, and disable ads on Windows 11 as it complies with the Digital Markets Act
  • Winget like everyone said. But you can also download the exe with powershell if you know the url (otherwise just download the page and have fun finding the link haha)

  • Choose wisely!
  • Or, it could mean you will forever look like you did 10 hours ago. So it may not help now but will be a big plus in a few years!

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • I don't know about other countries, but in the nordic countries was it not a day to get present until after 1600 so there may have been a time with less visible capitalism. The presents started as a gift to ppl in need and later became a thing you give to family and friends. That day wasn't even a Christian day at first until we converted. It was called midwinter(no presents, just a celebration). But like the person who responded to you before me said; capitalism has been around a lot longer.

  • Kuma Kuma

    Hello! πŸ‘‹

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