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Just spent all night doing a thing
  • Took me a few tries to get the hang of Arch, but it was the only distro to have the drivers to my specific drawing tablet.

  • CEO of Google Says It Has No Solution for Its AI Providing Wildly Incorrect Information
  • Google really thinks they have no competition. Like, fuck, even Bing improved a lot with time.

  • Eggs
  • Make protein powder out of the rich for maximum gains

  • I am now a linux person
  • Welcome to the club! >wo

  • Delete Windows Today…
  • Would ditch Windows but games reliant on anti-cheats still keep me on the OS.

  • Protogen Split Jaw (Art by Catsup147)
  • Ooooh, cool artstyle :0

  • Good luck web devs
  • This makes me dizzy for some reason @. @

  • Art by Kovie - fox with antlers
  • Damn, I should've given my sona antlers, looks so cool

  • Google Drive users say Google lost their files; Google is investigating
  • Which is why I've been moving to self hosted stuff

  • No Noise November
  • They are literally me, so eepy

  • Anthro Comics HarleyAnzuck
    Are webcomics doomed to be niche?

    I posted this in Mastodon the other day, but I do believe it deserves a repost here, with slight adjustments.

    I personally have a passion for webcomics, I love drawing them and enjoy reading (whenever I have TIME to do so, which has been lacking tbh), but sometimes I feel that no matter how popular some webcomics are it's still a very niche thing, there's rarely a case of a particular webcomic becoming mainstream (besides memes, of course).

    I know about Webtoons and Tapas, aight? I'm just wondering because even WITH those websites it feels like webcomics in general are this little thing that most people either don't know or don't think about.

    Am I wrong?

    Shapeshifter problems
  • Literally how I'm bout to make my sona lmao

  • Webcomic - Sins of the Forgotten (by me)
  • Posted a new page today! :D

  • Webcomic - Sins of the Forgotten (by me)
  • Gonna post a new page this week still, then one a week until I complete this chapter xD Then I'll sketch all of the future pages to post in 2024, got another comic that I also am working on. Also on ComicFury.

  • Webcomic - Sins of the Forgotten (by me)
  • I honestly wish I could've put more details xD But going off of my skill as well, should improve with time~

  • Furry HarleyAnzuck
    Webcomic - Sins of the Forgotten (by me)

    Coming back to art and trying to focus on webcomics again! If it interests you give it a read and let me know what you think! w

    4everfreebrony - My Cadence (feat. Koa)
  • Omg, Koa still does brony music? :0 That's awesome. Love hers and Mumble's songs on the Mumble Etc. channel, especially Riikira's.

  • Adopt for sale! (Prices and author on link)
  • Likes, shares and comments are very much appreciated!

  • Furry HarleyAnzuck
    Adopt for sale! (Prices and author on link)

    If anyone is interested but doesn't have or wanna use Twitter HMU in the comments!

    OFF fanart sketches
  • Veeery nice~ Loved it

  • [OC] Ambrosia
  • Very cool lookin~

  • Furry HarleyAnzuck
    Ranking my favorite fursona species!

    What is YOUR favorite species? Leave a comment~ w

    Furry HarleyAnzuck
    #YCH | Finished piece for Bugamashoo

    The stars look so beautiful tonight~

    Furry HarleyAnzuck
    #YCH | Bid going on Twitter - Examples on thread

    Ends 24h after last bid.

    Furry HarleyAnzuck
    #COMMISSION | For Bugamashoo (by me)

    Still love this piece so much <3 Commissions like that are always a pleasure to make w

    Furry HarleyAnzuck
    #- COMMISSION | Girls being girls~

    A piece I did as a commission a few months back! w

    Anthro Comics HarleyAnzuck
    What are some of your favorite furry/anthro comics/webcomics?

    Two of my biggest inspirations atm for me are TwoKinds, which basically introduced me to the fandom and, rn, Uberquest, which is a pretty cool fantasy-adventure comic (Although I don't like that there's so much text in the beggining lmao)

    The only physical anthro comic I remember reading tho was Blacksad once, but don't remember much.

    Any of you have any cool comics or webcomics to share your interest towards?

    Furry HarleyAnzuck
    #- UBERQUEST Fanat | Resting Sesame

    Travelling can be tiring, but you always have to remain alert!

    Character is Sesame from UBERQUEST, by Skiddog and Phuufy

    Furry HarleyAnzuck
    #-Twokinds FANART | Bounty hunters like big rewards

    Is it ok if I post my art on here? :P Been kinda tired of other social media, so if people wanna see more of my stuff I might start posting more frequently~

    Character is Zen from Twokinds by Tom Fischbach!

    And the character in the poster is my OC from Sins of the forgotten.

    Anthro Comics HarleyAnzuck
    Sins of the Forgotten | A fantasy anthropomorfic webcomic HUGELY inspired by Twokinds

    Hi! Trying to promote my webcomic, still in the introduction (and kinda got into a little hiatus :"D) but I can guarantee that the adventure in the near future will be TOP NOTCH. w

    Leave a comment down below with your thoughts and if you wanna support the webcomic in any way, let me know! I also do commissions, YCHs and adopts.

    HarleyAnzuck HarleyAnzuck
    Posts 12
    Comments 42