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  • Using messenger over PS4 sounds like hell

  • Fuck Ukrainian Azov Nazis and fuck anyone who defends them
  • Ok not trying to be a lib here but doesn't Russia have concentrated capital in the hands of its bourgeoisie, and is using the very real existence of Ukrainian Nazis to justify asserting control over its Ukrainian oil interests? To my eyes there's really not a good guy in this situation, it's imperial territorial pissing all the way down, comparable the first world war. In fact I would say the shock therapy Russia went through in the 90s locked them into an imperialist political economy, since it was essentially an exact reversal of what Lenin is advocating here

  • I love Twitter rule
  • On paper it acts independently, but it's headquartered in Washington DC, and according to Wikipedia "In 2018 the [OAS]General Secretariat's budget was $85 million of which the US contributed $50 million." And of course, the US has always considered South America to be its "backyard" and has a long history of doing this kind of thing

  • I love Twitter rule
  • Are you saying Evo Morales was a dictator? Because a lot of US media might imply that, but few major papers ever said it outright because they usually try to at least pretend not to be full of shit. In reality he was a very popular democratically elected leader, and organizations established and funded by the US (and its business interests) played a critical role in the coup d'etat against him. It is not a conspiracy, there is a straight line from US influence to the coup, even if it was ultimately carried by local Bolivian business interests. In fact understand the relationship between American foreign policy objectives, multinational corporations, and local business interests is key to understanding modern neocolonialism as a whole.

  • He’s still a fuckwit, but this is an okay statement
  • He is super duper racist but managed to avoid the topic during his presidential run. Or I was just a dumb young white guy and the dog whistles went completely over my head

  • He’s still a fuckwit, but this is an okay statement
  • When you have enough money, you can live every day like it's 2008 if you want to

  • Is your music taste now the same as when you were 14?
  • My move to the left and embrace of hip hop happened at the same time in my mid 20s, so it works for me. I also fell off with a lot of hard rock because it's too misogynist (though it's not like I avoid it all that much with hip hop, so I'm not sure what the lesson is here)