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[SDXL] [Album] Your Gothic Vampire Girlfriend
  • Why is this nsfw? Is this kindergarden?

  • Nematodes From The Siberian Permafrost Woke Up After A 46,000 Year Long Nap
  • Go back to sleep, Nema. You dont want to see this.

  • Europe facing three threats to its future
  • I'm glad I'll be dead soon. Future looks bleak.

  • What is your favorite educational website?
  • Thanks. Send bitcoins.

  • If a child gave you a bottle of beverage containing cow's milk and asked you to help him open it, would you help him?
  • This right here. Thought it was a joke at first, but this made me legit sad. Blocking this place. Maybe one day scientists will unlock the secret to being vegan without acting like a fullblown retard.

  • What is your favorite educational website?
  • comes to mind. Very enlightening.

  • Afghanistan: Taliban burn musical instruments
  • I get it. It's lit. I used to burn cd's, but they go straight to the source. So deep, such akbar. Respect the religion of love, you guys. Dont burn the holy book, light up every thing else though.

  • Cheap proton batteries compete with lithium on energy density
  • The battery uses dark matter, it's effectively an alternative to nuclear fusion, so the use case would be in space stations rather than yout phazer set to stun.

  • What does everyone do with their old electronics?
  • Put it in a corner like the hoarder I am.

  • *World* news vs US politics
  • I second this, so much. Thank you. Inb4 "and my axe".

  • Kuwait to distribute 100,000 copies of Quran in Sweden after Muslim holy book desecrated at one-man protest
  • 2(3 really..) retarded books. Let's waste time arguing which is the most retarded. They're the same.

  • Yale professor: Biden's economy most successful since FDR's New Deal
  • But he's not an orange rapist so I'll pass.

  • After a week of blocking every porn sub I see I’m feeling defeated
  • Every day and twice on sundays. Get better soon.<3

  • After a week of blocking every porn sub I see I’m feeling defeated
  • Have you tried crying like a little bitch?

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Intel from sources within the Bellarus government suggests that they need at least all of the Wagner personel to invade your mothers butt. Poland as a staging area is convenient.

  • Would it violate rule 4 if I made a post about translations?

    As in the title. From groups like Dejap and Aeon Genesis? If so, sorry and please feel free to delete this post.

    Rpg time.

    I'd love to hear about your favorite snes rpg experiences. Maybe pick up some tips on titles I might have slept on.

    One of mine is Breath of Fire 2, but mostly because it was my first, I think. Me and my buddies used to rent a snes and Bof2 over the weekends at the local Video store. Good times. After I discovered emulation I went through most of them, I think. The big ones, like ChronoT, Seiken Denwhatsitsface 3, Bahamut Lagoon.. Blew my mind. FF6 ofc. The music and the pixels, man.

    Now you?

    GobsImage QuasiMono
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    Comments 32