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It's a slippery slope

It's only been a year, what has happened to me

[Discussion] AAA Games: Worth it on Steam Deck?
  • I run everything at 720 so I can go seamlessly from docked to handheld, and quite frankly, this little magic Gaben rectangle has no business performing as well as it does.

    If you're trying to run games at 4k, then yeah, it's not gonna be as good. Temper your expectations

  • Suggestions on a good bag to carry steam deck and other things like controller, keyboard, mouse, etc?
  • I've read some stuff about Jsaux being huge douchebags, so, you may need to make an ethical choice, but I've been very satisfied with this bag

  • Wish me luck as I install Arch on an old netbook
  • I guess update for anyone who cares: I am not using Arch btw, not for this little machine. Goal of having a second workspace using KDE is running out of steam, but goal of learning about Linux is proceeding as (in hindsight) expected.

    Netbook is an old Asus eeePC with only a gig of ram, so Endeavour straight up told me no, Tumbleweed stalled out for 6 hours, Leap probably won't do any better, but I'm downloading it anyway because I'm now reaching that phase of collecting distros just to see what works.

    Which is all to say: greetings fellow Linux users, I feel like I have finally arrived.

  • JSAUX Backplate PC0106B Thermals
  • Saw a bit on the Discord server, guy tested the backplate and found that it had little appreciable thermal gain, but the vent hole over the fan made it much much louder. "Unusable without a headset," were his exact words, "cannot recommend unless you exclusively play AAA games with headphones on"

  • What are your favourite offline, low power-usage games?
  • Monster Hunter Rise, Dark Souls 3, and Fallout New Vegas all have really impressive battery life, considering they aren't 2D retro titles.

  • After 30 Years, Linux Finally Hits 3% Market Share
  • I'm taking the first baby steps in the same direction, had my Deck for almost a year now, about to put Endeavour on an old netbook to have a second device running KDE

  • I haven't been on Reddit since the 11th... Anyone else?
  • I haven't been on Facebook in almost 10 years, I deleted both my Twitter accounts the day Elon officially bought the site, but I gotta confess, I've been back to Reddit a few times via Google, to get some niche questions answered. It's become such a backlog of discussion for so many topics that it's kind of not feasible to just wipe it off the map, we have to be able to migrate all that stuff somewhere Spez isn't able to fuck with it.

    "Why is the audio crackling in Armored Core 4 on RPSC3?" Answered a year ago

    "How can my new smoker's chip tray work without holes?" It can't, everyone with that smoker replaces the tray, answered seven years ago.

    And of course, I don't know where else to find an easy compilation of over 14 different imgur albums and GDrive documents for Monster Hunter meta builds, so even if I bookmark them now, I still had to go back to get the links in the first place.

  • What's your Sci-Fi unpopular opinion?
  • The vast majority of Star Wars, new canon and legends, is poorly written trash, but the cringe ass campiness is what makes it a star war.

    Rey isn't the problem, revisionist history is.

  • Introducing Connect for Lemmy
  • Any chance of adding Kbin logins?

  • I’ve fallen into a deep gaming rut lately. What helped “get you back into” gaming and rediscover the magic of video games?
  • I've found, at least in myself and friends, burnout comes from playing one game or one type of game, and getting bored with that specifically. You need to find something new, but I can't really give any suggestions since that's entirely subjective.

    I fell off gaming for a while because my job got crazy. The Switch and specifically Breath of the Wild pulled me back in. Then I honed in on Monster Hunter World in particular for a long time and kinda burnt out because a different job got very demanding of my time, and it wasn't even a change of game, but just getting a better internet connection so I could actually participate in multiplayer that pulled me out of the rut.

    Keep it varied and it'll stay interesting. A buddy of mine just tried to swear off all veeja because he declared himself an addict. He's not an addict, he just burned out after playing nothing but Elden Ring for a solid year. He took a break for about a month and now he's right back on ER with renewed passion.

  • Kaizo107 Kaizo107
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