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  • No, they went full retarded.

  • A question about A Late Message From Avalon
  • Bought as a costume? It's a plot hole, you're right.

  • What's the best piracy for music?
  • Spotube, Harmony, Vibe Music, all on Github, all for Android.

  • MRW someone says they hated the new Babylon 5 movie
  • The acting and the FX might be dated, but the series and the topics are not, the old series still has its value and it's worth a (re) watch.

  • MRW someone says they hated the new Babylon 5 movie
  • It wasn't the greatest thing ever, but it was a gateway to a reboot, it was a nicely done nostalgia-fest and it did a lot of stuff right. Was the animation a bit cheap? Yes. Was the story a bit thin? Yes. Would I still watch it and buy the blue ray? Of course!

    And it's still way better than a lot of stuff movie studios wanted to stuff down my throat in the past years.

  • MRW someone says they hated the new Babylon 5 movie
  • I just watched it... twice. I loved it!

  • What is spying?
  • Google: Laughing in Android.

  • Should we create another community for Babylon5GIFs?
  • Keep them coming they're welcome here.

  • Google workspace replacement
  • Look at their interface might be dusty but I've been with them for 10 years with no issues.

  • What is your most controversial opinion?
  • Wow there's so much wrong with this:

    The concept of a digital data processing machine was made by Charles Babbage, a mathematician from England.

    The first phone was constructed by Italian engineer and inventor Antonio Meucci, Bell just got the patent for something that was being "invented" in several forms in previous years.

    Karl Benz from Germany invented the automobile but it was already Leonardo Da Vinci who conceived the idea of mechanical vehicles. The French Nicolas Cugnot built the first steam propelled tractor/car in 1769.

    The moon might be yours but only because the USA confiscated all the German knowledge about rockets and took the engineers like Wernher von Braun

    If the US eliminated starvation is something I can't deny nor confirm but you certainly invented the largest drug abuse crisis (opioids and derivatives) in the history of mankind. Oh and mass imprisonment is also an achievement that probably challenges China or North Korea.

    Not sure about the progress aspect there, I have doubts. But one thing I know for sure: The US needs better education, it's horrible how wrong you were.

  • What is your most controversial opinion?
  • That hasn't worked for North America, it's not working in the EU and if I look at South America... no I won't.

  • What is your most controversial opinion?
  • So what's the alternative then? Representative democracies devolve into shit shows given sufficient amount of time. Dictatorships are horrible, council-led states (Sowjet) don't work either... So what's left?

    Anarchy doesn't work either...

  • What is your most controversial opinion?
  • I intentionally wrote: representative democracies. I'm not aware of any ongoing implementation of complete direct democracy, not even in Switzerland so I can't tell for those.

  • What is your most controversial opinion?
  • Nowadays you can cause riots by saying: Humans come in XY and XX chromosomes by genetic program, the correct expression of this genetic program leads to male or female genitalia and there's currently no medical or surgical procedure to change that, no matter how much you insist. So that was one notch less controversial.

  • What is your most controversial opinion?
  • Representative Democracies have failed (are failing) like all other political ruling systems have failed so far. Some failed just faster than others that failed more catastrophically while some fail silently (agonizing). In the end all systems failed.

  • Green vs Purple Drazi
  • What a great episode and also plot point.

  • Ketzer-Kirche #75 ist eine zensurfreie Videoplattform, die von einigen Aktivisten betrieben wird. Bei uns ist jeder willkommen, niemand wird wegen seiner Ansichten diskriminiert.

    Ketzer-Kirche #75
    THE Zathras scene
  • I remember that scene, I laugh every time I rewatch the series.

  • Captive Labor: Exploitation of Incarcerated Workers | ACLU
  • Realistically it seems to be (not my opinion but my observation):

    • Shoes and clothes made in Bangladesh
    • Car parts (filters, hoses, tin parts) made in India
    • Foxconn China
    • Rare earth mining
    • Servants and immigrant workers in Qatar and Dubai.

    Just to name a few examples of slave labour required to run the world "as is."

  • 0
    Calls for defederation - Is the idea of the open marketplace of ideas outdated?

    Lately I see a lot of calls do have specific instances defederated for a particular subset of reasons:

    • Don't like their content
    • Dont like their political leaning
    • Dont like their free speech approach
    • General feeling of being offended
    • I want a safe space!
    • This instance if hurting vulnerable people

    I personally find each and every one of these arguments invalid. Everybody has the right to live in an echo chamber, but mandating it for everyone else is something that goes a bit too far.

    Has humanity really developed into a situation where words and thoughts are more hurtful than sticks and stones?

    Edit: Original context

    Controversial topic, feel free to discuss!

    Liraglutide Hastur Liraglutide -

    Community for patients using the weight loss drug Liraglutide (Saxenda, Victoza and similar GLP-1 agonists.


    Please feel free to post about your weightloss journey with liraglutide, any tips, tricks, issues etc.

    0 Ketzer-Kirche #73 ist eine zensurfreie Videoplattform, die von einigen Aktivisten betrieben wird. Bei uns ist jeder willkommen, niemand wird wegen seiner Ansichten diskriminiert.

    Ketzer-Kirche #73