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google is not and never was your friend, it is a dictator tool: Degoogle
  • So if I open an account with Posteo and then configure it so I’m using Apple’s Mail app on my mobile devices to read the email, am I defeating the privacy and/encription entirely? Posteo does not have a dedicated email client.

  • Dolores Barbell
  • This would be a good roller derby player name, too

  • Houston CVPE 2/5 sickout information

    Houston's Community Voices for Public Ed is holding a sickout for parents and students on 2/5.

    full details here

    • We need the return of an elected board (more accountability)
    • We need real, authentic learning and full books, not more endless test prep paced without regard for student needs (more learning)
    • We need our schools to be safe, nurturing spaces for our children including wraparound services and immigrant safety (more safety and services)


    Which games would you recommend that require teamwork?
  • This is an old one, but an extremely good one: The Lord of the Rings (from 2000). I've found that it works pretty well with as few as 2 players, but even better with more. It's not impossible to find. There are people on the Board Game Geek market selling it for reasonable prices.

  • Kukelbrecht Kukelbrecht
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