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Why do you still hate Windows?
  • I honest to god find Linux easier to use. Though it's maybe because the most used programs on my laptop are neovim, gcc and rust compiler and Firefox . And I shit you not, Microsoft purposefully slowed down the Firefox browser I installed from their store.

    Plus I like using a tiling window manager when coding, now in Linux I have 500 options. On windows I get a middle finger and a dedicated nsa/fbi agent. Whats not to hate?

  • End-rs : A notification daemon for WMs using eww for their widgets
  • Well there is a simple answer to it. I didn't know about it.

    The project looks quite cool though.

    That's the beauty of FOSS. You can do whatever the hell you want to your system. Fuck up the kernel if you so wish.

    PS, I looked into the wiki and it is really cool, especially since it uses a proper language. I will try it some day but for now... I am totally burntout setting up eww. Maybe on my next rice I will give it a go.

  • End-rs : A notification daemon for WMs using eww for their widgets

    Hello. I recently created a notification daemon which uses eww widgets for its front-end display. So if you are already using eww, give it a go.

    I know this is a very niche use case, but if a single person finds it useful, I will be glad.


    what is the biggest failure in human history?
  • Ohh it's much worse than that. Usually humans would live to around 60 if they survived infancy before that. Their diet was varied and since food was a limited resource, there was no way of population blasts. But agriculture just fucked it all up. We stopped moving around since the land needed constant maintainence and since the diet became mostly carbohydrates, combined with back breaking work, our life expectancy dropped to 40. We didn't domesticate wheat, wheat domesticated us. It took modern medicine... ie 20th century to get the average life expectancy up again.

    I recommend you read the book called Sapiens. It's an eye opener.

  • People doing the 30 days linux Challenge are having several problems because of Mint's old packages and technology. Why people still recommend it when there is Fedora and Opensuse with KDE and Gnome?
  • I recommend fedora to every one. It's the correct kind of stable distro. The kernel updates are slow to roll out after being tested and all... But guess what version of plasma I have? 6.1. That's just a few weeks later than arch got it.

    Plus not to mention how easy setting up my Optimus gpu was because of rpmfusion. I have never had such ease with any other distro.

    So I recommend fedora all the way.

  • I just cited myself.
  • My brother. You are scared of infinities. Look up the infinite hotel problem. I will lay it out for you if you are interested.

    Image you are incharge of a hotel and it has infinite rooms. Currently your hotel is at full capacity... Meaning all rooms are occupied. A new guest arrives. What do you do? Surely your hotel is full and you can't take him in... Right? WRONG!!! You tell the resident of room 1 to move to room 2, you tell the resident of room 2 to move to room 3 and so on.... You tell the resident of room n to move to room n+1. Now you have room 1 empty

    But sir... How did I create an extra room? You didn't. The question is the same as asking yourself that is there a number for which n+1 doesn't exist. The answer is no... I can always add 1.

    Infinity doesn't behave like other numbers since it isn't technically a number.

    So when you write 0.99999.... You are playing with things that aren't normal. Maths has come with fuckall ways to deal with stuff like this.

    Well you may say, this is absurd... There is nothing in reality that behaves this way. Well yes and no. You know how the building blocks of our universe obey quantum mechanics? The equations contain lots of infinities but only at intermediate steps. You have to "renormalise" them to make them go away. Nature apparently has infinities but likes to hide the from us.

    The infinity problem is so fucked up. You know the reason physics people are unable to quantize gravity? Surely they can do the same thing to gravity as they did to say electromagnetic force? NOPE. Gravitation doesn't normalise. You get left with infinities in your final answer.

    Anyways. Keep on learning, the world has a lot of information and it's amazing. And the only thing that makes us human is the ability to learn and grow from it. I wish you all the very best.

  • What is your favourite game with native Linux port?
  • Factorio is so amazing on linux. Like the devas actually care about Linux. They care so much that went on to shit on Gnome for no client side decorations. Absolute legends. Wish more studios wer like them.

  • It's called attaining divinity
  • When I learnt programming (back in early 2000s) the textbook said C is a high level 3rd generation language with 4th gen languages being something higher (I don't remember what examples were given specifically). This is back when the java applets and action script for flash were the hot things. How I miss the days without the world being cursed by JS.

  • Three Wishes
  • Thank you all for the valuable insight. I can't reply to everybody individually so I am replying as a collective. From what I can surmise, basically, the state becomes the sort of mega Corp that capitalism inevitably breeds and data mining becomes legal as you are the law and data mining is necessary to hold power and prevent further revolutions.

    It makes me wonder, how do new economic models come to be? Does it always have to be Einsteinian, that one man is a genius, or can economics do collective progress like modern science. Obviously economics has more artificial hurdles to overcome, but we should have something better by now when we know that both systems suck. I don't know, I am just a random guy on the internet

    BTW, correct me if I am wrong, but it seems that the root cause of these problems is one human having enough power to decide life and death of another human. Like maybe due to our origin by subjugation of other species, but people holding power over other people is creating a huge crap fest. Plus there is the worst inequality of all.... Inequality of BIRTH.

    Honestly,i dont know, most dystopias come about because of some persons dream of utopia.

  • Three Wishes
  • I am not so knowledgeable so forgive my ignorance, but why do most communist States have this knack for massive intelligence gathering on its own citizens? Are the concepts of personal privacy with freedom and working towards collective good so mutually exclusive?

    Again this is not sarcastic, I genuinely wish to know.

    PS I also hate capitalism from the core of my guts.

  • Is there a specific religious term for the belief "God exists and he is evil"?

    I am not an atheist, I genuinely believe that God exists and he is evil, like a toddler who fries little ants with a lens.

    Offflix - Series manager for your local downloads

    I created this project some years back and the project just reached v1.1.0. I know most people have jellyfin servers and all set up, but if you have just a local folder of all your series saved up, you can use this to remember what you were watching.

    All feedback is welcome. You can also contribute to the project


    I finally nuked windows

    I have been daily driving a dual booted laptop for the past two years. After a year of distro hopping I settled with fedora + kde and never looked back. I really liked the auto nvidia driver config and it made everything so pleasant to work. Since the last 8 or 9 months I decided to do gaming using bottles and proton ge. I cannot afford to buy games and bottles is a God send at that. Now I realized that I had not logged into my windows partition in over 6 months. So I logged in to check and it told me it needs to download 8 gigs of updates. That sent me into rage and so clean installed everything to be fedora. I have 250 gb of storage locked in limbo because of windows( I have a 512 gb ssd so it was a lot) and today after everything was setup, the os took only around 20gb minus the games. Never felt happier.

    I finally nuked Windows

    I have been daily driving a dual booted laptop for the past two years. After a year of distro hopping I settled with fedora + kde and never looked back. I really liked the auto nvidia driver config and it made everything so pleasant to work. Since the last 8 or 9 months I decided to do gaming using bottles and proton ge. I cannot afford to buy games and bottles is a God send at that. Now I realized that I had not logged into my windows partition in over 6 months. So I logged in to check and it told me it needs to download 8 gigs of updates. That sent me into rage and so clean installed everything to be fedora. I have 250 gb of storage locked in limbo because of windows( I have a 512 gb ssd so it was a lot) and today after everything was setup, the os took only around 20gb minus the games. Never felt happier.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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