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Portugal Cove Rd, Newfoundland - Certified McMansion™
  • Man, seeing Newfoundland on here is a trip. There are barely any newfies to start with.

  • Whatever stage of capitalism this is, I'm exhausted by it
  • Whatever you say conservative

  • Whatever stage of capitalism this is, I'm exhausted by it
  • Dudes from Thunder Bay, just ignore him

  • Removal of piracy communities
  • Yes. You are going crazy.

    Your comparison with Karen and CVS fails on numerous accounts and lemme spell them out for you.

    1. CVS is an established megacorporation. A bunch of Karens saying that they wont get business from them anymore is meaningless to something that brings in billions of profit.

    2. Karens are not connected beyond vague occasional facebook groups and other types of groups.

    3. is not established as the be-all and end-all of the fediverse. In fact, it's shown that it's badly managed in the sense that the site is non-functional more often than not. Various features just do not work here, show context as example, and the admins are more focused on the fallout over a troll post than working on the site.

    4. Users of this website are the only thing that has. Due to it's lack of stability on numerous counts, if there's a mass exodus of users it no longer becomes financially viable to keep the site running the way that it is or even at all. Due to the relatively small amount of users, a mass leaving incident so early in it's life cycle could kill the site.

    5. Lemmy users are organized on the very site that they are leaving. Comments can be left to point out why the person is leaving. This isn't being screamed at a single cashier, this would be visible to numerous people in the product they're using.

  • Removal of piracy communities
  • First off, lemme just say that I left reddit because I was sick of the site bowing more to a corporate end than listening to the people and being somewhat reasonable. is now guilty of that. I genuinely dunno how much longer I'll stay around this instance if this is the type of administration we see at the start.

    Second, there is no situation in which could be considered legally responsible for that of another instance, allowing access to them or not. Merely blocking the instance in its entirety shows a disgusting amount of overreach on behalf of the administrators. The whole point of the fediverse is to NOT cut oneself off from everything, but keeps showing that it is willing to do so time and time again.

  • Whatever stage of capitalism this is, I'm exhausted by it
  • Am I being dumb on this?


    The property is making more than twice minimum wage simply by existing as nothing more than a parking space. I'm on disability and I get less than minimum wage. The idea that a parking spot in my city gets paid more than I do is depressing as hell.

    There is a significant difference between land having value and hourly income off of that land. Especially when the only thing done to the land is paving it flat and staying empty.

    Then there's the issue that these staggering amounts of parking lots bring in all this money for a company that often has nothing to do with the city. So some guy is just leasing land to let people rent it per hour and giving no real money back to the city. It's pure business but doesn't help the city in any way. Meanwhile the city has a catastrophic lack of affordable housing.

    If you can't see why it's fucked up that a single tiny slice of undeveloped land is making more than someone on minimum wage then I'm not sure you're that left leaning.

  • Georgia prosecutors have messages showing Trump's team is behind voting system breach
  • The psychotic thing to me is that this isn't really news. We've known that they've been meddling in American Democracy for YEARS. Remember when we found out about the meeting between the Russians and the campaign at Trump Tower during the 2016 election? The Trump Campaign, and all republicans by extension, are traitors to democracy. I'm done tiptoeing. I'm done saying it like it's anything than what it is.

    Fucking treason.

    And yes. All republicans. If you call yourself a republican you have decided to align yourself with traitors. Bitch, whine and moan all you want. You are a traitor.

  • ‘He’s alone’: Trump arraignment sees no family, no posse, no protests
  • What even is this article? When was he ever with anyone to begin with?

    He has never done a single thing in his pitiful life that has revolved around anyone but himself. Everything was about him and his wounded ego.

  • It Took 23 Days for Lemmy Posts to Double from 1 Million to 2 Million
  • Cool. Has nothing to do with what I said about commenting on stuff to help others be interested in posts and show engagement, but cool.

  • It Took 23 Days for Lemmy Posts to Double from 1 Million to 2 Million
  • Same applied to reddit too. Posts with no real engagement don't interest people in general. The more random ass comments the better.

  • Paramount+ Becoming The Streaming Home Of Star Trek In Canada
  • No.

    Maybe you should ask your moderators to have their behavior in check instead of asking everyone else to stop being annoyed with your inability to keep things straight.

