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  • The butt is flat, and serves as a plug
    So... a butt plug?

  • Las Vegas teenager facing murder charge after intentionally hitting bicyclist with stolen car, police say
  • I saw him on a bunch post today with shit takes, he's a troll or an idiot, same difference.

  • Greta Thunberg charged after blocking Sweden oil port for second time
  • The source? It's ZugZugs asshole, clearly.

  • Florida leaders silent after senator confronts staffer at women’s shelter
  • Ha, that's a great joke, what's the next one?

  • Happiness of girls and young women at lowest level since 2009, shows UK poll
  • That's the dumbest thing I have read today, good job!

  • How do you deal with being broke?
  • clearly you have lost track of time old man.

  • How do you deal with being broke?
  • What are you saying??? I have not had a job that did not need me to have one in some regard, think you are a little behind the times tbh.

  • US approves first-ever military aid to Taiwan through program typically used for sovereign nations
  • ok so what DO you mean, I mean you are the one putting words in peoples mouths saying they are glad Russia invaded, so what exactly do you mean by it, that Ukraine should just let them take what they want?

  • US approves first-ever military aid to Taiwan through program typically used for sovereign nations
  • idk you seem like the delusional one with the idea that someone is gonna go " please mister Putin, please stop war?" and that he would listen

  • freedom of speech
  • If someone shows you how they really feel, you believe the fucker, and that fucker is a bigot.

  • Born that way
  • Lol, it's so bad that I mentioned I did not want to use filters on my dating profile to my friends girlfriend because I find it disingenuous and her response was "are you calling me ugly and a liar?" then called the cops on me and said I was suicidal, safe to say we are not friends anymore.

    people are shallow as fuck man.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • As someone willing to admit it is a skill issue, how the fuck do you learn to talk to people?? I have no fuckin clue man.

  • Hong Kong judge defies government’s bid to ban pro-democracy protest song, saying it could undermine freedom of expression
  • What ever do you mean, I am told by plenty of people here that China is just a misunderstood communist society that is great, why would Hong Kong NOT want to be with China /s

  • Hopefully Apple is only the beginning
  • oh I KNOW you are a massive fucking cuck no question about that one, you have your head so far up your ass you think this makes you cool, when it just makes you a fucking dweeb.

  • Hopefully Apple is only the beginning
  • fuckin a how god damn stupid are you? this "green bubble" shit is hilarious, you want to suck Tim Cooks cock so fucking bad you are making up pejoratives for people not using an iPhone, how much of a fucking cuck do you have to be?

  • Something I long to hear...
  • Even if you were it would still hold religious connotation, I would assume the reason they point up for a recently dead person is to imply they are in heaven, what else does it mean? so still religious.

  • What have you been playing and what do you think of it? 7/16/23
  • Me and my friends are getting back into Hunt: showdown it's still so good and the new event is a lot of fun, fighting gators in a thunderstorm is just enjoyable.

  • Something I long to hear...
  • right like I don't see how you could write that and not see the obvious religious connotation.

  • Facebook turns over mother and daughter’s chat history to police resulting in abortion charges
  • I understand your reasoning and have practiced it before with minimal success, they do not want civil discussion nor do they care about rights or facts, they think you are a murder sympathizer and have no interest in listening to you because reasoning does not matter to them.

    IMO teaching people to have and improve the cognitive skills needed to determine facts and to find accurate information is more important in fighting things like this. Which basically mean better schooling, when you can have more of an impact on teaching good behaviors and skills.

    Sorry to tell you a comment on a website with all the facts in the world is unlikely to sway a lot of peoples minds on abortions rights when they could already look up all those facts and opinions. it is kinda hard to sway people set in an idea based on emotion when the facts are already out there and they don't care.

    Also all of that is again assuming they are not malicious but just misguided, tbh I thing we tend to give a lot of leeway by saying "oh they are just ignorant" eventually ignorance turns to malice if you are unwilling to change it after being told multiple times.

    Most do not care to change or care about what helps people with no intent to change, rather just tell them to leave us alone and move on without the trash.

  • /kbin meta Killakomodo
    How does reputation work on kbin?

    I have only commented so far with only positive reception, all my comments are in the positives and I only have 5 downvote all I am pretty sure coming from the same person on the same thread, yet I have -5 rep, why?

    if I add my positive upvotes, likes, whatever and subtract my 5 downvotes I would have 97-5 which is 92, why do only downvotes or negative interaction count but not positive?

    Killakomodo Killakomodo
    Posts 2
    Comments 72