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The enforcement of copyright law is really simple.
  • @opendna @ajsadauskas @technology

    And if you kill only a million, but they are your own subjects, you are only a Republican President of the US facing a major epidemic. 😜

  • So let me get this straight.
  • @petealexharris @simon_brooke @ajsadauskas @fediverse @technology

    Gee, that is scary! Do you think that #ChatGPT will replace all the billionaires?!

  • The thing about Twitter is that it really lacks a lot of the features you'd expect from a true Mastodon replacement.
  • @sushubh @ajsadauskas @fediverse

    Gasp. And do they offer an option to block all blue subscribers? Of course not, why am I asking...

  • The thing about Twitter is that it really lacks a lot of the features you'd expect from a true Mastodon replacement.
  • @ajsadauskas @fediverse

    But Twitter is improving! It already copied several great features from Mastodon, like no italics and bold markup, "tweets" in reverse chrono order, full-size image previews instead of thumbnails (and always at the end), removed the "dislike" button...

    It even went one better than Mastodon and limited tweets to 250 chars instead of 500.

    Another Mastodon feature that Twitter still lacks is showing the same boosted toot, in full, every time someone boosts it.

  • JorgeStolfi Jorge Stolfi

    Computer Science professor, State University of Campinas (UNICAMP), Brazil.

    Generally leftist (which means socialist outside the US), dreaming of democracy, justice, equality, disarmament, respect for science and human life, green energy, etc.

    Posts in Portuguese are about topics of mostly Brazilian interest.

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