    I do not care what you want. I care about how I'm being represented. If your little fediverse thing is going to be this incredibly toxic with your moderators from the get go then you are actively as bad as reddit. I'm not editing my comment for you or your other cunt moderators. I'll just leave the entire community first than bow down to you patting yourself on the back for a failure in leadership.

    You're just as bad.

  • Houston man ticketed for feeding unhoused found not guilty
  • This feels less uplifting and more depressing that it ever got to this place to begin with...

  • Paramount+ Becoming The Streaming Home Of Star Trek In Canada
  • You seem to be complaining that Picard wasn't there several months ago

    No. I am saying that it is disingenuous to say that it's available when a SINGLE season is despite three being released.

    You seem to misunderstand that, as well - all it means is that CTV Sci-Fi will continue airing the new series on TV. They will all stream on Paramount+.

    No, I quite literally do not. I put the quote in directly pointing to what I said. So if you could try your best to not just make shit up and stuff words down my throat, that would be utterly fantastic.

    While streaming for Star Trek has moved from Crave to Paramount+, CTV Sci-Fi will continue to be the broadcast home of Star Trek in Canada. The Star Trek shows will also continue to be available on and the CTV app for subscribers.

    One of the homes. If the shows are still available on another streaming service, then Paramount+ cannot claim to be the singular home of Star Trek. That is my point.

    I have zero interest in continuing this "conversation" with you when you're going to misrepresent what I've said and then act snide due to your own failure to comprehend. I have far better things to do than waste my time having to explain myself ad nauseam.

    Edit: Your bitchy cunt response really proves my point. You misunderstand and then lash out at that person, assuming what they meant. You presume that it's confusing to everyone else when my comment has been upvoted and no one else needed clarification. You should go back to reddit.

  • Paramount+ Becoming The Streaming Home Of Star Trek In Canada
  • Okay so this article is just straight up lying or being extremely scumbaggy with it's wording.

    The service already includes all available seasons of Discovery, Lower Decks, and Picard.

    Yeah... Discovery and Lower Decks was there but Picard wasn't. Me and a friend, both Canadian, couldn't watch it on Paramount+ and I said fuck it and ended up torrenting it. We didn't know that it was on Crave until a couple of weeks ago and by then it was already phasing out. We had both signed up for Paramount+ to watch Season 3 of Picard and just outright couldn't. Couldn't even watch Season 2. Only Season 1 was available.


    While streaming for Star Trek has moved from Crave to Paramount+, CTV Sci-Fi will continue to be the broadcast home of Star Trek in Canada. The Star Trek shows will also continue to be available on and the CTV app for subscribers.

    So... Paramount+ is just one of the homes for Star Trek then.

    The rights to streaming Star Trek is a fucking disaster here.

  • Tesla created secret team to suppress thousands of driving range complaints
  • Well yeah. That was made pretty abundantly clear when they had a public meltdown over Top Gear thrashing the shitty range. They got so infuriated with the idea that someone dared point out that the car sucks that they refused to give them another car for years. When they did, Top Gear rigged the whole segment with jokes by having "lawyers" around saying what they could and couldn't say.

  • [LFG] (21+ and LGBT Friendly) Hunting a Serial Killer | A Comedy/Thriller Campaign | 1 Player Needed for Mondays @ 7:30pm EST

    Wow. First post. Okay, i'll take that honor!

    Hey there, my name is Jase and I've been DMing a few years. I'm currently running a campaign but one of our players unfortunately had to drop out. I'm looking for 1 player, 21+ (non-negotiable), who would be available at 7:30pm EST for a 3-4 hour campaign, once a week on Mondays. The vibes of the campaign would be 65% RP and 35% Combat as well as a 50/50 split between comedy and drama. You'd be playing someone who was wronged by a serial killer in some fashion, losing either a loved one or maybe being a grizzled cop, and you're trying to hunt them down. If you want to meme in here, that's perfectly fine! Just take the serious moments serious and you can do with the rest what you like. We're all here to have fun! The answer is starfleet. We'd also be using Owlbear for maps, Dnd Beyond for character sheets, and discord for voice chat. You could roll virtual or physical dice, doesn't matter to me but certain rolls like death saves would be on Dnd Beyond just for clarity sake, and rolled privately between me and you just to keep tension high for everyone. Almost every class/race would be allowed as well, just a couple of subclass limitations like divination wizard and chronurgy wizard. You would be joining the campaign at level 4, same level as everyone else at the moment. LBelow is a general set-up for the campaign from the eyes of a generic character. Your character would have some type of similar experience in seeing someone you shouldn't, but the details of which would be between me and you as you created your character. If you're still interested then below all of this is a little form, just fill it out and shoot over a message! Thanks for your time and hope you have a great day.

