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The Daily Mail Song
  • So that’s where Radiohead got the idea!

  • Ah Ah Ah
  • Come on, let’s count to 34 together!

    1, ah ah ah…

  • Valheim - Patch 0.218.15 – Ashlands
  • Well, I’m playing it right now and having a blast. Sorry if that offends you.

  • Valheim - Patch 0.218.15 – Ashlands
  • Because it came to gamepass and the latest patch completely reworks loot and upgrading items and adds an endgame.

    The general consensus is that Diablo 4 finally got good.

    Anyway, my mind was made up for me as the valheim patch wasn’t available on xbox yesterday.

  • Valheim - Patch 0.218.15 – Ashlands
  • Damn, new Diablo 4 season starts today too. I dunno which to play first!

    Today is a good day.

    Edit: I thought it would be ages until the ashlands was properly released. The smaller ‘Hildir’ patch was in testing forever.

  • What's your Sci-Fi unpopular opinion? Part II
  • Damn, all three of those opinions hurt me. Why you gotta be this way?

    My takes; I didn’t enjoy Hyperion or Red Mars.

  • I Tried Blizzard's Diablo 4 Rework - Any Good? (DarthMicrotransaction TV)
  • Seems it might actually be good. I haven’t watched this video but I did watch some of raxxanterax streaming yesterday and he seemed very pleased.

    I should point out that I’ve never actually played this game. I played quite a lot of Diablo 3 and I thought I’d wait a while before trying Diablo 4 as I was sure it would have problems at launch and wasn’t willing to spend £70-100 on a game that had the potential to be a complete mess.

    Well, seems like they may have actually sorted things out now and seeing as it has just come to gamepass I’ll be giving it a play when season 4 starts.

    I am kind of left wondering what the point of Diablo 4 is though. ‘The pit’ is the new end-game content and it seems to be an almost direct copy of greater rifts from Diablo 3, even down to the obelisk asset and animation.

    Like I said though, I haven’t played the game yet, so what do I know??!!!

  • Thoughts on VPN providers?
  • I can also recommend AirVPN. I’ve been using it for several years now. I have it on my iMac and iPhone and make use of both the port forwarding and dns. They have their own client (Eddie) but you can use 3rd party clients too. I used the openVPN client for a while and am currently using wireguard.

  • Scientists Fear Starfield May Spread Across Multiple Console Generations
  • I know it’s a flawed game but, I’m also having a lot of fun playing it. I’m currently level 141 on ng+12. I’m also looking forward to dlc… well, actually that depends on if it’s included in game pass, if it isn’t then I probably won’t bother with it.

  • Is it impossible to copy text from a post or a comment?
  • Yeah, that’s what I’ve been doing. It’s definitely far from ideal.

  • EXCLUSIVE | Microsoft plans Starfield launch for PlayStation 5 - XboxEra
  • I think that’s the plan. Rumour is that Microsoft want out of the console hardware business. They want to just be a game producer and subscription platform. They want gamepass on PlayStation and Nintendo and, well everywhere and then they can stop making consoles.

    Who knows if that’s even possible though. It seems like hell would freeze over before Sony and Nintendo let gamepass on their platforms but, stranger things have happened.

  • The last few days I haven’t been able stop thinking about ‘Dooby Duck's Disco Bus’…
  • Fortunately, I have zero recollection of that programme.

  • The last few days I haven’t been able stop thinking about ‘Dooby Duck's Disco Bus’…

    …and just the fact that it existed.

    It was literally just puppets dancing to pop music.

    I don’t know how to stop dwelling on this.

    Proposal on implementing permanent time zones in the European Union
  • I wouldn’t worry about it too much, these stories appear every year and nothing ever changes.

  • Deep space astronauts may be prone to erectile dysfunction, study finds
  • Cool cool cool, I can just tell ppl I’m an astronaut now.

  • Spiders (Kidsmoke) by Wilco
  • I did some checking, weirdly both albums were released in the same month of the same year, June 2004.

    The lackluster album is a selection of remixes of other artists tracks, so it’s possible he decided to use a ‘remix’ for the cover art too, changing the egg for an egg timer. There’s no remix of a Wilco track on the album though.

    That’s my guess anyway, they seem way too similar to be a coincidence.

    I actually used to talk with Esa (Esa Ruoho AKA lackluster) now and then many years ago on soulseek. Pity I’ve lost touch with him or I could have just asked him.

  • Spiders (Kidsmoke) by Wilco
  • I saw the thumb nail and thought it was this album.

  • CityFibre with Yayzi, £29pm for 1gb! Success
  • Hmm, that’s interesting.

    I’m currently with Vodafone and they’re coming to install fibre to my home in a couple of days… for free! However, they’re only putting me on the 100mbps plan.

    I’m out of contract with them so I think I’ll switch once the install is done.

  • Echos update out.
  • Yeah, I just read through the whole thing. It’s a HUGE update.

  • Nexus Hijack Sentinel Pillar Bug
  • I think it might be a known bug on multiplayer. I’ve only played that mission a couple of times with another player and it was bugged both times. We managed to complete it but there more than 6 waves, I’ve heard other ppl say that it just goes forever too.

  • currently installing the game. dlc?

    I’m Installing the game to play for the first time, it also has some dlc called ‘Echoes of the eye’. Should I install this as well or wait until I’ve completed the base game?

    Magic builds

    Does anyone here use a purely magic build? I’m experimenting with it at the moment but would like to hear what others are doing.

    What foods do you eat? I’m currently using 2X Eitr and one stamina but it leaves me with very little health.

    Do you wear the full mage gear or mix and match with some heavier armour? I’m using the full mage set at the moment.

    I do fine against regular seekers but fights with soldiers take longer than if I just bashed it with a melee weapon. I took down a gjall but it was pretty sketchy and took a while too. Hits from its fireballs popped my protection bubble almost immediately so I spent a lot of time dodging and recasting the bubble.

    I don’t have the frost staff yet so I’m guessing that will make things a bit easier by slowing enemies.

    Search within communities and community browsing

    How do I search posts within a community, is that possible?

    Also, is it possible to just browse through communities? I know I can search for communities but I’d like to just be shown a load of them and browse through them to see if anything catches my fancy.

    Valheim plans

    It’s nice to see valheim on Lemmy but it’s kinda quiet here at the moment so I thought I’d ask what you’re next planning to do in valheim?

    I’m currently just kind of idling whilst waiting for the latest update to leave beta. I don’t really want to explore any more of my map until it’s released. In the meantime I think I’m going to try and defeat yagluth (no spoilers please!) so I’ve been preparing for that, raising an earth wall around the area, brewing meads, making a safe area to rest if I need it etc.

    Kid4today kid4today
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    Comments 34