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I managed to enter a Higher Vocational Education (HVE).
  • Thank you! Not to say too much but I'll be creating digital content on different platforms. I'll not only do regular studying but also co-operate with companies to practice and gain experience, hopefully get a job instantly afterwards.

  • I managed to enter a Higher Vocational Education (HVE).

    I AM OVER THE MOON! There were several tests and I poured my heart and soul into them, and I got a spot! It's a very popular field; probably hundreds of applicants, and only 30 spots in total. They liked my results enough, It feels really validating!

    Your stomach does not know the difference between potatoes and mashed potatoes
  • "Riced potatoes" are one example. Mashed (riced) to look like rice, sometimes with added herbs and spices. But potatoes mashed with a splash of whole cream/milk, some butter and salt is a wonderful experience if nothing else. Plain potatoes mashed with a fork only? I'll pass...

  • Välkommen till c/Sweden
  • Hej ni som är här, också från reddit. Boostar lite med en kommentar. Någon som vet om r/sweden också är med lockdown-gänget? Har inte kollat.

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