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Piracy shield in Italy - unavoidable even with a VPN?

Well, color me surprised when, with my Proton VPN enabled, I still faced a government-mandated MITM attack while attempting to visit


L’accesso al presente sito, che diffondeva illecitamente contenuti protetti dal diritto d’autore, è stato disabilitato in esecuzione di un provvedimento dell’Autorità per le garanzie nelle comunicazioni ai sensi del Regolamento di cui alla delibera n. 680/13/CONS

Per maggiori informazioni visiti il sito"

To be completely honest, I wasn’t aware this was possible when using a VPN. I’ve tried swapping to multiple servers within Proton, but all seem to be returning the same. Is there some commonly known workaround?

Child Advocates Back Surgeon General's Call for Tobacco-Like Warnings on Social Media
  • “Childrens advocates “ have been backing the most egregiously unconstitutional, paternalistic, data broker friendly, moral panic, privacy dystopia bullshit bills around the country. “Childs advocates” are why we have anti pornography pearl clutching panopticon laws that require you to scan a government ID to jerk off. Fuck off with that.

  • Vimms Lair is getting removal notices from Nintendo etc. We need someone to help make a rom pack archive can you help?
  • That’s not really at all what the point of copyright law is. It’s right there in the first sentence of the copyright act: “[the United States Congress shall have power] To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries”. The creation of the public domain is a byproduct of that productive capitalist engine, not the goal, at least according to the Act. Copyright and patent law are all about the limited monopoly because limited monopolies are how the acts envision maximizing profit motivations for artists and scientists. Every amendment to the copyright act has basically reinforced that interpretation.

    To be clear, I don’t agree with that position. IMO A universally accessible robust public domain by hook or crook is the highest goal of communications technologies like the internet; but those technologies constantly stand in opposition to copyright law more than they are compatible.

  • Burnout Is Pushing Workers to Use AI—Even if Their Boss Doesn’t Know
  • Someone made an app using the OpenAI api, offered it for “free”, and scooped a bunch of users conversations (sort of. 89k isn’t that large) before getting shut down. That’s not at all what you were alleging.

  • Self-hosted diary
  • The only practical reliable solution last I checked to syncing on iOS is to go with their paid service or use iCloud and set up iCloud on the desktops you want to sync with. You can jump through hoops with GitHub sync and a paid GitHub client on iOS that makes syncing fairly easy but fundamentally iOS does not really allow background syncing for anything but iCloud. There was also a selfhosted syncing plugin I tried out before that may have gotten better but I just found it too unreliable. Worth checking out perhaps.

  • 5E Player Character builder

    As far as I’m aware, the only self hosted player character builder is the charactermancer in plutonium, the patreon-accessible Foundry VTT plugin made by the folks — but man. My kingdom for a dndbeyond alternative, something self hosted that can take open 5th edition content and allow my players to build and save their character sheets. I don’t suppose I’m just missing something already out there, or are there any projects I should be following?

    Loving PopOS but apparently I can't get the latest Nvidia driver? (Your regularly scheduled "What Distro should I use" thread)

    Basically the title. Loving PopOS as my daily, but I understand that PopOS uses their own process and makes sure that only a checked driver gets wide release. Great for stability, less great for playing games that just came out. Is there a distro that this community generally recommends for gaming?

    What is your contingency for when the ISP goes down?

    In my ever-ongoing struggle to disentangle myself and my family from our corporate overlords I have gleefully dived into self-hosting and have a little intranet oasis available; media, passwords, backups, files, notes, contacts, calendars -- basically everything I needed the Big G suite for at one point, I'm hosting locally, and loving it. But Unfortunately... my ISP can be shitty. Normally its' fine and no complaints, but every now and then the network itself goes down for maintenance for a few hours, half a day, a day. When those outages happen even though I have a battery backup/generator, I'm basically stuck treading water, unable to even listen to podcasts. I'm wondering what the folks here' have as a contingency plan for these kinds of outages. Part of me is considering pricing out some kind of VPS for barebone, password manager, podcast player, notes etc for outages; but I haven't dipped my toe into that world yet. Just wondering what folks are doing/recommending/

    Privacy hardening Grafana / Prometheus ?

    cross-posted from:

    > I have enough machines on my network that I've long wanted to get better monitoring going on, and I finally bit the bullet and I'm trying to push through learning my way around grafana and prometheus/node extension. I have been following this guide: (great, btw!) but after importing the dashboards so I have three dashboards providing some intense readouts of three different machines, it got me wondering: how privacy protective is this? Is Prometheus just sending out a steady stream of diagnostic data for anyone to snoop on if they get access to my LAN? How can I/should I harden these setups to be privacy conscious?

    Privacy hardening Grafana / Prometheus ?

    I have enough machines on my network that I've long wanted to get better monitoring going on, and I finally bit the bullet and I'm trying to push through learning my way around grafana and prometheus/node extension. I have been following this guide: (great, btw!) but after importing the dashboards so I have three dashboards providing some intense readouts of three different machines, it got me wondering: how privacy protective is this? Is Prometheus just sending out a steady stream of diagnostic data for anyone to snoop on if they get access to my LAN? How can I/should I harden these setups to be privacy conscious?

    TTRPG Players and DMs, what's in your self hosted toolbox?

    Personally I’m running Foundry and have been meaning to spin up Owlbear 1.0 now that it’s self hostable - but I feel like there’s more i could be doing. Is anyone aware of a self hostable character sheet/character builder? I suppose i could go next cloud for storing folders and files but I don’t think anyone would use it - what self hosted services are you using at your tables?

    Self-hosted Anki/Spaced Repetition

    I'm looking for a spaced repetition alternative to Anki, ideally something that I can self host and expose like any other webapp, and that is compatible with .apkg Anki decks (or at least that is compatible with something I can convert .apkg decks into). I'd like to not have to create an account with Anki or some other third party, and wasn't super happy with anki-web and the anki-sync-server container -- but maybe I was just using that wrong...

    Is it possible to set up 2FA on my self-hosted services?

    I have a suite of services exposed using a reverse proxy (npm) protected with passwords, but I'm always a bit nervous that username/passwords aren't enough -- is there a way to set up 2FA either on Nginx Proxy Manager side or on, e.g., the 'arr suite of apps?

    Owlbear Rodeo Legacy virtual tabletop released under a noncommercial license for self hosting GitHub - owlbear-rodeo/owlbear-rodeo-legacy: The source code for Owlbear Rodeo 1.0 released for your non-profit use

    The source code for Owlbear Rodeo 1.0 released for your non-profit use - GitHub - owlbear-rodeo/owlbear-rodeo-legacy: The source code for Owlbear Rodeo 1.0 released for your non-profit use

    GitHub - owlbear-rodeo/owlbear-rodeo-legacy: The source code for Owlbear Rodeo 1.0 released for your non-profit use

    With Owlbear Rodeo 2.0 getting officially released the developers haven't quite made made good on their promises to open source the original Owlbear Rodeo (releasing under a non-commercial license instead of a proper Open Source license what they are now calling “Owlbear Rodeo Legacy”), but the source is available on GitHub, complete with a docker-compose file to spin up your own instance.

    Where's the Shadowdark folks at?

    Discord ain't it. There's got to be folks over on this instance e.g. that would be interested in setting up a Shadowdark community, right? Right?? I don't want to contribute to enshittified reddit's bottom line, but the Shawdowdark subreddit is one of the only reasons I still open up that tab every now and then...

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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