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Maybe try a salad every so often
  • Maybe your nurse practitioner “doctor” with a joke for exams and fully online curriculum, but an MD or DO in the US absolutely cannot cheat their 4 full days of board exams (steps 1-3) to get licensed. Physician board exams are video recorded, show IDs and get fingerprinted and patted down even going in and out for bathroom breaks.

    You still need to eat healthy, fatty.

  • Maybe try a salad every so often
  • Permanently Deleted

  • space JDMaybeMD
    Factbox: Russia's Luna-25 moon mission fails: what you need to know

    MOSCOW, Aug 20 (Reuters) - Russia's first moonshot in nearly half a century has failed after its Luna-25 spacecraft spun out of control and smashed into the moon.

    2GB Fiber Opnsense Hardware
  • It doesn’t really take all that much to run 2Gb speeds if you’re not doing much with the traffic - any modernish processor in a small fanless box would work with 4-8GB ram. If you’re wanting to run Suricata, VPN, etc then you need more.

  • Is there an app that can make multi communities?
  • I feel that’s even more important to have now, to organize interests, since we subscribe to multiples of the same kind of communities.

  • Memmy is the best iOS app so far
  • Regardless of whether Memmy is the most “iOS” like, it’s the most like Apollo (RIP). I do like Avelon and Voyager as well but Memmy is my favorite and just feels compact, clean, and right.

  • Musk Goes From Bragging About Weight Training to Claiming He’s Injured After Zuckerberg Pushes to Confirm Cage Fight
  • A 52 year old man getting beat up by Zuckerberg on live TV will, I’m sure, do wonders for shareholder confidence in his decision making. Wonder how many shrooms it takes to get the gumption to post a challenge like that on the internet?

  • I feel old now seeing these two grown up...
  • Is this proof his hair has never seen a hairbrush?

  • Place 01:40 CEST
  • As a former 10+ year Reddit refugee - lolololooolooooool!

  • Moscow on grain deal: UN has three months to implement Russian agreement
  • Sure, why not, let’s have another crisis!

  • What apps are you guys using until Boost for Lemmy gets released?
  • I’m an Apollo refugee and Memmy is damn near the same experience - it’s great.

  • I'm testing an optimization on (1000x speed-up for subscribed feed) - please let me know if you notice any issues!
  • SUPER snappy.

    FYI - seeing this post on on federverse fediverse is what brought me here, the project overall and the dev community engagement is encouraging and I hope to have found a home.