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36-hour shifts, 80-hour weeks: Workers are being burnt out by overtime
  • "WhY aRe WoRkErS qUiEt QuItTiNg!"

    Because capitalism punishes success, that's why. Many people have learned that work isn't school. There's no A+s for a job well done, it's "can you come in today?" on a weekend.

  • [For Men] What shower gel/Deodorant do you use?
  • Deodorant: Anything aluminum-free

    Liquid soap: Dove. The important part is that it is antibacterial, sulfate-free, and unscented.

    Also, if you shampoo/condition every day: stop. You're better off getting some bougier hair care and not adding product as often.

  • What is your favorite Thanksgiving dessert?
  • Pecan pie. I may like to dunk on my state, but they're spot on when it comes to pecan pie. However, I like to use maple syrup instead of corn syrup because I hate the antichrist troll.

  • What things really helped you toget better at programming?
  • I'm still a babby programmer and I still haven't graduated from "hello world" tier for most things, but I pretty got permission from this web development professor I was taking a class under that it's almost normal to copy/paste code, even in the industry. So I feel less ashamed in doing so.

    Which is good because I have made up my mind to finish my long abandoned CS degree, and eventually get a master's in biotech specifically if I don't find any other subgroup of coding I particularly like. Even if I don't like my working life, I want to solve problems, dammit.

  • UK Home Secretary wants to ban homeless people from living in tents - calling it ‘lifestyle choice’
  • How is it a lifestyle choice? Boomers really think housing is just for free and waiting to be claimed, and huge swathes of people are saying "no thanks, I'd rather sleep on the street."

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Duly noted, but I've also heard a bit about ecosia. Is that any good?

    EDIT: Pulled up the wikipedia page and was delightfully treated to this " the ads served on DuckDuckGo are based on keywords and terms of the search query."

    How 'targeted ads' should be. "Hey, I see you're looking for an item, here are some companies to consider for said item."

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Unironically the best thing about Hexbear is that it doesn't blast you with pop-ups nagging you to make an account. Even Google on my phone will nag me to make an account when I pull up the webpage like I always have for almost two decades.

  • Who cares about red flags in people. What are your green flags
  • No particular order:

    • Being a furry/furry sympathetic.
    • A science major of any kind. IMO the S needs more love in STEM.
    • Ever overhear them say "walkable" in a positive light.
    • Hobbies besides media consumption
    • Not "too cool" to learn something. Likes learning for fun.
    • Not to concerned with looking cool or badass, either. Look at CHUDs, I made a joke the other day that I can sense a decent bit of residual 90's 'tude in modern CHUDDery, and I think I'm onto something.
  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • I don't have anything witty to say.

    Fuck the oinkers, everything the WASPs accuse the Jews of is a confession.

  • Macron opposes gender-inclusive spelling as he inaugurates language museum
  • The Anglosphere solidarity The French left.

    "Tables don't have genders, you dumbasses."

  • What is something you dislike but still begrudgingly use?
  • Holy crap, Lois. Where do I even begin?

    • Microsoft on my desktop. Want to try out Linux but even boomers would make fun of my tech skills. That, and more games are on Windows.

    • Cars. Born in bumfuck nowhere, and cities with public transit are expensive as hell. If I ever get a better paying job, I'm selling that shit and moving anyways, because cars are also a huge money sink in and of themselves.

    • Google. I'll give them props, it's a good search engine even in its enshittified form, some of the ads I can deal with because if I am looking for a new t-shirt or something, then it would make perfect sense a Uniqlo ad would pop up. But its privacy that's the problem, and I try to be as "normal" as possible in this KiwiFarmsified hellscape. In the panopticon, the winning strategy is to not be interesting.

    • My iphone (inb4 avocado toast Venezuela). It would be silly to trash this thing now by principle, but once when its unusable, I'm going for a Linux Pinephone.

    • YouTube. It's a Monopoly and my broke ass doesn't want to subscribe to curiosity stream. It's like Texas though, while it's mostly derivative cringe, there's small pockets of gold that keep me there.

    • Linkedin. Pretentious garbage

    • Suburban life. Again, I am not a suburbanite by choice, decent paying jobs are tight and it's even harder to find an apartment in a state I know I probably won't be killed in AND I can afford.

