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Victoria warned against ‘very inefficient’ hydrogen buses after trial announced
  • @Railison @Baku Electric buses should refer to directly electrified buses. The problem with battery powered buses is the weight and cost of the battery. It fundamental dooms that idea to non-viability, and nearly all transit agencies have found them to be nearly unusable once real-world factors are taken into account.

    For buses that can't be electrified, it pretty much has to be #hydrogen or some other chemical fuel.

  • Victoria warned against ‘very inefficient’ hydrogen buses after trial announced
  • @Baku The person making the "warning" is David Cebon. He has been advocating against all things #hydrogen for years now. You can safely regard him as an out-of-touch nutcase.

  • Hypx Hypx

    Here to explain why hydrogen is the future of transportation, industry, energy, etc. Occasionally other societal issues too.

    \#hydrogen #greenhydrogen #FCEV #fuelcell #fuelcells

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