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It's all he ever talks about...

  • They lied to you about car surveillance
  • Yeah I deleted my account instantly once I noticed how toxic it is.

  • 4th rule
  • Idea for ad to publish on porn sites.

  • I want life to be big and grand!
  • I'm in this photo and I like it.

  • Quiet Nourishing
  • I take a whole hou- oh wait I'm unemployed

  • anime_irl
  • O_O

  • Duck Detective: The Secret Salami – Launch Trailer – Nintendo Switch
  • First thing to come to mind is the show from Gravity Falls.

  • Can I make it fit, or do I have to just let it go?
  • It ain't gonna fit babe

  • Old XKCD, still relevant
  • Well, bye everyone.

  • Gitea is hosted on Github, ignored issue since 7 years
  • Ah yes that's it. Forgejo has been great on my server.

  • Its a hard fate : (
  • Support seems much better now.

  • Gitea is hosted on Github, ignored issue since 7 years
  • At least Forgojo is hosted on Codeberg. Actually I believe that Forgejo is a Codeberg project.

  • Korbs Korbs
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    Comments 12