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We coulda had Bernie...
  • So you think trade agreements that go back decades and overcoming partisan congressional policy is simple?

    Why aren’t you doing it then, bud?

    Because from where I see things, just simply saying:

    “I don’t like when he cOmMiTs a gEnOciDe!”

    isn’t doing shit to stop it- and is only hurting the chances anyone has to not make it exponentially worse when Donald “let’s finish the job” Trump takes over.

    Because you see, although you seem to get upset when I call people propagandists, it’s not a huge leap to make when you’ve asked these people time and time again how they can justify urging people not to vote knowing it’ll be so much worse if Trump wins. How about I start calling them “bigots” because they will knowingly be causing our LGBTQ+ friends and family to suffer by allowing a Trump victory to happen. Or what about I call them “misogynists” for allowing Trump to win and run roughshod over women’s rights?

    Considering the matter at hand, I think propagandist is a nice and relevant catch-all to describe those that are urging people not to vote against Trump.

    Oh also, most of these people have no suggestions for who they’d have take Biden’s place that has any chance of winning the White House, but they seem to k ow Biden is not the guy. Again, from where I stand- if you’re not offering a solution to your suggestion, it’s not a valid suggestion. Someone gets elected regardless if you vote or not.

    So if it’s okay with you, I’m going to call out the propaganda when I see it- as I see it without your permission.


  • We coulda had Bernie...
  • Propagandist. (Only doing what you asked)

    I’m seeing that you seem to have no problem with all the “don’t vote!” And anti-Biden bullshit here. So maybe we shouldn’t be taking a stance on the bias of others here, hmmmm?

  • We coulda had Bernie...
  • Cool. So not voting is still not going to bring change either. So…

    We can agree to disagree. I’m not down with debating the topic where it’s required to read walls of text that are mostly irrelevant to the point.

    Not voting is NOT going to create the change these idiots want. Period.

    End of story.

  • We coulda had Bernie...
  • Okay… either purposefully or not- you’re twisting the topic into something else.

    If you’re voting- good. If you’re not, you’re part of the problem. It isn’t “Biden or Bust” it’s “Democracy or Bust” and it’s late enough in the game that everyone knows this. I’m not going to argue the nuance of the situation. We’re past that. If you want the change you so badly desire, maybe do the work between elections- and if you have been, maybe stand with us against those that are using your work to represent the ideology that not voting nets change.

    Because it’s undermining everything you’ve done.

    I’m done discussing this.

  • We coulda had Bernie...
  • Well, what I’m talking about- and always have been- are the people urging everyone not to vote- while pretending to give a shit about things happening in other countries. Those using the suffering of other people as a platform to get people to not vote- either because thy are so misguided and ignorant about how things work, or are actively trying to work against democracy.

    Regardless of the reason- not voting doesn’t fix the problem. Regardless of the term “SJW” or whatever you wish to call them- THEY are who I’m talking about.

  • Dr. Google
  • This is just like a joke my girlfriend and I have on the subject :

    Google “how to remove a splinter”

    Result: “You may have cancer. Here’s the top 20 paid results regarding things that have nothing to do with your problem.

  • Gathered at Camp David, Biden’s family tells him to stay in the presidential race and keep fighting
  • So…. Let’s get this straight:

    He’s being selfish for trying to stop a tyrant from turning America into a dictatorship run by a rapist/convicted felon…

    But people who are not voting, are…. Hero patriots protecting democracy? Do I have that right?

  • We coulda had Bernie...
  • So are you going to seriously suggest that there aren’t any movements during election years that tell people not to vote? Because I’ll have you remember something called “Bernie Bros” which as I recall, were urging people NOT to vote in 2016, and in 2020 some of them even voted for Trump.


    You’re too tied up in trying to defend people who aren’t considered SJWs. I’m not talkin g about the people you are. So just stop man.

    We probably agree on this here but you’re FAR too busy defending people I’m not even talking about.

    It’s essentially the newer slang-term for “keyboard warrior”

  • We coulda had Bernie...
  • Perhaps you should also not assume what others do. I don’t have any social media accounts where I would see curated information. Aside from lemmy.

    Which, if you are going to suggest lemmy is biased towards being anti-SJW, I’m going to laugh my ass off and not take anything you say seriously.

  • We coulda had Bernie...
  • Okay. We’re clearly not talking about the same thing, and I don’t argue with people that rearrange my words and spit them back at me in the form of things I never said.

    Stop doing that, and have a good day.

  • We coulda had Bernie...
  • Ahh… so, we can just make up all the unverifiable work all the SJWs do so as to have a counter-argument.

    Okay. Let’s assume this is a proven point and go with that.

    If there actually is a lot of work in-between elections… then it’s NOT done by SJWs. Maybe understand that the term “SJW” is not all-encompassing. It doesn’t include people actually doing work.

    It’s a short-hand derogatory to mean- keyboard warriors that whine about social unjust and do nothing else.

    THOSE are the people I’m referencing. Savvy?

  • We coulda had Bernie...
  • They’re essentially just disposable social justice advocates. They bitch and moan during election years then banish right after only to return as victims of their own inability to do the actual work to net the change they demanded.

    This happens every election.

  • We coulda had Bernie...
  • It’s pretty well understood that the term SJW represents your typical keyboard warrior that whines about politics they don’t like or understand during election years to the point that they will urge people not to vote only to spend the time between election years complaining about the results of their inaction.

    They’re not part of the solution, they’re part of the problem.

  • Is there ever going to be a way to post images from this instance?

    I always get the “file size too large” or whatever the error is when trying to post images as comments. I’ve asked and was told that it’s’s limitation on posts/comments.

    Is there any way to avoid having to see a mod removing a single user from 20 different communities in the modlog?

    I like to stay active within the mod community and stay on top of what’s going on in the back-end of lemmy, and there is a certain few mods that when they don’t like what someone posts, they remove them from every community they mod- which is MANY. Even if the person only ever posted in one of them.

    It’s sucks this is even allowed, but I get that if it wasn’t, the alternative might not be better.

    Is there ever going to be a way to collapse the modlogs down to specific moderators, or even filter out the obnoxious ones?

    Is there any way to allow for blocked mods to not appear in mod logs?

    There’s a few mods that pretty much remove/ban EVERYONE and EVERYTHING they see that goes against whatever it is they believe in. And in scrolling the mod logs, these people dominate the feed. Is there any way to make them not show up?

    Worse yet, there’s a specific mod that will ban people from every community they moderate, if someone so much as steps out of line in just one of them.

    This is incredibly annoying to have to weed through.

    I can no longer share images/gifs as images.

    It shares a link to the post now where it used to share the image.

    Any time I try and post a gif/pictute, it errors saying image size too large.

    Regardless of what I’m sharing. Is it that photos/gifs cannot be shared with Voyager?

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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