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If Dolly Parton can be canceled, we’re in serious trouble
  • My dad stopped drinking Bud Lite. "Will never touch it again."

    Switched to Busch products...

  • The Christian right is coming for divorce next
  • They already calculate household income for any individual assistance.

  • Trump flattened for talking about executing Biden before gun owners
  • Both sides are not the same, but they are both corrupt. The message of "both are the same" needs to be more specific.

    The right side takes away rights, the left helps people. That's great! Only while the decisions cater to things wanted. They only do what will get them in office.

  • It is apparently controversial
  • I have a job that I go to residential homes to fix computers. 100% would rather be there alone with a 1%er than a women.

    My personal experience tells me that it's safer whether statistically it is or not.

  • It could soon be illegal to publicly wear a mask for health reasons in NC
  • Hopefully this doesn't spread. My partner already has a difficult time going into public because she's highly allergic to a very common ingredient that's in practically everything.

  • xkcd #2932: Driving PSA
  • First to stop is the safer option. I feel that most people around here follow that too.

    It also has a rare benefit of seeing the interaction between a majority first-to-goers at a 4 way.

  • Human rights
  • I would like to see an AMA from a first time owner that didn't end up with water on the wall. When in the process of deciding to get one and having it functional did it occur to watch out... or not?

    I did after putting it in and watched my partner test it and got another in a different spot.

  • Americans are choking on surging fast-food prices. "I can't justify the expense," one customer says
  • I don't eat fast food often but on occasion I'll get a craving. It's been a few years but I had an urge to get McDonald's. I got a mcchicken, double cheese burger, and medium fries. $13! W. T. F.

  • Enlightened Centrists
  • Corruption is OK as long as one is the lesser of two evils.

  • Enlightened Centrists
  • Both sides are corrupt, not "the same"

  • The front fell off.
  • No, past the environment

  • Seeking Support and Clarity
  • As Meno said, you don't have to tell anyone.

    As for yourself, it's something that you'll have to accept about yourself but don't look at it as a label. You are who you are, a diagnosis of anything is just an explanation of why you are who you are.

    Remember, a diagnosis doesn't give you anything accept awareness.

  • [SOLVED] Trying to put Linux mint on desktop
  • I’ve had this before a few times but can’t remember what the fix was.

    Try hitting Enter or Ctrl+C A prompt may show up. If not try Alt+F7 that may take you to the GUI login.

    Sorry I can’t be more help at the moment, I may be able to later if no one else jumps in.

  • Thomas rule
  • If it smells like shit everywhere you go, might be time to check under your own shoes.

  • Play games, or play with Mari girl?
  • Scrolled past this and had to share my gamer kitty too. Sometimes when I try to play around her, she'll accept it. Other times she will play bite me to stop XD

  • Looking for Image Combiner - PhotoScape Alternative
  • is my go to resource. I don't know about this software or alternatives, so I hope this helps.

  • The Feds' Vehicle 'Kill Switch' Mandate Is a Gross (and Dangerous) Violation of Privacy | Jon Miltimore
  • Next step will be to have it drive you to the police station and alert them of your arrival.

  • Non-religious Republicans of Lemmy, how do you reconcile your non-religious convictions with a party that bases a lot of its policies on religion?
  • From the mouth of my dad "you'll be in a list and they'll know you have guns. I shouldn't have to register for a right that's in the constitution"

    There's a ton wrong with that statement, but he's willfully blind to any of it. He hung up on me when I pointed out all the issues that statement had XD

  • The world's 280 million electric bikes and mopeds are cutting demand for oil far more than electric cars
  • I know drivers are idiots but in my area bikes are supposed to ride on the streets. Could get a ticket for being in the sidewalk.

  • Thousands of people are reportedly lining up to have a portion of their skull removed and one of Elon Musk's brain chips implanted
  • I'd be in line myself of it wasn't for a few key things.

    Successful trials

    Elon's history on fucking with shit for his own entertainment and/or personal gain

    You know this will be connected to the internet to work

  • What is your must have hardware for your finished prints? (Screws, magnets, etc.)

    I'm looking to start keeping hardware for prints that need additional parts to complete them. A Pi case that I printed needed screws that I don't have on hand and needed to go searching for some.

    It got me thinking to keep a container of stuff ready that would get used often, but I don't really know what to keep on hand. What do you have readily available?

    Is there any aggregate site(s) to find tech related conferences/conventions that have public attendance?

    In person or online for anything tech related such as hardware, software, development, gaming, etc.

    In the past I've only found conventions by chance or through work related means. Through work was always related to the services we used, which was awesome, but very limited subjects. Unfortunately don't have that option anymore.

    I get super jazzed and motivated when I'm able to attend but I've really never been able to find any when I'm actively looking.

    Additional question: what's the last convention or conference that you were really exited about but it turned out to be a disappointment?

    For me, there was a game developer conference at a local university that turned out to be only a few hours and three guest speakers, no Q and A. It was interesting at least.

    (Fixed)Used Ender 3 pro - odd issues with axis movement and auto home goes to center of build plate

    Edit: Fixed by replacing the main board. I probably could have just added a BLTouch which was considered, but the USB port was unusable and I need that. I'm keeping the old board to mess around with it for later though. Possible good learning experience to be had.

    I picked this up as an Amazon return/open box. The person that returned it just swapped their old printer and returned it.

    Anyways, I was able to get it running and starting it up I am able to move all axis like normal. But when I select Auto Home the z will lift about 5mm. This lift happens no matter where it's located. The head and print bed will move to their zero points and touch the sensors then both move to roughly their center points.

    From this point all the axis will only move in the positive directions (starting at ~145 and can move to 150 but won't move back to the 145 position. X, Y, and Z will all do this).

    From what I found, it sounds like the BLTouch firmware may be installed, as there is also a leveling option in the menus. I'm not sure if this would explain the axis movement issues though.

    I have tried reseating all connections, tightened power supply connections, resetting to factory through the menu and gcode, and changing/updating firmware.

    Updating the firmware seems to be failing as it boots up normally and the versions don't change (formatted to FAT32 with 4k sectors). I'm guessing I may need to replace some hardware but if there's anything else I can try first, I would love to get some input.

    Printer info: Ender 3 pro, software, hardware 4.2.2, April 28 '22

    KroninJ KroninJ
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    Comments 56