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What is the long-term storage plan for Lemmy instances?
  • @mojo Just keep telling people you don't know what IPFS is without coming outright and saying it. Lol.

    "IpFs GeTs PaId In FiLe CoIn"

    IPFS is a protocol, you nitwit. That's like saying "ActivityPub is gets paid in Filecoin" Makes no fucking sense. Build a Fediverse layer on IPFS, no crypto needed. FFS get educated before you start trying to talk to adults.

    Jesus... just stop.


  • What is the long-term storage plan for Lemmy instances?
  • @mojo Tell me you don't know what IPFS without telling me you don't know what IPFS is, lol. What the fuck does IPFS have to do with crypto?


  • /kbin meta HamSwagwich
    /kbin federation incoming vs outgoing


    Sorry to tag you, but I'm not really sure what's going on. Kbin federation from my node to doesn't seem to be working, or if it does, it's very intermittent. to my node works most of the time, but also loses information but much less frequently.

    Is there any reason why isn't accepting incoming federation from my note ( or why it's so severely delayed when it does?

    What is the long-term storage plan for Lemmy instances?
  • @Kalcifer

    The long term solution is something like IPFS object storage that's read only for everyone but the author instance. One copy of the data but all instances can read it and it's stored forever in a redundant medium with bitrot protection.

  • KBIN running OK on $10/month managed service
  • @Sam_uk

    I've been running one.

    The basic service gets overloaded quickly and you'll need to upgrade if you get any traction at all.

    Also, since KBin federation is broken, it's not great

  • Is still having federation issues?
  • @1Fuji2Taka3Nasubi

    Yes it does. My KBin node is not federating with or only works intermittently.

  • Is federation broken again/still broken?
  • @ernest It stopped federating again. I restarted my instance, but still nothing I post on my node is coming to If i post to, it federates to my node without a problem.

  • Is federation broken again/still broken?
  • @ernest it started working a couple hours ago. No idea why . Thought maybe you knocked something loose

  • Support for Peertube, Odysee, or Invidious(or YouTube) embedding?
  • @revampeduser I would really like to see this as well. Now if I can just figure out how to host my own Peertube instance... /sigh

  • Is federation broken again/still broken?
  • @ernest I restarted my instance and it seems to be receiving federated content from, but any content I post isn't being received by

  • Is federation broken again/still broken?
  • It's

    I appreciate you checking into it

  • Is federation broken again/still broken?
  • Thank you for the reply! I'm still not getting any federated content either direction with my node from

    I'm running a KBin node for the record, not Lemmy

    Still working on it?

  • /kbin meta HamSwagwich
    Is federation broken again/still broken?

    KBin isn't showing any of my federated content from my node after this update today. Is federation broken again? It was working great yesterday

    We are launching KBIN fully managed service
  • @jbenguira

    I just tried this, but it doesn't seem like it's really ready for anything but a basic test environment.

    When your system creates the service, it does so with the default elestio domain and there is no way to change it from within KBin, therefore your are stuck with a huge security hole and a nonsense domain name that's impossible for people to remember.

    While you can indeed use your own domain name to resolve it, it doesn't appear that the domain is editable once KBin is setup (which is done automatically, and understandably on the federation side, you can't have the domain name changing)... so when you set up a KBin on Elestio, you are forever suck with "kbin-????" as your server name in the Fediverse, which sucks and is really a non-starter.

    I don't want to be

    This appears to have the added effect of making it impossible to use Cloudflare as your proxy, since you get a bunch of 301 redirects bouncing between your resolved domain and the elestio domain, since KBin thinks it's name is the elastio domain and rediredts you, then our browser thinks it's going to the resolved domain and redirects you. Boing boing boing

  • Wouldn't the fediverse work better if it was like a drive array rather than independent communities on independent servers?
  • That's correct and that's the problem. If a given community server goes down, that community basically just becomes an archive. It really needs to be able to continue without the host instance, similar to how a mesh works. Each remaining server routes around the dead node.

    There is also the problem of search engine indexing... If a given server goes down, that information is lost to the search engine, even though it's still on other nodes.

    Which also leads to duplicate content problem for search engines, as ECU m each node of a given community contains the same information for a given post, making it crappy to index and search.

  • A bold claim by Bostic, this adhesive works even lower than absolute zero
  • 400C is like 650K. Not even close to absolute zero

  • Can we settle this: how many holes does a straw have?
  • Indeed, and when you kiss someone you are making one big hole connected by two assholes.

  • YSK: Signal is a great secure private messenger app comparable to others on the market.
  • The RCS issue hits the nail on the head I think. It's really the biggest stumbling block for everyone at this point.

  • Reddit is buyng 5 star reviews.
  • Same. I don't see anything but one star reviews.

    2.2M downloads and only 3.3 stars. You gotta be really shitty to have that low of a rating at that volume.

  • /kbin meta HamSwagwich
    PSA: Upvote is not an upvote like you are used to (like Reddit) - "Boost" is the Reddit Upvote

    Like the title says, if you want to upvote something on KBin, you should use the Boost link, not the upvote button (Why? Don't know...)

    The upvote button doesn't seem to do much, but Boost accomplishes what Reddit's upvote did. So if you're looking to encourage a post, use the Boost link.

    /kbin meta HamSwagwich
    Can someone explain why/what's happening with KBin federation?

    Like the title says, I'd like to know what's going on with KBin federation? Lemmy content is federating to pretty much all other Lemmy instances just fine, but anything on KBin is taking a very long time to show up on Lemmy, if it ever shows up at all.

    On, I am subscribed to a bunch of subs that are in pending state for 2 days now... the few that have gone from pending to joined have zero content show up on Lemmy.

    /m/anime\_titties for example has many articles on here, but show none at all on

    Can anyone explain the problem behind this and when there's an expected fix?

    /kbin meta HamSwagwich
    If I'm on a Lemmy instance, I can't find any magazines or users. Why is that?

    If I'm on a Lemmy instance, I can't find any magazines or users. Why is that?

    For example, if I search for myself on, such as !, or @hamswagwich, or it's not found.

    Same for magazines, for example, searching for ! brings up nothing. Same with other lemmy instances. Why is that?


    HamSwagwich HamSwagwich
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