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Politicians without power incentives?
  • That’s simply unrealistic to implement right away though. The best realistic system I could see would be the Swiss system except online.

    There the citizens vote on all major decisions, requiring politicians to either take on issues of importance to the people or to make their policies palatable to the general population if they hope for it to pass.

    This seems like a reasonable middle ground to ensure that citizens stay informed and engaged - at least on big issues - and that their leaders are generally required to consider the wishes of the people.

    I could see monthly or bimonthly digital voting on a handful of current issues work out well, provided they are presented in a digestible format to the average citizen.

    If people have to do hours of research to even understand what the question is they will very likely just vote whatever or ask their friends what they voted. Worst case even sell their votes on issues they don’t care about.

  • Politicians without power incentives?
  • The problem with that is that the average citizen cannot possibly keep up with and stay informed on all issues that the government makes decisions on, and for the most part they don’t want to have to either.

    That is why representative systems were created in the first place, so the average person would not have to bother with politics and instead would vote for someone they trust to represent their interests for a while.

  • China courts Germany's far-right populist AfD
  • Tankies are so fucking weird to me, and I would consider myself a progressive socialist as well.

    How can they so unapologetically support Russia and China, when both nations are objectively not socialist in any sense of the word.

    China does state capitalism, just because they have a one party state installed by the communist party doesn’t automatically mean they still are. All that is left is intense authoritarianism, with dystopian ambitions on global hegemony.

    Russia is a failed state in the grasp of a kleptocratic oligarchy, with an extreme degree of corruption and disturbing moral decay in all levels of society. The only thing communist about it today is the old soviet ordnance they make their conscripts die in at the ukranian front.

    Modern China and Russia are antithetical to actual leftist ideals, and any tankie supporting them just screams misinformed idiot or foreign propaganda shill and should be dismissed by default.

  • Do airplanes consume more fuel on liftoff when it is raining?
  • I don’t know much about it myself, but I would guess it is negligible. Maybe for small propeller machines with a fairly limited amount of fuel capacity; but larger planes, especially commercial ones, have reserve fuel for quite some time.

    Situations where landing at the destination is temporarily unavailable, air traffic requires the plane to circle for some time, or they are even rerouted to a different airport can always occur and are accounted for. A minor increase from rainfall shouldn’t make a dent. I would think.

  • missing gesture options?

    First of all, thanks for a great app that I have been using ever since I joined Lemmy, it made the whole transition from that other place much easier.

    With the recent addition of gesture configuration I was wondering if you would add two very important functions I found missing: back and forward. While there is the option to do the left edge swipe to go back I find it imprecise to execute (I often scroll up or down instead) and uncomfortable to reach for my thumb (I am left handed and use the phone primarily with that hand).

    Back when I used Apollo I had the short left and right swipes set to go back and forward and it made the browsing experience much more comfortable for me, I could execute the gestures from the screen center very easily.

    Thanks for the read and consideration

    How can I extract an IPA from my iPhone?
  • Though I can’t add anything substantial, the last time I dabbled with jailbreaking my device it was shockingly simple. Essentially just visit a website, move an install slider to the right and wait 2 minutes. I don’t know if it still is this convenient, but I would guess so?

  • Are there any instances that disable downvoting?
  • I just yesterday saw a post how disabling downvotes for an instance that still acts as part of the greater fediverse causes issues and unfair advantages with posts being created there that can achieve a high score very easily, even on accident.

    I would expect Lemmy to rework that function to avoid these issues so that up- and downvotes are either mandatory or can only be disabled together. I would not recommend trying to find an instance based on if they practice this most likely not here to stay functionality.

  • TIL camels have teeth you'd expect from a carnivore
  • I think there is also the molars and general jaw shape to consider. Carnivores are not just identified by their fangs, they have generally a different structure and layout of their jaws that is made to lock into a prey animal or tear out pieces of flesh.

    In contrast, many herbivores have teeth laid out to grind down plant matter (think cows or goats) and their mouths are laid out to chew off vegetation with very articulated lips to assist. Even if these camels have pointy fangs, the rest of their mouth would indicate they eat primarily plants.

  • Lemmy World outages
  • While I agree that certain state sponsored actors and private interest groups are most definitely involved in discourse manipulation on reddit, Lemmy simply isn’t big enough for this yet.