    "Welcome to the Caliginous Expanse. A place where even hope withers. Would you like fries with that?" ~Jase Vaxomir

    This world isn't the happiest of worlds, then again what one is. This wasteland, for lack of a better word, is placed around one central ocean that feeds life to everything around it. The further you get from the ocean, the more difficult a life can be expected to be led. Go so far and you're probably not expected to come back at all. At the far reaches of one of these fringes is a city called Endgate. Unsurprisingly, it touts itself as being the end of civilization and the gate to the wastes, with a literal gate guarding one singular road stretching for miles beyond the horizon in a straight line. Life here is tough. People thrive when they can but those chances are getting further and further away from the average person. You would be a citizen of this city, or towns nearby, pushing through life as best as you can. Whatever your original plans for your life, they're either cancelled or at least spurned on by one chance encounter. Maybe it was walking home through the markets. Maybe you were in the stables finishing up your duties. Maybe you were training and spotted them in the woods. Whatever the situation, you all saw one man.

    He was dressed well and maybe thats what caught your eye. The white suit stands out a little bit in any situation, even more so with a reddish purpleish tie tucked in behind his jacket. Maybe the white shoes that didn't seem to care what they were walking through, staying clean as the day they were made. Maybe it was his eyes though. Sharing the same pearlescent effect as his tie, they were both red and purple, shifting carelessly between the two. Like two rich potions battling it out in the same bottle, swirling around each other but neither able to overtake the other. Whatever it was that caught your attention, it was his smile that kept it. Pearly white teeth contorted into a sickening grin, standing out from everything else around you. Like this guy was in on some cosmic joke that no one else could notice. You pause for a moment, just long enough for yourself to stand out. Those swirling eyes and grin suddenly shift. They're no longer laughing at the world. At the yo mamma joke that seem to be written in the winds. They're looking at you.

    Smiling at you. The grin grows wider and wider, time seeming to slow around you. Faces walk past, leaves drift by on the breeze, horses move in slow motion around you. The grin growing larger and larger, wider and wider until you're sure his entire face is going to split in half to create enough space for all of those f**king teeth. While you're drawn in, seemingly stuck watching this horror story, the world quiets around you just long enough for a message to land itself in your mind. No words. No language. Just heavy breathing followed by a small sound that you swear sounds like a low chuckle of excitement. You take a step back, instinctively, and he's gone. One blink and that nightmare of a smile, that horror of a face, has faded on the wind.

    You head home, finish your training, finish your duties, whatever. The face burned into your memory. Maybe you start to shake it off and shrug it off, thinking "Hey, I've seen far worse than that" and you very well might have. But it lingers in some way, just long enough to be memorable when you get home to see a number of town guards stationed outside, ready to question you as other guards seem to be inside investigating some sort of body. Someone close to you. Someone gone far too soon from your life. You answer the guards questions as best as you can but part way through you get distracted. The whole time you've been looking over the shoulders of these guards, trying to peer into your home. Maybe you're trying to hurt yourself on purpose or maybe looking for clues to figure out who did this but whatever the reason the only thing you see is someone in the corner of the room. White suit. Redish purpleish tie. Smiling and staring at you straight through the glass. That rasping breath slides back into your mind again, this time followed by a single word. "Eternalis."

    You'd be playing with a Sorcerer, a Warlock, a Fighter, and a Rogue. Whatever class you wish, however, is up to you. I can balance things however are needed, although a more front line tanky type of character couldn't go wrong.

    If you're interested, just send me a message with the following information




    DnD Experience:

    Why you're interested:

    Anything about you that you'd like to share:


    What is the answer:

    Jase Jase

    I'm old. I'm depressed. I'm gay. I like Star Trek. Kill me?

    Posts 1
    Comments 14