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MAGA’s Lies About a Deep State Conspiracy to Assassinate Trump Will Endure
  • If presidents have total immunity like Trump is arguing in the Supreme Court, then it’s entirely within Biden’s purview to assassinate Trump. I don’t know what Trump is screaming about, this is exactly the power that he wants presidents to have.

  • Alito's Beach House Flew Second Flag Linked to Jan. 6, Christian Nationalism
  • Is he going to blame his wife for that one too?

  • If Biden loses in November, don’t blame voters who are angry over Gaza | Arwa Mahdawi
  • Michael Moore has been an idiot for a long time.

  • Exclusive: Reddit in AI content licensing deal with Google
  • I used Power Delete Suite and you can set it to edit comments to whatever you want before deleting them. I recommend using something innocuous though as some subs have their AutoMod set to reject spammy looking stuff.

    I’ve found that it didn’t work very well for an account that had thousands of years old comments though. I haven’t tried to run it again yet since this was just a couple of days ago but it did a good job editing and deleting newer stuff and getting everything on my less verbose accounts.

    It was free and didn’t require giving your login credentials to some third party like shreddit and redact, so just depends on what you’re looking for.

  • I'm REALLY well read and I have a hard time finding new books to read. I need an audiobook for train ride->plane flight->bus ride tomorrow. Please halp!
  • Yes to everything you said, but also the overuse of similes, practically every other sentence. Some concepts were interesting but a good copy editor would have slashed those books in half.

    Don’t even get me started on the sexism.

    No idea why I bothered with the entire series, even listening to it on audiobook was a waste of time.

  • Democrats and the Distraction of Woke Politics
  • Right? In my state, Right to Work was repealed as soon as Democrats had full control of the legislative and executive branches. Republicans passed it while completely disregarding Dems practically screaming that is was union busting and a horrible idea.

  • Fox News host instructs Republicans to avoid specifics when talking about their plans to restrict abortion
  • Don’t let their new talking points fool you, they want a national abortion ban. They won’t stop there either, never vote for a Republican under any circumstances if you give a shit about bodily autonomy and making your own healthcare decisions.

  • Frigid weather can cut electric vehicle range and make charging tough. Here's what you need to know
  • I live in Ann Arbor, there’s electric cars plugged into chargers all over the city during every season because a lot of people drive EVs here. About the only charging station that never seems full is the Tesla charging station they’re talking about and 6/8 is still not full. 🙄

  • Apple asks its San Diego Siri quality control team to relocate to Texas
  • Ffs tech workers need to unionize and fast.

  • What are some happy endings that really wasn't all that happy?
  • Inception: the end is real. His totem wasn’t the top like we were led to believe, it’s his wedding ring. He’s only wearing it in dreams and doesn’t have it on when he sees his kids.

  • Moms for Liberty hires convicted child sex abuser to handle religious outreach
  • Makes sense, he knows how to speak their language.

  • Mike Johnson Admits He and His Son Monitor Each Other's Porn Intake in Resurfaced Video
  • What is your source for this?

    Should he? Absolutely, his personal phone with this tracking software should never be anywhere near the Capitol.

    Dude doesn’t even have a bank account, show everyone the proof that he’s actually using a different, secure phone. Never assume Republicans are doing what’s secure, there is absolutely no proof that they do.

  • Mike Johnson Admits He and His Son Monitor Each Other's Porn Intake in Resurfaced Video
  • I get that lots of jokes are to be made about the porn part but what really should be concerning everyone is that the current Speaker of the House pays a third party to snoop on every aspect of his phone.

    Was he using his personal phone for any of his duties in Congress?

    Is he still using this phone with even more potentially secret government information as a member of the Gang of 8?

    This is a MASSIVE security risk, who the fuck knows what information this Covenant Eyes “company” is now privy to.

    ETA: From a Wired article from Sept 2022:

    "But Covenant Eyes and Accountable2You do much more than just police pornography. When WIRED downloaded, decompiled, and tested Covenant Eyes and Accountable2You, we found that both apps are built to collect, monitor, and report all sorts of innocent behavior. The applications exploited Android’s accessibility permissions to monitor almost everything someone does on their phone. While the accessibility functionalities are meant to help developers build out features that assist people with disabilities, these apps take advantage of such permissions to either capture screenshots of everything actively being viewed on the device or detect the name of apps as they’re being used and record every website visited in the device’s browser."

    Emphasis mine. This is exactly what I'm talking about. Dude has this software on every one of his devices and now the Christofascists behind Covenant Eyes and any one willing to hack them, ie foreign governments, has screenshots of everything he is viewing. Massive massive security risk.

  • How Biden is continuing to cancel student loan debt despite Supreme Court ruling
  • Isn’t Virginia Foxx the same piece of shit that screamed at a reporter for asking about the new speaker’s role in the coup attempt?

    Just checked, she is. She is engaging in typical Republican double speak and nothing about her argument is in good faith.

  • What the heck do I do with all these tomatoes?
  • Assuming you’re working with just freezer space rather than access to home canning:

    • tomatoes freeze just fine for use in cooking later. Remove the skins by blanching first if you’re not planning on blending the tomatoes entirely. I find freezing diced tomatoes easier than whole bc I’m generally throwing them in soup or chili but whole tomatoes will also freeze well, they just take up a little more room

    • cherry tomatoes freeze fine whole and can make a fantastic very quick pasta sauce. You can also make it fresh, no peeling required

    • pasta sauce/pizza sauce freeze really well

    • salsa surprisingly freezes well if you’re making a cooked recipe, just don’t expect pica de gallo coming out the freezer to taste like fresh

    • tomato jam would be a great use of some of the cherries and also freezes well. I’m actually making some today from cherry tomatoes that I froze last month will find a link to the recipe if you’re interested

    Basically, just get those tomatoes processed in the freezer asap and you’ll be using them all wint

  • What the heck do I do with all these tomatoes?
  • Permanently Deleted

  • Red states quit nation’s oldest library group amid culture war over books
  • Hey Media, stop calling this shit “culture wars”, it’s fascism pure and simple.

    This “both sides” propaganda has to stop.

  • Kevin McCarthy directs House to open impeachment inquiry into Biden
  • I was, but also who actually knows with these fascists.

  • Kevin McCarthy directs House to open impeachment inquiry into Biden
  • They’re planning on passing a bill that gives impeachment inquiries unlimited funds by taking money away from everything that might actually benefit the American people?

    Republicans don’t live in reality, it’s very difficult to follow their “logic”.

  • Michigan gets nearly $15M federal grant to improve power grid resilience

    The money will pay for last-mile energy delivery to low-income residents and efforts to lessen the risk of severe weather damaging the power grid.

    Michigan gets nearly $15M federal grant to improve power grid resilience
    ProPublica asked about Alito’s travel. He replied in the Wall Street Journal.

    Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr. was asked about a fishing trip with billionaire Paul Singer. He responded in the Journal before ProPublica could publish its scoop.

    Janoose Janoose


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