    TL;DR: I REALLY need to start learning 2 tech so I can navigate tech alternatives. Oh, and I need to get my shit together in life so I can afford to live in a blue city.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Not niche per se, but I do watch BritMonkey and CPG-grey. Both are LIBs, but it's nice to hear a voice of someone who disagrees with leftism but doesn't smugly dismiss it all, and actually have someone interesting content. Britmonkey in particular, I recommend enter the pleasure cube and The housing crisis is the everything crisis. The latter even inspired me to take up housing as my "pet" issue to rant about.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Now that we're on the topic, an idea for an eCafe where there are plenty of physical books, but you can plug in the reader to a machine to fully download the book so you can read it offline.

    I think I want to learn more about coding and find a bunch of leftist buddies and make shit that's actually "innovative".

  • Johnson: We're Not A Democracy, We're A "Biblical" Republic And Separation Of Church And State Isn't Real
  • Normies actually believe what he says.

    Look at 4chan, there's no shortage of idiots who want to believe that porky is our lord and savior and they're actually the good guys when they go around ruining other people's lives "for teh lulz".

  • Johnson: We're Not A Democracy, We're A "Biblical" Republic And Separation Of Church And State Isn't Real
  • What are the first ten word of the first amendment you hold so dearly when a minority asks you politely to be nice?


  • What makes this website resistant to enshitrification?
  • The profit motive isn't there. Enshittification is, for lack of a better term, digital rent-seeking behavior. An anticapitalist site is ideologically opposed to the profit motive and is not seeking out profits above all else, as long as it is being properly funded by donations: we have nothing to worry about.

    4chan is somewhat similar, 4chan is not a business and isn't looking for a profit. But I get the feeling there is no shortage of megachurches or Koch industries funding the site.

  • How it feels to be an urbanist sometimes
  • grillman: "Cities? Public transportation? That's for poor people!"

    Oh man, I fucking wish.

  • What is your non-online hobby?

    Nothing too fancy, we just talk about our hobbies.

    Me? I like baking, nothing feels quite like making something delicious for family members on thanksgiving. If I could learn any skill, it would be enough about tech, coding, art, and music to make games. But I am particularly interested in making video game music.

    Tesla owners are expressing buyer’s remorse - if not by selling their Teslas, then at least with an apologetic bumper sticker.
  • Same, and also, when I was a teenager, I begrudgingly admit that I thought Elon Musk was cool.

    Now if I am to get conspiratorial, Rupert Murdoch is trying to groom Musk into being the replacement for the Koch Brothers. Boomers love the Koch Brothers to the point of living vicariously through them, and Musk will be the same for millennials and zoomers to have their "le funny billionaire epic troll."

  • What does Mao mean when he says exercise should be "savage and rude"?

    Well, I finally got around to reading some theory so I'm officially not a :LIB: anymore, and I know Mao's essay on physical education is something I could knock out very quickly. The Crux of the essay goes:

    1. Being mentally and physically excellent are not mutually exclusive

    2. We are doing the younger generation a disservice by not emphasizing the body, something that will aid tremendously in both mental and ethical growth, among other things.

    3. Exercise can be done with just 30 minutes (although for my preferences, I would prefer a gym and I usually go for an hour as a total beginner, but I take 30 minutes per cardio session).

    4. Although most things should be polite, exercise is the one thing that should be "savage and rude".

    Mao goes into a good amount in the last paragraph of the essay, stating...

    " The superior man's deportment is cultivated and agreeable, but one cannot say this about exercise. Exercise should be savage and rude. To be able to leap on horseback and to shoot at the same time; to go from battle to battle; to shake the mountains by one' s cries, and the colours of the sky by one's roars of anger; to have the strength to uproot mountains like Hsiang Yu and the audacity to pierce the mark like Yu Chi — all this is savage and rude and has nothing to do with delicacy. In order to progress in exercise, one must be savage. If one is savage, one will have great vigour and strong muscles and bones. The method of exercise should be rude; then one can apply oneself seriously and it will be easy to exercise. These two things are especially important for beginners.

    There are three things to which we must pay attention in exercise: (1) perseverance, (2) concentration of all our strength, and (3) that it be savage and rude. There are many other things that require attention. Here I have merely indicated the most important ones..... "

    What exactly is meant by "savage and rude", and how can I apply this to my fitness goals?