    If we go by the numbers stated in the original post, the whole of Lemmy has less than 500k users at this point, whom are overwhelmingly <40 years old tech affine early adopter nerds from the United States and Western Europe.

    Too insignificant to spend resources on, and also largely sceptical of corporate interests and authoritarian governments (except the tankies of course); so by default critical of the two top potential manipulators.

  • DS9 S2 "Second Sight"
  • Not who you replied to, but I always assumed that she sort of knew about her second personality from previous occasions when this had happened. The terraformer with the god complex (whom i found the real star of this episode, LET THERE BE LIGHT!) tells sisko about it, so it is implied that she is even aware herself whom she mr. Hydes into to some degree. She may not have the memories, but should know about her second personality.

  • London droht Anwälten bei Hilfe zu Asylbetrug mit lebenslanger Haft
  • Finden wir asylbetrug jetzt gut? Also bitte.

    Natürlich ist es nur offensichtliche stimmungsmache und Zuckerbrot für die brexit Wähler. Asylbetrug ist trotzdem eine Straftat und dagegen vorzugehen ist schlicht normale Aufgabe eines funktionierenden Staatsapparats, auch wenn die Strafen ziemlich überzogen sind.

  • Wie kann ich ein Motorola-Telefon in Deutschland reparieren lassen?
  • There are plenty of repair shops for most smartphones available, with varying degrees of "officialness", ranging from apple stores to backrooms with a workbench and someone with heavy slavic accent taking 20 euros to change a broken display.

    Of course this applies mostly to urban areas, elsewhere there will be fewer.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Absolut, 6 Monate u-Haft sind ein kompletter Witz für sexuellen Angriff. Dass für einen 23 jährigen das Jugendstrafrecht irgendeine Rolle spielt ist auch blanker Hohn.

    Und weil ich weniger Einblick in die Details des Falles genieße als ein Strafverteidiger darf ich dazu keine Meinung haben oder kundtun?

    Habe selten so viel haarsträubenden Unsinn in so kurzem Text gelesen.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Mit Verlaub, muss man da Spitzfindigkeiten bemühen? Es ist ein sexualstraftäter. Er ist wiederholt polizeilich aufgefallen aufgrund sexueller Übergriffe. Das letzte Opfer war minderjährig.

    Ich plädiere nicht für Selbstjustiz, sondern für dem Verbrechen angemessene Rechtsprechung. Wenn das Gesetz erlaubt jemandem aufgrund von Alter oder kulturellem Hintergrund wiederholt statt Strafe nur tadelnd auf die Finger zu klopfen ist das doch nicht gerecht.

    Weder im Sinne des Wortes, dass jeder die gleiche Strafe für das gleiche Verbrechen bekommt, noch im Sinne moralischen Rechts. Ich würde mich wundern wenn die junge Frau aus dem Artikel mit dem Strafmaß und der geradezu lächerlich geringen Summe Schmerzensgeld auch nur entfernt das Gefühl hat dass die Gesetzeslage ernst nimmt was ihr angetan wurde.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Den migrationshintergrund mal außen vor, wie kann es sein dass so jemand der sich wiederholt übergriffig gegenüber Frauen verhalten hat, und die Betroffene sogar noch minderjährig ist, sich nicht schon längst auf lange Zeit im Knast befindet?

    Alter ist keine Ausrede, ich hab es auch geschafft keine Frauen zu vergewaltigen und erwachsen zu werden, ist ja nun wirklich keine große Kunst. Was für eine Farce

  • Electronic Arts interested in making more Star Wars Jedi games
  • That’s not how capitalism works. You already bought the product, they have your money. You even spent enough time on the game to have an opinion on it, so it’s a win for their engagement metrics as well.

    Why invest in fixing a product you have already been paid for if there is no legal obligation to do so, and you can alternatively make another product and get paid again? Star Wars games always sell enough to make them net profits.

  • looking for an old trek / spoiler free community

    Title. I like engaging with Trek content, but i haven’t watched most of the new content and would like to avoid spoilers, which seems difficult especially regarding SNW when subscribed here. Feels like there is half a dozen posts about it every day.

    Is there a place for old Trek discussion or content, or alternatively a spoiler free one?

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