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A generational language barrier
  • Yeah my millennial girlfriend does not talk like that nor do her friends. That's more juvenile speech and millennials are creeping into late stage adulting at this point and past that nonsense.

    Signed... GenX

  • Putin wants a US president who is ‘more constructive,’ Kremlin says
  • from now on you have to be more careful with Russia

    What? You've shown your entire military is a joke. If anything, everyone knows they can wreck your military with little effort. The only defense you have at this point is your nuclear weapons. But you can't really use those or you'll turn the entire world against you.

  • EU court says public employees may be barred from wearing head scarf
  • Lol ok... maybe you should go back and read what you've written. You are a religious zealot who can't see the forest for the trees and think that anyone who doesn't believe in your bullshit is wrong and crazy. Whatever dude. If you think I'm saying the same thing over and over it's because you keep spouting all your nonsense and I'm trying to educate the terminally stupid, which is obviously a losing battle.

  • EU court says public employees may be barred from wearing head scarf
  • Let me sum up your argument:

    "My religious views are right. As long as I approve of your religious choices they are ok, but I will arbitrarily draw the line where I see fit and if you disagree with me you are wrong."

    That's literally what your argument boils down to.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Your biological age doesn't matter on the Internet. Your only currency is how you communicate. If you communicate like a child, as far as the Internet is concerned, you are a child. If you want to be treated like an adult you need to act/communicate like an adult.

  • EU court says public employees may be barred from wearing head scarf
  • I'm not going to read all that, as I started and realized you are, once again, either being disingenuous or your zealotry is clouding your argument, either way, it's very clearly invalid from the first paragraph as you set up the strawmen again to bolster your flawed position.

    As such, I'll respond up until then point you go off the rails:

    I said keep religion/mental illness out of the (governmental) workplace. If you need to express your mental illness to everyone in the work place you aren't fit to work there. You need to seek help. Your display of religious paraphernalia is no different than you viewing porn on your computer/phone where everyone can see it. It's no different than you wearing other objectionable material. You just have this arbitrary line in your mind at "religion" because that's your thing and you can't conceive the fact that it's offensive to other people. It's not offensive to you, so it's ok. But other things are offensive to you, so they aren't ok. That's your bias.

    There are things that are offensive to you that are not offensive to me but I'm not the one arguing to allow those things in the (governmental) workplace because I'm not a self centered narcissist who thinks my way is right and any other way is wrong. I want to treat everyone equally, which means no special carve outs for religion. You want to treat religion as a special case.

    That is wrong. Plain and simple.

  • EU court says public employees may be barred from wearing head scarf
  • Jesus dude, you just can't see the forest for the trees, can you? You are exactly the type of person I'm talking about, textbook.

    Nobody said anything about "chucking out the entire person." I said mentally ill people, which is what religious people are, should not be in a government job. They should go work in a church or some other mental institution that caters to their particular brand of crazy. It's impossible to have a rational discussion with a zealot like you, because you keep using strawmen and fallacies, and just making up stuff other people have "said" so you can make your increasingly erratic and wild "point," of which I don't even think YOU know what it is at this point.

  • Mastodon has the responsibility to promote diversity in the Fediverse
  • Where did I say anyone was forcing anyone else to use Mastodon (or Twitter et al?)

    I don't use Mastodon or Twitter, never have... because it's a platform for people with low attention spans and lacking anything interesting to say or form a complex cogent though and discourages intelligent interaction in favor of quick quips and toxic behavior. Mastodon/Twitter is a cancer on the Internet, end of story.

  • EU court says public employees may be barred from wearing head scarf
  • I would argue that the zealotry is yours. I am not arguing for the removal of whole subsects of people from positions of government as though atheism ( or whatever term you want to use for your complete absence of belief since you refuse to identify as an atheist) is the only approved belief set of the state and that we should be expunging all others.

    This is why you're a zealot. You keep talking about expunging all others, and excluding, and if people don't believe like you do, they are "atheists" or whatever other label you put on them. You don't even see your own biases and religion in your writing and thoughts. YOU are the zealot. I am advocating keeping the governmental functions free from religious influence, nothing more. YOU keep putting words in my mouth. That's what religious zealots do... they twist the facts to fit their preconceived notions of the world and their imaginary friends.

    YOU are advocating for mental illnesses that are "acceptable" to you and those that aren't. I'm saying NO mental illness should be allowed, regardless of the source. The fact that you don't understand this indicates that you have that same mental illness you claim you don't have (mentally ill people don't usually know they are mentally ill, case in point with you) and that you don't want to be "excluded" because you aren't fit to hold the position you covet. You SHOULD be excluded until you seek help and cure your problems.

  • Mastodon has the responsibility to promote diversity in the Fediverse
  • Pages represent web pages, whereas notes represent “a short written work typically less than a single paragraph in length”. In my opinion, using Page was a mistake on Lemmy’s end. Just like Lemmy won’t support Place objects, I’m not sure if any other platform will ever support Page objects, because Pages are much bigger in scope than anything most Fediverse applications ever deal with.

    Using note was the mistake. Limiting communication to short quips, like Twitter does, is a fucking travesty. The fact that people routinely and often make multiple tweets to extend what they want to say proves this point. Twitter/X was the worst thing to happen to communication in the internet age by further reducing the attention span and ability of people to concentrate on longer bodies of writing, thereby making people even dumber.

    Twitter/Mastodon should not even be a thing, honestly. They are dumb methods of communication for dumb people. You can always post something shorter in a long form system, but you can't post something longer in a short form system, without making multiple posts. It's fucking stupid and always has been. The primary reason for the short form, originally 140 char, was because you could text it in one message. This made a bit of sense... just a tiny bit, as it opened up communication where there previously wasn't any. But as we moved away from that paradigm of 140 char text messages, the idea of a Twitter became more and more stupid, where today, we have Twitter/Mastodon as the bastion of the idiot regime who can't think past 280 characters.

  • EU court says public employees may be barred from wearing head scarf
  • Exactly as I thought. You don't even understand your own hypocrisy with regards to which mental illness are ok and which aren't. Even when they are pointed out to you directly you refuse to acknowledge them.... Just like a religion. No amount of logic or facts will shake your belief in your ridiculous nonsense because you simply lack the ability to self analyze and react to facts with reason and rationality.

    I'm literally arguing with a religious zealot for all practical purposes, whether you admit it or not. You are the religious person I'm talking about.

  • 0.18.4-beta8 seems to have broken Sync


    Can't connect to my instance running that version. Gives an error. Trying to connect with a different client gives an actual error message, so I think it's probably the same error, sync is just hiding it.

    Type null is not a subtype of type bool in type cast

    Looking for something in particular but can't find it

    I'm looking for "Everybody has an Andy Dick Story" ... but I can't find it anywhere on Usenet or as a torrent.

    This is the first time I've been unable to find anything in the vast open seas and I'm stymied. Can anyone recommend where I can search for something like this? It's pretty obscure at this point, but I've always been able to track something down in the past.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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