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  • It's kinda pathetic lol. How is it so hard for people to understand that maybe the best time to talk about problems affecting you is not when someone else is talking about problems affecting them?

  • Windows 11 is nagging users to try OneDrive to "fully backup" your PC
  • I switched to opensuse tumbleweed about 3 months ago and I have zero complaints. Yast is such a powerful too you can avoid using the terminal for many things, and it being rolling release makes it easier to stay up to date. Plus it comes with snapper reconfigured so if anything breaks you can rollback in about 5 minutes. I've had to learn some new things, and a few online games don't work according to proton db but I've yet to run into a game problem on a game I want to play.

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  • Can we go without? Yes. We'll have mood swings like most people when they have hormone fluctuations and depending on the person depression, anxiety, generally feeling yucky. Ect.

    For how long? I mean technically forever? Our bodies still produce hormones naturally (with some surgical exceptions) we won't die but might be miserable enough to want to.

    Can you be denied? State/insurance dependant tbh. Where I live hell no, in a red state yeah definitely.

    And same with non-cooperative docs, some just won't help. (for anyone looking for help look into planned parenthood. They're great and do hormones for trans people.)

    Anyway I've never had a shortage bc hormones are pretty common for cis people too, they just don't know or don't understand when they're taking hormones.

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