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Louisiana's new "Ten Commandments" law actually contains eleven commandments
  • Can you write English with Chinese characters?

  • What industry secret are you aware of that most people aren't?
  • Technology connections did a video on this, it's actually insane how much wastage there is

  • Texas congressman won’t stop wearing combat Infantryman Badge that was revoked
  • In this case it also wouldn't, stolen valor only applies of you do it to "obtain a tangible benefit" IE discounts, or deceiving voters.

  • I'm Not a Programmer, but Here’s Why Linux Is My Daily Driver
  • Had some issues with EAC and getting games to run OOTB which was an issue with spontaneously playing weird and obscure games. If I or we would plan our sessions properly it wouldn't have been a problem though

    Fully agree on the EA thing, as well as ubishit constantly being buggy and a pain to work with though.

  • Lemons(?) of Lemmy, what is something that feels so obvious to you that you just get lowkey pissed at the world for not knowing?
  • If you only slightly press down your brakes you can easily overcome that by applying more gas.

    IMO that happens extremely rarely though

  • I'm Not a Programmer, but Here’s Why Linux Is My Daily Driver
  • I personally use windows (I play a lot of different games with friends, and setting all of them up in Linux is a lot of work) and I hate it.

    However my mum only uses her laptop for browsing and zoom calls, so I installed Linux mint on that and it's been going great, there are soooo much less issues than with modern windows.

  • Choose your Fighter
  • Ayo, where's my boy triceratops at‽

  • Baden-Württemberg: Zwei AfD-Stadträte in Karlsruhe angegriffen
  • Eh, Tod und permanente Schaden sind noch was anderes, da kommt's sehr drauf an wie die Umstände sind.

    Wenn sie (Mal wieder) versuchen ein Asylheim anzuzünden und dabei sich selbst anzünden, werd ich einer der ersten sein der sie dafür auslacht.

  • glass
  • Ist's still a bit high, glass melts around 1.6kC

  • Baden-Württemberg: Zwei AfD-Stadträte in Karlsruhe angegriffen
  • Oh nein /s

    Tja, sowas passiert halt wenn sich für menschenverachtend Nazischeiße einsetzt.

  • Harvard board bars 13 pro-Palestine student protesters from graduating, overruling faculty
  • Congratulations on knowing civil law, fuck you for not having basic human decency though.

  • The Offspring, The Beastie Boys, Van Halen w/DLR, and the B52s. Are there other bands that rock, but are often silly/goofy and funny?
  • The lonely island. Although they're always silly and funny, not just often.

  • Cops can force suspect to unlock phone with thumbprint, US court rules
  • Yikes. imagine actually believing something like that

  • Cops can force suspect to unlock phone with thumbprint, US court rules
  • FaceID can also be forced, they aren't allowed to force you to give up anything you "know" as in pin/password/pattern etc.

  • European leaders condemn Iran’s revenge attack on Israel
  • Soooo if Israel bombs Iranian targets and an embassy that's okay, but if Iran retaliates we react??

  • Microsoft won't update your Windows 11 PC if it has these apps
  • Yeah and? Debian is free, you can just upgrade to the newer version without paying a thing.

  • ich☝️🤓iel
  • Neuer account und noch Mal versuchen würd ich sagen

  • Rule ⛳
  • naahh, they're wrong. Tipsy mini golf is the shit, especially if there's a theme (darkroom/pirates/whatever)

  • Emissionsbilanz des Umweltbundesamtes: Deutschland übererfüllt Klimaziele für 2023
  • *keinen Privatjet mehr. (2023 die Firma über den der lief verkauft) sein zweites (jetzt einziges) Privatflugzeug hat er trotzdem noch.

  • ich_iel
  • Die älteren und Initiativen Modelle sind von sehr hoher Qualität und Reperaturbarkeit, alle haben auch sehr gute Schlüsselbretter.

  • Krzd Krzd
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