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Do any of you have that one service that just breaks constantly? I'd love to love Nextcloud, but it sure makes that difficult at times
  • I'm having a hard time believing that.. There is a difference between being able to fix the update issues every time without problems or having no problems at all. But if so, neat.

  • I remember
  • Fingers crossed for Y3K 🤞🏻

  • "Shopping" by Deliberately Burried
  • Don't worry about that - this one is free. If you like it you know where to find me 👍🏻

  • Terminal Utility Mega list!
  • Byobu has more user-friendly interface and accessible features - but you can do the same things in tmux. I should probably have worded that better and supplied it as an alternative.

  • Terminal Utility Mega list!
  • I think you forgot the header for it :)

  • Terminal Utility Mega list!
  • Instead of tmux I would recommend Byobu

  • "Shopping" by Deliberately Burried
  • Psst, you want an upvote?

  • "No idea" by War and Peas
  • The black parts of that checkered carpet

    Edit: this joke is already in the comments. I'm not original 🥹

  • "Shopping" by Deliberately Burried
  • I had an ex like this. "Honey which color of nailpolish do you think looks good on me?"

    Black? No. Blue? No. So, red? ... The correct answer was "Wine Red". Lady you just wanted confirmation not an opinion 😂

  • The Names of Thousands of Neo-Nazi Music Fans Just Got Leaked
  • No, the dev is pretty active? Only reason why things slowed down with most apps is because devs are testing or waiting for the Lemmy 0.19 release.

  • ummm not this time...
  • Your 'solution' is to tip well which is just giving in to the fucked up american system and supporting companies that exploit their staff.

    I tip but only as a thank you if the service was good. It's up to the restaurant to calculate those costs into their pricing.

  • ummm not this time...
  • Found the employer

  • "The Hard Stuff" by MrLovenstein
  • Here, have an upvote. Careful these are 200mg

  • "Daily Affirmations" by War and Peas
  • And she got head

  • "Future" by Safely Endangered
  • I just wear brown pants only

  • "Dunkin" by Extra Fabulous Comics
  • Zach's a weirdo lmao

  • "Snailmailman" by LoadingArtist

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