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Did you ever go to a city that was very different than you imagined and surprised you positively? If yes which city was it and why did it surprise you?
  • Hull, England for me! I went up as a student and stayed another year, partly because I loved the city and wasn't ready to go home.

    There was a great vibe, music venues, free museums and galleries, felt safe, and loved wandering.

    I saw the rougher bits too, but it didn't seem to different to most places. On the whole, the centre was way nicer than I expected, and there was a lot of cool community things people were running.

  • Linux May Be the Best Way to Avoid the AI Nightmare
  • I just switched over to Mint from Windows 10 a month ago, and besides from setting up my quirky USB audio for music making, I was astonished as I rarely needed to look anything up. :)

    Using DuckDuckGo helped I think, but presently, most of my questions I searched came back with forums with real people talking, which was lovely.

    I remember trying this in 2010 and... nope, everything was a project, command lines everywhere, and it was a pig. I was very impressed this time, everything quietly worked. :) Even every steam game I threw at it, even ruddy GTA San Andreas, which never ran for me on Window 10!

    The searches/sticking points I looked up were

    • what the heck am I doing with partitions. (eventually nuked windows anyway)
    • how do I get my specific USB audio card thingy to work.*
    • how to mod fallout new vegas** (gave up and reinstalled on a windows pc, too many .exes)
    • how to auto-mount a second hard drive for steam so I don't have to click the disk every time I boot.

    *there was actually a human-made guide for my usb audio when I searched on DuckDuckGo, which was made by an utter saint of a person!

    ** it ran fine, but I was in the middle of a save, so wanted to keep my mod loadout :)

  • Learn with Kenney • Buttons & Menus
  • I loved the cross-platform approach Kenny has taken, it is stuff that will be useful for years, and stuff like this is tricky to find resources for. :)

    Saved for when I am at the "user" stage of my game, beyond "yay saves now work" and the lower level code :)

  • Wacky migraine soothing techniques?
  • Wow! Now that is a new one. I kind of can see that stress and such is part of it all, but your pain threshold must be off the charts!

    I'm written off when I get a bad one, and you're able to use migraines as a chance to reflect... that's very cool, even if I might be too much of a baby to dare try it! 😅

  • Wacky migraine soothing techniques?
  • I did a double-take when I re-read and saw the word "not"!

    That's really interesting, I've always darkened or wore an eye mask, hmm I kind of want to try this for science now, but don't want a migraine - I've done my quota for the week!

  • Wacky migraine soothing techniques?
  • You sold me at cooling pad! That does sound kind of logical in a "good at numbing and relaxing" way!

    I'd love to see booze on the health guides!

    I have migraines, they're bad, help.

    ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I dunno, you tried getting hammered?

  • Wacky migraine soothing techniques?

    I have heard some wacky migraine treatment techniques, and thought if anyone is on here, it could be a potentially interesting light-hearted thing to discuss.

    Reddit swore by McDonald's fries (salt intake?), but what prompted me to think to post this was my new DIY "heat treatment" for retinal migraines.

    I like warm or cold things on the pain, and cooling strips etc are sold as migaine treatments. So one day I figured blasting my eye pain with a hair-dryer was worth a punt because why not?

    Instantly pain free! I swear by it, it is temporary relief like I have never had before! The internet says heat possibly tricks pain receptors, I say dumb method works! I thought this was funny enough to share.

    With this tale out the way, what are Lemmy's wacky migraine superstitions or unorthodox migraine strategies?

    Edit: blasting one's face with a hair dryer is not medical advice! I am just a moron on the internet, and this is purely anecdotal

    Register to vote for the General Election
  • Thank you for this, I like the idea a lot :) here's hoping we have some good news at last!

    It weirds me out to think some younger people will think the past decade was just "normal" as it'll be most of what thaey have experienced.

  • New Windows AI feature records everything you’ve done on your PC
  • I can second this! For me it meant that I could finish my game of modded fallout new vegas, and connect to my work's microsoft vpn nonsense (IT support didn't fancy trying it on Mint but that's another story!)

    I now have a personal OS that I like, and a windows partition for those few things that I can't be bothered to troubleshoot.

    So far the list is just those things and the Unity Engine as Visual Studio debugs better than code in my experience. :)

    Having the option to flick back is great :) In the XP days, I loved the WUBI(?) tool that let you install ubuntu dual boot as an exe, but I think that's not a thing these days., :)

  • Are there any books or films that scratch the same itch as Blade runner/Philip K Dick?

    Hi everyone :) I was wondering if anyone would be interested in chatting about things similar to Blade Runner/Philip K Dick? I've read pretty much all of his books that I get my hands on, but am sadly hitting the point where it's an event when I find one I've not already read. :)

    Do any other Science Fiction writers or films scratch the same itch? :)

    To throw one of his own into the discussion: We Can Build You is fantastic - much slower, but explores androids, and their impact on the human characters. :)

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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