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When any online discussion accidentally mentions Brazil
  • It's so hard to admit you're wrong that you need to change the goalposts lmao. Clown.

  • When any online discussion accidentally mentions Brazil
  • Projection from a furry, "possibly zoophile".

  • When any online discussion accidentally mentions Brazil
  • Lmao 😂. Comparing numbers is too difficult for you then, I understand. Maybe go back to preschool level maths if you can't do that.

  • When any online discussion accidentally mentions Brazil
  • 6 million Jews + however many people are on this list,

    Compared to 80 indigenous tribes in Brazil?

    How do you feel about being a joke?

  • When any online discussion accidentally mentions Brazil
  • Why are you proud? Are you German?

    Brazilian Holocausts: 0

    German Holocausts: 1

  • Hearts and lungs are for losers.
  • A moment of silence for all those who have died of joint-crack disease 😔...

  • Take a gander at this
  • The "of course" makes it clear you dislike the outcome. The long mention of the men who in your eyes "caused" this also makes it pretty obvious what your stance is about this and who you want the scapegoat to be in the discussion.

  • Take a gander at this
  • You say that as if it was the men's fault for trying to get equal treatment. Clearly you have no idea how the legal system works.

  • Tip?
  • So you can shit on me, as if it was my fault somehow and not that OP couldn't post a picture as a picture format? Yeah no. I saw what happened in the other comments on this post that said something similar to me. Downvote city.

  • Tip?
  • Can't zoom in bc your stupid meme is a 0 second gif. Downvoted for not being able to read such small text.

  • Famous last words?
  • If it hurts you... it still doesn't mean it wasn't a joke.

    No one says that seriously... It's literally placed as one of the most famous jokes in sitcoms, including two and a half men.

  • Thirsty Melon
  • Cover it up with those tasty microplastic films. Yeah that'll be better 🙄...

  • Famous last words?
  • Nothing wounds me more than people saying if I cared I'd remember

  • Famous last words?
  • You sound like a pompous asshole. Literally no one will ever talk to you again if that's what comes out of your mouth after someone makes a joke.

    It's like you don't want people to even say a word anymore because someone somewhere is deaf and that would offend their sensibilities... Grow a fucking pair.

  • Rubber ducky, ur the one
  • What in the world

  • New York’s Fat Beach Day gives plus-size people a space to be themselves
  • I get how that could be "annoying", I don't get how that could be "bullying" or "fat-shaming", because honestly, it really isn't.

    The worry seems to come from a place of love and care from what you're retelling, pushing away that advice from people close to you is not a solution to anything.

    Edit: also it seems like you told him to stop after 2 times, when earlier you mention it happening every 3-4 days... It's not my place to ask but obviously your story has holes in it.

  • Fuck the man.
  • 🇵🇸 😘

  • New York’s Fat Beach Day gives plus-size people a space to be themselves
  • It's a conflation from people who misinterpret worry from family as accusations. 90% of cases will have the very people who cry "fat-shaming" actually just be receiving advice from family or friends.

  • Bisexual and transgender adults report loneliness twice as much as straight adults: CDC
  • Correction, because obviously "problem" should have been plural in my reply. 🙄

  • Hahah_Montana radfrog
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